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Posts posted by aptalca

  1. Regarding Duck DNS docker... is the conf file setting for domain the fully qualified domain name or just the sub domain that duckdns.org assigns you?




    or is it




    ps. I fed it just the subdomain and that seems to be working or at least no errors in the log.


    Yup, it's just the subdomain

  2. I cant thank you enough for the PlexRequest docker. Working 100% with couch potato and I couldn't be happier. No more messages and searching from my phone when people ask. Thank you a ton!


    No problem. By the way, just pushed an update to Plex Requests. You can set EDGE to 1 for the development branch (although they are the same at the moment because they just merged today)

  3. Hey Aptalca.  Thanks for the Zoneminder docker, I am giving this one a go.  Right now it is giving me the following errors (on a repeating basis) once I add a camera labeled "DRIVEWAY":


    'zma -m 1' exited abnormally, exit status 255

    Can't symlink '1' to 'DRIVEWAY': Permission denied

    Can't make events/1: Permission denied

    'zma -m 1' started at 15/05/19 01:12:18

    'zma -m 1' starting at 15/05/19 01:12:18, pid = 1143

    Starting pending process, zma -m 1

    DRIVEWAY: 1000 - Capturing at 2.00 fps

    Can't open Zones1.jpg: Permission denied


    I tried to search around for what might be the issue and I found the following article:



    I tried the suggestion but it did not work stating that "www-data is not a user".  Any thoughts?  Thanks in advance.


    It is a permissions issue, but in the app config folder


    Unfortunately, I recently moved and I do not have cameras installed yet, so I couldn't test this docker thoroughly. I tested monitoring streams, and it worked, but I hadn't tested recording. It seems the www-data user also needs to have access to the config folder for the recording function (in other words, I made a rookie mistake lol)


    The quick fix for you is to do the following:

    Exec into the running container:

    docker exec -it Zoneminder bash


    Then give read/write access to group and others for the config folder

    chmod -R go+rw /config


    or you can wait until I issue an update shortly that will take care of this

  4. Version is 6.0-rc2


    I have /config mapped to /mnt/user/Docker/appdata/plexrequests/

    I have port 3000 mapped to 3000.

    I have removed, cleared all leftover files, and reinstalled as well.

    I didn't change any advanced fields at all.


    I'll do some research and mess around and report back with what I find.


    And one more thing, you have a typo to the docker hub URL :)https://registry.hub.docker.com/u/aptalca/docker-plexrequets/ has requests misspelled. Nothing critical, just thought I'd let you know




    So I messed around. It works great when I map the config to a disk and not a user share. So since I only set up my unRAID 6 + Dockers last night, my question is should I move all of my Docker appdata to a disk instead of a share? The more I think about it, the better the idea seems.

    If you have an appdata user share set to cache-only then there is no difference between /mnt/user/appdata and /mnt/cache/appdata. Having said that, I think it is clearer to say /mnt/cache/appdata when I am referring to a share intended to live on the cache so that is what I use.


    Is that what you mean, or do you mean to have it on some disk other than cache? This is usually not done because apps often write to their config data and so would keep that disk and parity spinning.


    Also, many docker templates come pre-configured to use /mnt/cache/appdata.


    A Very Important Note about /mnt/cache/appdata. You must go to the Shares page and set the appdata share to Use cache disk: Only or mover will move it to the array.


    Maybe you are already aware of this, but any folder at the top level of cache or any array disk is automatically considered a User Share by unRAID. If you don't configure a User Share, it will have default configuration, which does NOT include the cache-only setting.


    Very many new users have had plugin or docker issues because they didn't take care of this, and mover moved the application data from the cache drive to the array. Don't let it happen to you!


    Thanks, trurl


    And one more thing, you have a typo to the docker hub URL :)https://registry.hub.docker.com/u/aptalca/docker-plexrequets/ has requests misspelled. Nothing critical, just thought I'd let you know


    Oops, thanks, fixed


    With regards to app location, I believe most people use a cache only share for the app data (/mnt/cache/appdata). You might have to look into the docker setup guides by jonp and others to see if there would be any implications of using a user share (/mnt/user/appdata). I'm not sure



  6. Hey Aptalca.  Thanks for the Zoneminder docker, I am giving this one a go.  Right now it is giving me the following errors (on a repeating basis) once I add a camera labeled "DRIVEWAY":


    'zma -m 1' exited abnormally, exit status 255

    Can't symlink '1' to 'DRIVEWAY': Permission denied

    Can't make events/1: Permission denied

    'zma -m 1' started at 15/05/19 01:12:18

    'zma -m 1' starting at 15/05/19 01:12:18, pid = 1143

    Starting pending process, zma -m 1

    DRIVEWAY: 1000 - Capturing at 2.00 fps

    Can't open Zones1.jpg: Permission denied


    I tried to search around for what might be the issue and I found the following article:



    I tried the suggestion but it did not work stating that "www-data is not a user".  Any thoughts?  Thanks in advance.


    I am looking into this

  7. ***New Container***


    Plex Requests has been released. See first post for details


    First off, I love the work you've done towards making so many great templates. Seriously <3


    I'm struggling getting PlexRequests to work though. When I check the log, this is all there is:


    *** Running /etc/my_init.d/00_regen_ssh_host_keys.sh...

    *** Running /etc/my_init.d/firstrun.sh...

    Cloning into 'plexrequests-meteor'...

