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Everything posted by aptalca

  1. Don't enable the server in the gui. There is already a separate server instance running at the other port. You probably didn't set the library path variable in the container settings. It's described on the docker hub page.
  2. Yeah, I must have been drunk when I posted that. I thought it was the sonarr thread, lol. Nevermind me. I'll be in the corner
  3. If you have radarr installed, that might be why. You can set their passwords the same
  4. Container should run even if the certs are not generated. But nginx won't start because the config requires those certs. If you remove the two lines defining certs from your site config nginx should start
  5. It's a letsencrypt thing and outside of our control. You can contact them about it. Or you can get a free subdomain from duckdns and create as many sub-subdomains as you need With regards to the dns error, I can't say anything without logs or more info on your setup
  6. nano should be in there. If not, install it with "apk add --no-cache nano"
  7. Docker is forwarding port 8888 to 80. Nginx inside the container will see/listen on port 80. There won't be a connection coming from/to localhost
  8. Are you trying to use port 80? Unraid gui runs on there so you have to pick a different port
  9. Did you try to connect to https://yourip:943/admin ? Or click on the webui link in the unraid gui?
  10. Probably not. It seems to be more hassle than it's worth. IE and Edge don't support it either. Plus, the whole purpose of this container is the automated certs. You can use the plain nginx container and add the certs yourself if you only want manual updates. You can also run the letsencrypt container once, let it create the certs and stop it, then use the certs in the plain nginx container
  11. Each version of zoneminder requires a new separate image and likely a fresh install because of all the drastic structural changes they implement. It's too much work and I gave up. You can use symlinks to change recording location
  12. Sure, just create a new server block in the site config for the new subdomain and set it to listen to port 80
  13. Config files are in the /config folder. You will want to modify the site config as well as the html file under www
  14. Yeah, except my public web servers are using passwordless ssh logins and are running fail2ban to ban repeat offenders and dos'ers. Does unraid even do anything about brute force attempts? I once got a virus that disabled all power saving and sleep settings on my laptop, ran it full speed until it brute forced my router admin password, then changed the dns settings to inject ads to all websites visited from all computers at home. It was quite brilliant
  15. You mentioned you only forward the subdomain to your home server. Did you use the only subdomains option? Your cert generation was unsuccessful. The logs should tell you that
  16. Define "nothing happened". Did you get an error? You should try to access https://yoururl.com and you should see the default welcome page Check your docker log
  17. FYI, I reported the issue to fail2ban and they confirmed it as a bug, which will be fixed. Until then, your workaround should be sufficient https://github.com/fail2ban/fail2ban/issues/1741
  18. Right, that will fix your issue, however, you're not really supposed to edit the conf files. You are supposed to append them through .local files. The issue is, I don't know how to append and remove something from the conf via a local file. I know how to replace it with something else. I'll give it some more thought. This is the newest beta version of fail2ban and ipv6 is the newest feature. I guess this is one of the bugs they will have to fix.
  19. Can you exec into the container ( docker exec -it letsencrypt bash ) and then install the package ( apk add --update ip6tables ) and restart? If that fixes it, we'll go ahead and add the package to the image Thanks
  20. Put in any port in there, like 87. Don't have blanks, otherwise unraid won't be able to create the container
  21. You can modify the action files. Copy the sendmail-common.conf to sendmail-common.local and modify the sendmail command and add your email addresses
  22. Radarr is smarter. It actually retrieves the download path from sab and nzbget and looks for the downloaded files there. Cp asks you to enter the location where the files are supposed to be, in its settings
  23. You don't need to configure sendmail. You can define the smtp server and other options while sending the e-mail in command line Type the following in commandline to see the available options: sendmail -? EDIT: I tested something like this and it works: sendmail -t -v -H 'exec openssl s_client -quiet -tls1 -connect smtp.gmail.com:465' -auMYEMAILADDRESS -apMYPASSWORD <mail.txt mail.txt looks like this: To: [email protected] Subject: Whatever you like Here's the body of the e-mail
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