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Everything posted by nlash

  1. Hardware: Ryzen 2700x MSI B450 Tomahawk Sensors command only provides: k10temp-pci-00c3 Adapter: PCI adapter CPU Temp: +38.0°C (high = +70.0°C) MB Temp: +48.0°C Scanning using sensors-detect yields "sorry, no sensors detected" with one lone yes: Trying family `VIA/Winbond/Nuvoton/Fintek'... Yes Found unknown chip with ID 0xd451 Any ideas how I can get better sensor/fan info?
  2. Just to confirm, I've had to do exactly this on two boards from two different manufacturers (Gigabyte and MSI). Essentially, you need the bios that predates "- Support new upcoming AMD cpu."
  3. You're probably going to have to downgrade your BIOS. I had to revert to a January BIOS—basically, anything that predates the note "- Support new upcoming AMD cpu." should work. No amount of settings tweaks to the VM will solve it. https://www.reddit.com/r/Amd/comments/bh3qqz/agesa_0072_pci_quirk/
  4. I installed this: http://forum.deluge-torrent.org/viewtopic.php?t=42887 And did this: ... and it seems to be working. I was getting 2-3MB/s and am now seeing 35MB+. I don't know why, but I hope that helps.
  5. Yeah, I have the same speeds regardless of how I have my upload set. Rate limit IP overhead is unchecked. At this point I'll just assume it's because of the reverse proxy Deluge is behind.
  6. I just noticed this error in the log: 2017-07-27 16:31:32,841 DEBG 'start-script' stdout output:Thu Jul 27 16:31:32 2017 Authenticate/Decrypt packet error: packet HMAC authentication failed Not sure if that has anything to do with my slow speeds.
  7. Ah yeah, I realized that after I submitted. Anyway, here is how my Deluge is set up and the speed I'm getting:
  8. I've been connecting to nl.privateinternetaccess.com and have tried others on that list. Speed never exceeds 2MB/s. Everything is working fine—just slowly .
  9. My speeds are dreadful if I don't change it. I've tried various PIA servers and I get sub 2MB/s speeds on a 500MB/s connection on them all. If that's what's required to be behind the PIA VPN in Deluge, so be it, I just wasn't sure as I'm fairly new to all of this. Thank you for all the help.
  10. Every time I manually change the incoming ports in the Deluge WebUI it eventually reverts back. Manually editing core.conf does the same. Any idea why this is? I have Deluge behind a VPN and also a proxy (xxxx.deluge.net) so I want it to come in on port 443.
  11. I have an issue where I need to set the binlog format to MIXED every time I restart my MariaDB for Nextcloud. I have BINLOG_FORMAT = MIXED set in the custom.cnf file, but every single time I restart the database container I have to reset the global binlog format. Any ideas where to begin? EDIT: Ah, turns out it was a permissions issue (isn't everything?). FWIW, the error I was getting in the MariaDB log was: "Warning: World-writable config file '/etc/mysql/conf.d/custom.cnf' is ignored" Fix that seems to have worked: sudo chmod 0644 /mnt/user/appdata/mariadb/custom.cnf
  12. How difficult would it be to transition to this container from the standard Linuxserver.io Deluge container? Obviously, I'd like to keep all current seeds and transfer over any settings.
  13. I have this problem as well. Entity too large, or something to that effect.
  14. How difficult would it be to transition to this container from the standard Linuxserver.io Deluge container? Obviously, I'd like to keep all current seeds and transfer over any settings.
  15. Yep, same thing. Different containers, different PMS versions. All end up with the same result. There are numerous threads on the official Plex forums about it and it is still a problem. Thiiiis close to just switching to Emby.
  16. Same thing. From what I understand in reading this Plex thread, in recent versions of PMS, audio transcoding was moved to /tmp and completely ignores the Transcoder temporary directory in PMS. I've been banging my head against this for days, but I'm fairly new to all things unRaid.
  17. Any idea why the transcoder would be unable to read the /tmp directory or files inside?
  18. Recent versions of PMS seem to be unable to transcode ac3 audio if the transcode folder is considered a network share. I get errors like: https://forums.plex.tv/discussion/265492/transcoder-fails-when-transcode-is-on-a-network-share/p1 https://forums.plex.tv/discussion/269785/latest-version-of-plex-on-unraid-1-5-5-3634-will-not-transcode-videos-with-ac3-audio-maybe-tmp#latest There are a few topics regarding this issue on the Plex forums—but I've been unable to fix the issue in unRaid. I've tried downgrading the PMS version. I've tried mapping the /transcode folder to different places. Are user shares considered network shares in unRaid?
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