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Everything posted by aptalca

  1. Update pushed to calibre. Make sure you read the updated description on the docker hub page
  2. Your network is super complicated. The fact that reverse proxy works from wan/4g but has issues from inside, suggests dns/firewall issues on the router. It may be nat loopback issues (many routers by default block connections that go out to the wan and come right back in to the router). You may also have issues with your firewall settings for connections between vlans. All those issues are really beyond the scope of our support for this image.
  3. "nginx -s reload" not working is not a bug. It's not supposed to work. That's not how nginx is launched in this image. Nginx is run and managed by the s6 supervisor. The way this image is set up is that, if there is no default config in the config folder, it copies the default one from inside the image, just like when you first install it. Also when someone messes up their settings, they can remove the default config file and restart the container to go back to the original setup. You're not supposed to remove the default config, but you can modify it to your heart's content. You can also add as many additional site configs as you like. Just don't delete the default one (you can leave it blank)
  4. If you have plex set up to create index files, they take up a lot of space. They are all in a folder called "media" I believe and when I had a smaller cache drive, I had moved that to the array and put a symlink in its place
  5. Radarr does not auto update. Our docker images are refreshed every Friday so you'll get an update on unraid gui later today
  6. Php updates tend to mess that up (they change the structure of those conf files). That's why we decided to internalize them to maintain control over them and update when necessary. I'm curious as the why you prefer sockets. In terms of performance, *theoretically* socket *may* provide better performance but according user testimonies, people don't notice a difference even on high traffic sites (> millions of hit per day). In any case it's just how nginx communicates with the php processor so it's all internal and there is no discernible effect for the end user or the admin. TCP port is the default in php so we went with that. If you really want to use your custom php config, you can always map a custom conf file as a volume, but keep in mind that it will likely break when php is updated and we won't provide you with further support you're on your own "-v /path/to/your/custom/www.conf:/etc/php7/php-fpm.d/www.conf" make sure you use the one in the container as the base
  7. Depending on what the other one is, you may be able to switch to the lsio one directly. Take a backup of your plex config folder if you don't want to lose it. Then remove the existing container and image. Don't remove the config folder. Install the lsio plex from community applications and set it to use the same config folder. Many people had success with that transition. In the container settings, set the version variable to latest and if you're logged into plex with a plexpass account, it will update to the latest plexpass version on start. Since you don't really mind starting over, worst case, you'll delete the plex config folder and start fresh. Nothing to lose.
  8. Hdhr does not save anything anywhere. It rebroadcasts the ota tv signal over the network. That's all it does. Converts the ota signal to a signal/stream on your network that any device can access. Plex or whatever pvr client you use can access that network stream and do things with it like display it live or record it, etc. Hdhr connect's broadcast stream is mpeg2 (standard dvd format). Extend broadcasts in h264, which is a newer compression method that takes significantly less space and bandwidth. So the transcode I was referring to happens while extend is converting the ota tv signal to the network stream, before it reaches plex of other pvr client
  9. As said before, hdhomerun is super easy to set up. Connect it to ethernet and then in plex go to add a dvr, it scans the network and finds the hdhomerun. With regards to hdhr connect and extend, the connect broadcasts the stream pretty much as is in mpeg2 format. Plex *can* transcode that if you set it to (marked experimental but works fine for me). Extend takes the mpeg2 stream and transcodes it to h264 before broadcasting over the network. If plex is running on a beefy server and you don't mind it transcoding, get the connect as it's cheaper. That's what I did. I haven't tried live TV because it's currently only supported on ios and android tv (not regular Android) clients and I don't have either of those.
  10. No, the webui is functional. Everything else works. It's just that one cpu core is pegged at 100% by the dd process and the preclear status no longer updated (temp files no longer update status, they are no longer written to)
  11. Why are you adding users through command line? Do it through the gui. And change it to local first. It's in the docker image description
  12. I'm not sure what you're trying to accomplish, you have too many variables there that need to be validated, which makes troubleshooting very difficult. Plus, the listed config above is only listening on port 443 with ssl, but you're trying to connect to http, which is port 80 with no ssl. Why don't you start with the default config, see if you can access the welcome page so you can confirm the dns is correct? Then you can try the proxy.
  13. Uh oh. Looks like they made some significant changes in 3.0 I'll look into it
  14. We don't have plans for it. It makes the automation part super complicated and I haven't come up with a feasible way to implement it (without spending way too many dev hours)
  15. I just updated mine and no issues here. You'll have to provide more info. Where did you see that error? Unraid gui? Docker log?
  16. Unraid template hasn't been updated with the changelog but the image is being updated. The docker hub page should have a more up to date changelog. Currently it is the same as the letsencrypt one except it is missing the cert parts and fail2ban
  17. Plugin version 2017-06-15a got stuck on pre-read 99% on an 8tb drive
  18. Hi@gfjardim I started another preclear through the plugin and it got stuck during post read. One cpu core is pegged at 100%. I'll leave it as is for now. Let me know what you need me to do to debug.
  19. They are probably set up to use the same port. Try changing the port for container version
  20. I believe you need to modify the nextcloud site config to set the external domain. Letsencrypt in this docker image is set to work with one domain only. You can use two domains with this container as long as you do the cert retrieval and renewal manually for the second domain
  21. 1) post your site config and we'll take a look. Likely you have a faulty url rewrite 2) letsencrypt will only work with one, but you can use both of them in nginx through creating separate server blocks in the site config
  22. After seeing reports from others in other threads, I canceled that stalled preclear and started a new one using JoeL's script in a screen session. It is currently in post-read and has another 15 hours or so to go (8TB drives take forever). After that's done, I'd be happy to help debug.
  23. What client are you using? Live tv only works with Android tv and ios currently
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