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Everything posted by alowishes

  1. Hi Guys, I've been going around in circles trying to work this out and am really just looking for some assistance on what i could try next to troubleshoot the issue. After I upgraded from 6.3.5 to 6.4.1 irssi within any docker (binhex-rtorrentvpn, horjulf/docker-rutorrent-autodl, etc) would not connect externally. Rtorrent and rutorrent traffic seems fine, but i just can't get irssi to connect to any IRC network. Here are some steps i've already taken to try and troubleshoot the issue. Deleted docker image and pulled containers again Pinged the IRC server from within the docker container In Unraid, tried adding a port assignment to the docker images (6667) and (6697) Installed docker engine on a Ubuntu laptop i had and gave it the same IP as the Unraid box, installed docker image and installed irssi on host, irssi connects from the host as well as from within the docker. I believe i've eliminate the docker container itself and any firewall issues? Does the docker container try to go out via the host IP? Interface eth0 is bonded as active-backup if that makes any difference. Please let me know if i can include any more details Here is the XML from the docker i'm using XML <?xml version="1.0"?> <Container version="2"> <Name>rutorrent-autodl-horjulf</Name> <Repository>horjulf/rutorrent-autodl</Repository> <Registry></Registry> <Network>bridge</Network> <MyIP/> <Privileged>false</Privileged> <Support></Support> <Project/> <Overview> rutorrent container with autodl-irssi [b]Converted By Community Applications[/b]</Overview> <Category/> <WebUI>http://172.31.147.#snip#:8080</WebUI> <TemplateURL/> <Icon></Icon> <ExtraParams/> <PostArgs/> <DateInstalled>1520979577</DateInstalled> <DonateText/> <DonateLink/> <DonateImg/> <MinVer/> <Description> rutorrent container with autodl-irssi [b]Converted By Community Applications[/b]</Description> <Networking> <Mode>bridge</Mode> <Publish> <Port> <HostPort>8080</HostPort> <ContainerPort>80</ContainerPort> <Protocol>tcp</Protocol> </Port> <Port> <HostPort>6881</HostPort> <ContainerPort>6881</ContainerPort> <Protocol>udp</Protocol> </Port> <Port> <HostPort>64124</HostPort> <ContainerPort>64124</ContainerPort> <Protocol>tcp</Protocol> </Port> </Publish> </Networking> <Data> <Volume> <HostDir>/mnt/user/downloads/</HostDir> <ContainerDir>/downloads</ContainerDir> <Mode>rw</Mode> </Volume> <Volume> <HostDir>/mnt/user/appdata/rutorrent-autodl</HostDir> <ContainerDir>/config</ContainerDir> <Mode>rw</Mode> </Volume> </Data> <Environment> <Variable> <Value>100</Value> <Name>PGID</Name> <Mode/> </Variable> <Variable> <Value>99</Value> <Name>PUID</Name> <Mode/> </Variable> <Variable> <Value>Australia/Melbourne</Value> <Name>TZ</Name> <Mode/> </Variable> </Environment> <Config Name="Host Port 1" Target="80" Default="80" Mode="tcp" Description="Container Port: 80" Type="Port" Display="always" Required="true" Mask="false">8080</Config> <Config Name="Host Path 2" Target="/downloads" Default="" Mode="rw" Description="Container Path: /downloads" Type="Path" Display="always" Required="true" Mask="false">/mnt/user/downloads/</Config> <Config Name="PGID" Target="PGID" Default="100" Mode="" Description="Container Variable: PGID" Type="Variable" Display="always" Required="false" Mask="false">100</Config> <Config Name="PUID" Target="PUID" Default="99" Mode="" Description="Container Variable: PUID" Type="Variable" Display="always" Required="false" Mask="false">99</Config> <Config Name="UDP" Target="6881" Default="64125" Mode="udp" Description="Container Port: 6881" Type="Port" Display="always" Required="false" Mask="false">6881</Config> <Config Name="TCP" Target="64124" Default="64124" Mode="tcp" Description="Container Port: 64124" Type="Port" Display="always" Required="false" Mask="false">64124</Config> <Config Name="Time Zone" Target="TZ" Default="Australia/Melbourne" Mode="" Description="Container Variable: TZ" Type="Variable" Display="always" Required="false" Mask="false">Australia/Melbourne</Config> <Config Name="AppData Config Path" Target="/config" Default="/mnt/user/appdata/rutorrent-autodl" Mode="rw" Description="Container Path: /config" Type="Path" Display="advanced-hide" Required="true" Mask="false">/mnt/user/appdata/rutorrent-autodl</Config> </Container> COMMAND /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix.docker.manager/scripts/docker create --name='rutorrent-autodl-horjulf' --net='bridge' -e TZ="Australia/Sydney" -e HOST_OS="unRAID" -e 'PGID'='100' -e 'PUID'='99' -e 'TZ'='Australia/Melbourne' -p '8080:80/tcp' -p '6881:6881/udp' -p '64124:64124/tcp' -v '/mnt/user/downloads/':'/downloads':'rw' -v '/mnt/user/appdata/rutorrent-autodl':'/config':'rw' 'horjulf/rutorrent-autodl' Docker Log ------------------------------------- _ () | | ___ _ __ | | / __| | | / \ | | \__ \ | | | () | |_| |___/ |_| \__/ Brought to you by We gratefully accept donations at: ------------------------------------- GID/UID ------------------------------------- User uid: 99 User gid: 100 ------------------------------------- [cont-init.d] 10-adduser: exited 0. [cont-init.d] 20-config: executing... [cont-init.d] 20-config: exited 0. [cont-init.d] 30-getautodl: executing... Already up to date. Updating 3f9c5c8..35957c4 error: Your local changes to the following files would be overwritten by merge: AutodlIrssi/ AutodlIrssi/ Please commit your changes or stash them before you merge. Aborting error: Your local changes to the following files would be overwritten by merge: AutodlIrssi/ AutodlIrssi/ Please commit your changes or stash them before you merge. Aborting Already up to date. [cont-init.d] 30-getautodl: exited 0. [cont-init.d] 40-setconf: executing... [cont-init.d] 40-setconf: exited 0. [cont-init.d] done. [services.d] starting services [services.d] done. [cont-init.d] 40-setconf: exited 0. [cont-init.d] done. [services.d] starting services [services.d] done.
  2. Glad it was of some use to you I having an issue with a fork of this container and am not sure where to ask. Since updating to Unraid 6.4.1 irssi is unable to communicate outside the container. Everything else in the docker works as usual. I've tried adding ports 6667 to the docker but i still have the same issue. The fork i'm using is Is anyone able to point me in the right direction?
  3. I believe the issue is with one the cache drives. either, KINGSTON_SUV400S37480G_50026B777401F71C-20170828-1012 or KINGSTON_SUV400S37480G_50026B777401F158-20170828-1012 within the /smart These drives are less than a month old. I'm about to upgrade the parity drive and replace a bunch of the smaller drives so thought i should check the logs. Grateful for any assistance.
  4. I just stumbled across this post while looking to see where the UNRAID share is mounted within the VM I was having the same issue with 17.04 The following fixed this issue for me ip link example: lo , enp0s8 add following lines in /etc/network/interfaces auto enp0s8 iface enp0s8 inet dhcp restart your VM.
  5. Thanks @Maticks. I'll give that a shot. While your active, would you mind seeing if the peer list isn't showing flags like in this post. It should look like this I just want to make sure its something with my environment and not happening to everyone.
  6. I just found i'm also having this issue... not sure what can be done about it.. I think running Tools | New Permissions on the share location should allowing deleting, but i'm not sure if that is a permanent fix for other items created by AutoTools.
  7. Hello, Thank you for creating this docker. I just wanted to add some steps for other laymen that were trying to get http authentication working. I'm new to docker and Linux so found this with trial and error while reading this thread Modify the nginx.conf file by SSHing into UNRAID and executing nano /mnt/user/appdata/rutorrent/nginx/nginx.conf add following under location / { auth_basic "Restricted"; auth_basic_user_file /config/rutorrent/.htpasswd; It should look something like this when you are done. location / { auth_basic "Restricted"; auth_basic_user_file /config/rutorrent/.htpasswd; access_log /config/log/nginx/rutorrent.access.log; error_log /config/log/nginx/rutorrent.error.log; location ~ .php$ { fastcgi_split_path_info ^(.+\.php)(.*)$; fastcgi_pass backendrutorrent; fastcgi_index index.php; ..... } } Create a .htpasswd file in the location specified above. This can be done multiple ways, i used after Googling. nano /mnt/user/appdata/rutorrent/rutorrent/.htpasswd Paste in the output from the above htpasswd generator site eg. abc:$apr1$pQPv3Rnv$8c9JMYANl.rO0cgaa931F0 Save the file. You may or may not need to restart the rutorrent docker. Just a note that my server isn't externally accessible so i felt this was sufficient for my needs. I'm not sure what is involved in getting SSL working...