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Everything posted by aptalca

  1. Which zoneminder container? Did you follow the instructions on the docker hub page? There is a specific setting for fixing live view in v1.29
  2. Post a screenshot of your settings and the docker log please Are you sure that the ports you are trying to forward in bridge mode not used for anything else?
  3. You can pass the USER_ID and GROUP_ID numbers as environment variables. The default are 99 and 100
  4. Can you post a screenshot of your settings and also a log? I'm assuming you set a custom library location and it may not have been set up correctly Attached are my settings and log. When you launched calibre the first time, did you select /config or /unraid-books as the library location. If latter, did you set the environment variable LIBRARYINTERNALPATH? To be honest, I don't remember... Shall I start from scratch? Sent from my SM-G901F using Tapatalk I would recommend that. Make sure you read the docker hub page for it. It explains how to set it up correctly
  5. Can you post a screenshot of your settings and also a log? I'm assuming you set a custom library location and it may not have been set up correctly Attached are my settings and log. When you launched calibre the first time, did you select /config or /unraid-books as the library location. If latter, did you set the environment variable LIBRARYINTERNALPATH?
  6. The mover does not use smb or nfs shares. It writes directly to the shares mounted in unraid. Ransomware is a threat through exported shares via smb or nfs. Lock down share exports and you'll be good to go
  7. Hi rix. I believe there are significant changes to some of the components like php between ubuntu 14 and 16. I have to do thorough testing before upgrading. But it's on my list of things to do
  8. Can you post a screenshot of your settings and also a log? I'm assuming you set a custom library location and it may not have been set up correctly
  9. I wonder if one could setup this at the unraid layer outside of the docker instead... Have the inotifywait script running in unraid and call upon the docker to execute... a command like docker exec -it Calibre-server /opt/calibre/calibredb add --recurse --library-path "/config/" "/downloads" 2>&1 thoughts? Inotifywait would add too many complexities that I'm currently not willing to take on (due to too many potential support requests). I think it's easy enough to open up the gui every once in a while and do a folder import.
  10. Hi gfjardim, Does the new plugin enable smart for new drives? Most drives have smart disabled when first put into unraid. I believe unraid only enables smart for them when they are added to the array. But when one is preclearing them before adding to the array, smart is disabled and the preclear reports are not very meaningful. I'm currently enabling them with smartctl --smart=on /dev/sdX Thanks
  11. I have them comma separated as --cpuset-cpus=0,1,2
  12. Wait, is that a dev version? Mine doesn't do car repair [emoji13]
  13. Wasn't aware it was released. Trying a dev build now. If the update is seamless, it will be published right away. If not it might take a little while. EDIT: As I suspected, a simple update breaks things. No clue why it's not working. I really dislike zoneminder updates. You almost have to re-install from scratch every time there is a new version. Not sure when I'll have time to release a separate container for 1.30 as I'm super busy with other things
  14. Single domain only. Two separate dockers wouldn't work for automated renewals as they can't share the outside port 443. Unless your router can forward to different ports based on url (very rare) My router does a lot of things but that is not one of them. I guess I'll set up a 2nd container for now and worry about manually redoing the certs if needed (remapping ports for the renew process). My end goal is to move from one domain to another so this should achieve that. Actually now that I think about it that won't work since my outside 443 port can only map to one docker container.... damn Through the nginx site config, you can do a redirection from one port to another
  15. Single domain only. Two separate dockers wouldn't work for automated renewals as they can't share the outside port 443. Unless your router can forward to different ports based on url (very rare)
  16. FEATURE REQUEST for beta version: Some newly added drives have smart disabled. In that state if the preclear script (beta) is run, there are no smart attributes retrieved. It kind of defeats the purpose of running the preclear to stress test the drives as one cannot compare the values before and after. Could you modify the script to make sure that smart is enabled prior to start and enable it if it wasn't? I currently do the following to enable it manually but sometimes forget or not realize: smartctl --smart=on /dev/sdX Thanks
  17. Mount the 4TB disk with the unassigned devices plugin and use that mount location as the config folder location within the zoneminder container settings during install. The images and videos for zoneminder are stored under its config folder in "events" No need for a vdisk. They are used for VMs. Docker containers use regular shares on unraid for their data
  18. You need to plug in the usb as it is how the UPS notifies the server when there is a power outage. I believe with the default settings in unraid (make sure you enable it in the settings), it just works with apc. Change the triggers and you're good to go.
