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Everything posted by LynxNZ

  1. Thought it might be a handy to have max memory limit and cpu shares for each container in the docker "edit" gui. Its pretty common to have paremeters similar to below against every container ; (currently always in Extra Parameters:) would be super cool to have a slider up to max memory for memory limit, and a low (2), normal (1024) and high (1024) priority radio button for cpu-shares? https://docs.docker.com/config/containers/resource_constraints/ Note: cpu-shares is not cpu pinning
  2. Hi Guys, i used to run all my container on UNRAID without any memory limits but found that eventually a single rouge container can take the whole system down. I have started to place "--memory 200m" type parameters in the "extra parameters" field of each container. Feature request - Is it possible to add a memory limit as part of standard docker edit page? CPU pinning has already been broken out into the GUI in a nice way. Attached screenshot of current docker edit and extra parameters - with CPU pinning done in nice graphical way Attached screenshot of "docker stats" to show mem limits on each container
  3. Sorry to necro, but this is exact issue I'm facing with nvme drive at the moment. Fine under small loads, then chokes when things get busy. Xfs, single cache drive. Expecting it to be hardware issue at this point.
  4. +1 for this feature request Similar use cases to above. I try to only run the more intensive docker containers during the day (as server is running off solar)
  5. +1 for me. i've had to roll back to 6.7.2 due to kernel panic on boot... Thought it was something to do with c-state on the AMD Ryzen? Anyone with Intel setup having same problems?
  6. Hi guys, love your work. One thing i can think of that would make things even better... Adding a "cache" column to the shares view - so its possible to quickly see which shares are using the cache and which are not. Example attached;
  7. 12GB. I run about 20 docker images, about 16TB of disk
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