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  1. Hi, as of recently none of my torrents will download. They all show a status of permission denied, timed out, or host not found. I use BINHEX - PRIVOXYVPN. I have not changed any settings in any containers recently.
  2. Kitchen infrared thermometer. I can tell it's way off given how hot it reads off the bat when it's only just booted. At the moment I've had near record stabality for some reason, so I'll hold off from changing any BIOS settings for now. I will give that a go when I do reboot though, thank you.
  3. Hi, even when my server just boots up it's CPU temp is always unusually high (does not feel this hot that's for sure). I've replaced the thermal paste with some Arctic Silver, but it didn't change a thing. I've had some server instability issues, which are currently unresolved unless my system remains stable. I've replaced the RAM and GPU. The next thing may be the CPU (the Ryzen from this period are prone to some sort of SEGV issue, but for the life of me I can't get any of the tests to work, so AMD won't RMA it before I can prove it's the issue). I've been ignoring this temperature issue, but it could play a part in this?
  4. Thank you, I found this post and will have a go at it tonight. My server has had 20 hours uptime, which is the most for a very long time. Fingers crossed it continues.
  5. When booting my server up, the below error appears and the OS never loads. The fix so far is to boot into GUI mode which seems to work. I can then access it over the network.
  6. Cheers. Do you know what this setting may be called on different boards? I have an ASRock can't find anything similar (I'm looking under Advanced > CPU Config > North Bridge Config etc.
  7. Hey mate, did you end up finding a fix? My server is doing the same thing, and I think Plex may have something to do with it as I've exhausted almost all other options.
  8. Yea, I used the preset ombi.subfolder.conf if that's what you are referring to. 'Open Mobile App' button does nothing.
  9. Thank you. All working now. I have an issue with getting the application working now though I've put my externally accessible https://myserverombi.duckdns.org/ombi/ into the application URL field, with application name set as Ombi, but when I hit the 'Open Mobile App' button, nothing happens. Login from the app also doesn't work "Something was not right, please double check the details you have provided". The externally accessible URL works perfectly from any browser on any network. I have one error in my Ombi log, and no errors in letsencrypt:
  10. Thank you for the response! This is how I have it configured: It doesn't let me choose a path that doesn't exist? Also, that's how my other dockers have been functioning perfectly for a while. If I look in Krusader, the directory is Root > media > user > downloads > complete.
  11. Hi, I'm getting the following error persistent in all logs: I believe my mappings are correct: Internal Lidarr log (many like this): 19-1-7 21:20:10.1|Error|DownloadedTracksImportService|Import failed, path does not exist or is not accessible by Lidarr: /data/complete/Stevie_Ray_Vaughan_And_Double_Trouble-Texas_Flood-(Legacy_Edition)-2CD-2013-404
  12. I have both installed, that was just a part of the troubleshooting. Same issue with Binhex. I'll post there instead though seems as it's the active one in this screenshot.
  13. Hi, I'm getting the following error: I believe my mappings are correct: Internal Lidarr log (many like this): 19-1-7 21:20:10.1|Error|DownloadedTracksImportService|Import failed, path does not exist or is not accessible by Lidarr: /data/complete/Stevie_Ray_Vaughan_And_Double_Trouble-Texas_Flood-(Legacy_Edition)-2CD-2013-404
  14. Hi all, I'm so close to getting Ombi working that I can smell it. However, I've invested a good 12 hours on this final step with no avail and tried to follow multiple guides and threads including How to Setup and Configure a Reverse Proxy on unRAID with LetsEncrypt & NGINX by SpaceinvaderOne. I have had linuxserver DuckDNS set up and working for quite some time with OpenVPN, so it was just a matter of me adding a subdomain for Ombi to set up reverse proxy with linuxserver Letsencrypt. Letsencrypt: As per SpaceinvaderOne guide I set the ports to 180 and 1443, and forwarded them on my router. This actually caused some strange issues with my server that I won't go into here (Home Assistant). But one thing I will note is that I can't access my DuckDNS subdomains when I have the forwarding on. Anyhow, the Letsencrypt log showed: I ended up removing the port forwarding, and for some reason, the log still shows the server as ready, despite the fact that it didn't before the ports were originally forwarded. I think that a router reset may change that. Note, I did not create a separate docker network in the console as SpaceinvaderOne suggested to run Letsencrypt and Ombi on as when I created it as per his instructions, it was never available in the dockers to switch to, despite getting the same console response and obviously enabling preserver user-defined networks: Letsencrypt ombi.subdomain.conf: This is where I believe I have become unstuck, and are out of my depth in terms of knowledge and skills. I have tried multiple different configurations and I can't manage to get things working. The most recent config I've been working with is from https://github.com/tidusjar/Ombi/wiki/Reverse-Proxy-Examples which is: Here is where my lack of knowledge comes into play. I really don't know where my specific details need to be replaced in the configuration. If anyone would be able to shed some light on this, it would be most appreciated. Although I've had hours of attempts, obviously one line wrong could be a big problem. In the default ombi.subdomain.conf it also states: I really don't know what that means, and I did try to use that config for some time and google these terms. I could only find guides on how to set a cname if you have your own domain, whereas I use DuckDNS. So if these are my settings, how do I need to set up the configuration files properly: DuckDNS Ombi subdomain: exampleombi.duckdns.org Ombi Base Url: My internal NAS IP: http://192.168.*.** My internal Ombi IP and Port: http://192.168.0.**:3579 My internal Letsencrypt IP and Port: 192.168.0.**:1443 Really not sure what these should be or if they have an impact on this process: Thank you in advance. This will likely lead to a huge gain in my knowledge and understanding. If there are any setup specific settings I've missed, please let me know.
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