  19. It looks like you changed parameters (likely subdomains) after it was installed. That was not allowed in the older versions of this container (there was a disclaimer). And that's probably why it broke. The error message says there are two accounts on there (I'm guessing the second account was created when the script tried to renew with different parameters and things got messed up) Delete the folder "etc" in your config location and restart the container and everything should be fine
  20. The update can take a while if their server is being slow. Sometimes up to 30 min The log should tell you what is going on
  21. If it is a clean install in an empty config folder, the issue is likely due to cert generation. Most likely, your port 80 is not forwarded to the container properly, or there is an issue with your domain url setting. The letsencrypt log in the config folder can point you in the right direction There are no log files in config/nginx-letsencrypt/log/letsencrypt or in /nginx Is this where I should be looking? Oh oops. Nevermind. The initial one doesn't log to that file, but logs to the docker log. Type the following in the unraid terminal and it should show the error: docker logs Nginx-letsencrypt I got the following Restarting web server * Starting nginx nginx ...fail! * Starting nginx nginx ...fail! * Starting authentication failure monitor fail2ban ERROR No file(s) found for glob /config/log/nginx/error.log ERROR Failed during configuration: Have not found any log file for nginx-http-auth jail ...fail! *** Running /etc/rc.local... *** Booting runit daemon... Thanks for the help Please post your container settings I have linked my container settings with 2 things to note: 1. I've changed the domain and email for security 2. My router is port forwarding 80 to 81 and the docker switches it back to 80 http://i.imgur.com/njOCKA0.jpg Port 443 is the one used for cert generation. Is it forwarded? The log you posted is missing the beginning part about certs and other local files.
  22. If it is a clean install in an empty config folder, the issue is likely due to cert generation. Most likely, your port 80 is not forwarded to the container properly, or there is an issue with your domain url setting. The letsencrypt log in the config folder can point you in the right direction There are no log files in config/nginx-letsencrypt/log/letsencrypt or in /nginx Is this where I should be looking? Oh oops. Nevermind. The initial one doesn't log to that file, but logs to the docker log. Type the following in the unraid terminal and it should show the error: docker logs Nginx-letsencrypt I got the following Restarting web server * Starting nginx nginx ...fail! * Starting nginx nginx ...fail! * Starting authentication failure monitor fail2ban ERROR No file(s) found for glob /config/log/nginx/error.log ERROR Failed during configuration: Have not found any log file for nginx-http-auth jail ...fail! *** Running /etc/rc.local... *** Booting runit daemon... Thanks for the help Please post your container settings
  23. If it is a clean install in an empty config folder, the issue is likely due to cert generation. Most likely, your port 80 is not forwarded to the container properly, or there is an issue with your domain url setting. The letsencrypt log in the config folder can point you in the right direction There are no log files in config/nginx-letsencrypt/log/letsencrypt or in /nginx Is this where I should be looking? Oh oops. Nevermind. The initial one doesn't log to that file, but logs to the docker log. Type the following in the unraid terminal and it should show the error: docker logs Nginx-letsencrypt
  24. If it is a clean install in an empty config folder, the issue is likely due to cert generation. Most likely, your port 80 is not forwarded to the container properly, or there is an issue with your domain url setting. The letsencrypt log in the config folder can point you in the right direction
  25. If edge is set to 1, digikam should be updated during container re/start. I'm out of town so can't test it now, but as long as the ubuntu repo is updated, the container should also update.
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