    *** Running /etc/rc.local...

    *** Booting runit daemon...

    *** Runit started as PID 27

    May 19 04:11:44 d2ee22925566 syslog-ng[34]: syslog-ng starting up; version='3.5.3'

    nobody, this is your first time using Meteor!

    Installing a Meteor distribution in your home directory.

    ######################################################################## 100.0%

    [[[[[ /config/plexrequests-meteor ]]]]]


    => Started proxy.

    Unexpected mongo exit code 14. Restarting.

    Unexpected mongo exit code 14. Restarting.

    Unexpected mongo exit code 14. Restarting.

    Can't start Mongo server.

    Unspecified unrecoverable error. Exit was not clean

    May 19 04:17:01 d2ee22925566 /USR/SBIN/CRON[84]: (root) CMD ( cd / && run-parts --report /etc/cron.hourly)


    Any guidance would be very appreciated!


    I am really at a loss.


    Plex Requests uses meteor and mongodb, neither of which I am familiar with. Meteor has an installer that installs both itself and mongodb.


    I looked up that error and it is very nondescriptive: http://docs.mongodb.org/manual/reference/exit-codes/#14


    Perhaps asking on meteor or mongodb forums may help. I am very surprised that you had this issue in a docker. It works just fine for me and others who installed this, and technically the docker environment that unraid creates should be the same for all users.


    A couple of questions:

    1) Which version of unraid are you using?

    2) Other than the app folder and the port, did you add any custom fields to the xml when you installed the container?

  8. Hi Matt,


    Those errors I believe are unrelated. It has to do with how hurricane set up the guacamole server base. I get them constantly in the logs while all of my rdp based dockers are running, but they haven't caused any issues.


    I have a few questions:


    Is this the first time you installed jdownloader?


    Did it ever work before? Did you see any of the gui elements or was it always a black screen from the start?


    Please check the local folder that you set as the config folder. Do you see any folders? You should see a Downloads folder and a jd2 folder that contains the install. If not, I think the issue is a permissions issue.


    if there are folders, I would recommend deleting the folders, removing the container and image and reinstalling

  9. Got a quick question.

    So I got a container and have the port forwarded and i can use my duckdns to get to the container from The outside but when I try to get to it from the inside it will not resolved.

    What could be causing this issue.?


    Most likely your router config


    IIRC you are using pfsense. You probably forwarded the ports correctly from the outside to unraid. You probably have to forward from the inside as well. I'm not sure, I never used pfsense before. But I know that certain router software allows you to isolate clients and not let them access each other or other parts of the network.

  10. New container, hot off the press


    Introducing JDownloader 2


    You can access the X app in the browser, but you can also set up the webserver that you can access through my.jdownloader.org


    It's in the repo

    Why I do need this?

    Please take my money!


    How much you got?  :P


    I only tested it with a few youtube videos and a 4shared link.


    But it seems to retrieve whatever plugin it needs on demand. For instance when I tried to download a youtube video, it asked to install ffmpeg (for muxing I guess) and installed and set it up itself.


    If you run into any issues let me know.

  11. Thanks for this jonp.


    It actually came in very handy.


    Digikam has an option so that it only uses one core for cpu intensive tasks. But when you run it in docker, I believe docker still spreads it to all cores, causing digikam to max out all cpu cores. I couldn't even access the unraid GUI. I had to telnet in and stop the docker.


    By pinning 3 out of 4, I am able to keep other tasks alive and emhttp responsive even when digikam is doing facial recognition on thousands of pictures (lasts a while)


    I also pinned cores for sabnzbd as well, because when it is doing checksums and unraring, it tends to hog all resources.

  12. I used to have multiple xbmc boxes using a mysql database.


    But a couple of years ago I was having mysql related issues and every time I reported the bugs, I got the answer "None of the devs are using mysql and none are interested in working on it"


    After that I got a bunch of Roku's and chromecasts and started using plex on them in the bedroom, kitchen, etc. I even gifted a few to family members and shared my plex libraries with them.


    I still run xbmc on my main media center, hooked up to the projector. But it is the only xbmc box in the house.


    In my opinion, XBMC is great as a standalone media center projected on a huge screen. Subtitle support, cinema experience and pseudotv are top notch additions. However, no remote streaming due to lack of transcoding (unless you have gigabit internet at both ends)


    Plex is great for remote streaming, or sharing with friends and family. Within the last 2 years plex grew by leaps and bounds. Utilizing their transcoding backend, they put apps on any media player imaginable and their app is usually one of the first media apps on any new device. Even the PlexSync and CloudSync are amazing features that make it so easy to take media with you anywhere.


    And of course, trakt.tv addons keep my xbmc and plex in sync.

  13. Seriously, running X apps in Dockers in a browser. My mind is blown!!


    hurricane is the fella responsible, me and aptalca are enjoying the fruits of his labours.


    haha yeah, hurricane does all the back end work. I just whip up a quick little docker file, point it to hurricane's baseimage and get all the glory  :P


    i get some glory too, lol.


    Well, you also have a whole bunch of cool dockers that are not using hurricane's baseimage. Headless xbmc is especially awesome. My claims to fame on the other hand are all based on hurricane's work  :o

  14. Seriously, running X apps in Dockers in a browser. My mind is blown!!


    hurricane is the fella responsible, me and aptalca are enjoying the fruits of his labours.


    haha yeah, hurricane does all the back end work. I just whip up a quick little docker file, point it to hurricane's baseimage and get all the glory  :P

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