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Everything posted by aptalca

  1. Did you enter one subdomain or multiple? If multiple, are they comma separated with no spaces? Did you input just the subdomain or the whole domain? Do either the subdomains or the token contain any weird characters? Any quotation marks? There should only be letters, numbers, dash and maybe underline in either
  2. Unraid is not a media server. It's a NAS intended for LAN access. If you turn it into a media server by installing services through docker or VMs, you can also install a reverse proxy in docker to provide access to those guis securely. You can try the linuxserver letsencrypt container which gets and maintains free 3rd party validated certs automatically. For remote smb or ssh access to unraid, you can set up vpn through docker as well
  3. The absolute path is /zm/cgi-bin/nph-zms It was a requirement for zm 1.29 It is detailed in the container description/instructions on docker hub: https://hub.docker.com/r/aptalca/zoneminder-1.29/
  4. When you guys check the transcode info in the currently playing tab in plex web, does it show "Transcoding H264 (hw) to H264 (hw)"? Mine shows "Transcoding H264 (hw) to H264" where the (hw) is only after the from part. And the cpu usage is just as high as software transcode.
  5. The issue is likely due to your router not allowing "nat loopback". Most routers have ways to whitelist domains, so Google is your friend.
  6. On the latest unraid stable you can use either mount point. Openvpn container creates its own certs
  7. The one expiring is likely an old cert that is no longer used. Go to your website and check the cert details in your browser. It will tell you the expiration date
  8. We install whatever nginx package is in the latest stable alpine (currently alpine 3.5). But even alpine edge only has nginx 1.10.3 and no stream map or stream ssl preread (unless those are bundled into the stream mod package). I'm not really familiar with those modules
  9. Nginx has just been rebased to alpine 3.5 with php7 (same versions as the letsencrypt one)
  10. Only if unraid recognizes and installs drivers for the webcams (unlikely but untested)
  11. Can you exec into the container and install the package "php7-iconv" and see if it fixes your issue? If so we'll add it to the image in the next update. You can install packages with "apk add --update php7-iconv"
  12. Did you change the library location in the gui settings?
  13. That sparklyballs, always upstaging me, lol. I'm away on vacation right now. I'll look into it when I get back next week.
  14. You might have to exec in and add some packages. I never really used that
  15. I believe you can just map a port to 3389 and use that (on mobile at the moment)
  16. Post on the app's github page. Their dev is amazing and will help you figure it out in no time.
  17. Duckdns docker only updates your external ip address on the duckdns servers. You said your external ip is still the same so the duckdns docker wouldn't actually do anything as there is nothing to update. Accessing into your network through that ip depends on your modem and router settings
  18. First confirm that the ha subdomain works by directing the ha site config to a static html file (remove just the proxy bit and it should open the Welcome page) Then you can see if the reverse proxy works. Does the home assistant page work at that ip and port 8123? you can also try adding in the include for proxy conf as shown in the examples. That contains specific rules to make the proxies work.
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