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Posts posted by aptalca

  1. DigiKam is updated to 4.9.0 from 3.5.0.


    Last official stable release for ubuntu 14.04 was 3.5.0. I am using a different repository to install the latest. I had to do a lot of testing to make sure it worked properly before updating.


    I added the ability to change the resolution. Default is 1280x720, but you can change the WIDTH and HEIGHT variables in the Advanced View window of the container settings. (1080p is a lot more functional on a high res display, but may affect performance on poor or remote network connections)


    I also added an EDGE variable to enable future updates. Set to 1 for auto updates on start up.


    I believe it is stable enough that this should be the last update to this container for a while.

  2. ALL DIGIKAM USERS (if there are any  :o )


    I screwed up. I missed another config file that digikam uses (horrible documentation). This file in the current release is saved within the container and will be lost during the next update. If you would like to keep your existing settings and database, please perform the following BEFORE you update (update will be released in a couple of days)


    Open the WebUI, click on browse and then quit


    Go to the unRaid terminal and enter into the digikam docker with the following command:


    docker exec -it DigiKam bash


    Then enter the following commands:


    mkdir -p /config/.kde
    cp -Rp /nobody/.kde/* /config/.kde/
    rm -r /nobody/.kde
    ln -s /config/.kde /nobody/.kde
    chown nobody:users /nobody/.kde
    chown -R nobody:users /config/.kde


    After that you can update and your setting should be preserved. All future updates will also preserve settings (I hope)


    EDIT: I have been testing this extensively and I am confident that the above will preserve your app settings. If you update without doing the above, just point to the same library folder (/config) upon first launch and you should still have your albums and tags, but you will lose a lot of the gui settings like how thumbs are displayed and such.

  3. Just wanted to say thank you for the Calibre RDP Docker.

    Using Calibre over the network was always a pain.


    Just played a bit with it, could it be that the Clipboard function is missing?

    No problem [emoji3]


    Do you mean basic copy paste or is there a specific clipboard function in caliber that I'm not aware of?


    If you're trying to copy and paste from your local computer or another browser window into calibre, I don't think that's going to work. I believe that's a limitation of most vnc or rdp systems. Although some have special workarounds or features that allow it. By default the local and remote clipboards are not shared.


    For instance the vnc/rdp server used in this case (guacamole) allows you to copy things within the app which you can access by bringing up the side menu (ctrl+alt+shift). But I never really used it myself.

  4. figured it out


    2 problems:


    1) I forgot to chown nobody:users autostart

    2) missing some dependencies (libnotify4 and libwxgtk2.8-dev)


    Oh, this is glorious :)


    Thanks so much and sorry for kind of hijacking the thread.


    bottom line is, the base image is working really well. in the boinc container, all I had to do was install the main app, drop in the autostart and figure out the volume and port mappings


  5. Should be


    My firstrun.sh installs boinc and starts the client as nobody with the following:


    su -c "cd /config && ./boinc_7.2.42_x86_64-pc-linux-gnu.sh" -s /bin/sh nobody
    su -c "/config/BOINC/run_client --daemon" -s /bin/sh nobody


    when I exec into the container I see that the client is running as nobody


    my autostart for openbox has the following


    xsetroot -solid black -cursor_name left_ptr




    Oh wait, I think I forgot to change ownership of autostart to nobody

  6. Boinc has separate client and manager


    Client runs all the time in the background and manager is the gui to control the client


    Easiest way to install is to download their script from here: http://boinc.berkeley.edu/dl/boinc_7.2.42_x86_64-pc-linux-gnu.sh


    Copy it to the config folder, when run, the script creates a folder BOINC and puts all install and data files in that folder.


    the run_client script under BOINC/ starts the client and the run_manager runs the GUI



    when I open the WebUI of my install, I get a blank screen and the following lines keep repeating in the log:


    Fri May 1 15:06:33 2015
    VNCSConnST: Client pixel format depth 16 (16bpp) little-endian rgb565
    guacd[319]: INFO:	Using fallback PATBLT (server is ignoring negotiated client capabilities)
    guacd[319]: INFO:	Using fallback PATBLT (server is ignoring negotiated client capabilities)
    guacd[319]: INFO:	Using fallback PATBLT (server is ignoring negotiated client capabilities)
    guacd[319]: INFO:	Using fallback PATBLT (server is ignoring negotiated client capabilities)
    May 1 15:06:33 d2bec288fc97 guacd[319]: Using fallback PATBLT (server is ignoring negotiated client capabilities)
    May 1 15:06:33 d2bec288fc97 guacd[319]: Using fallback PATBLT (server is ignoring negotiated client capabilities)
    May 1 15:06:33 d2bec288fc97 guacd[319]: Using fallback PATBLT (server is ignoring negotiated client capabilities)
    May 1 15:06:33 d2bec288fc97 guacd[319]: Using fallback PATBLT (server is ignoring negotiated client capabilities)

  7. just to test,


    I tried to convert my boinc docker to the webrdp by using sparkly's


    First I created a test base image: https://github.com/aptalca/docker-webrdp-base and https://registry.hub.docker.com/u/aptalca/docker-webrdp-base/dockerfile/ (basically removed all handbrake related processes)


    Then I created a boinc docker that installs boinc, and creates an autostart file with the boinc manager start command: https://github.com/aptalca/docker-rdp-boinc/tree/development and https://registry.hub.docker.com/u/aptalca/docker-rdp-boinc-dev/dockerfile/


    But unfortunately I am getting a blank screen when I open the WebUI

  8. Hi hurricane,


    great job on the guacamole server and creating web apps out of desktop apps. It is revolutionary and took the concept of unraid/docker to the next level.


    I saw sparkly's handbrake that is based your guac server and thought it would be great to have a base image that incorporates all the common elements of the guac server and what it needs to have web based rdp gui for other dockers. That way others can use that base and build new dockers. Please see my suggestion to sparkly over here and let me know what you think: https://lime-technology.com/forum/index.php?topic=39624.msg370739#msg370739



  9. OK, I went through the repo and I'm starting to understand how it comes together.


    Would you and hurricane be interested in creating a base image/container for this? It would include all the common files and settings, like setting the unraid user, copying the guac server files, xrdp, etc.


    That way, whenever someone develops a new docker, they can use that base as a starting point which will lead to

    1) significant space saving as the base image (several hundred megs I presume) would be shared between different containers the same way phusion base is

    2) Updates and installs would be much faster

    3) Building containers for the devs would be much faster


    I created a base image/container for my rdp stuff: https://registry.hub.docker.com/u/aptalca/docker-rdp-base/dockerfile/ which only has xrdp, lxde and wget installed and my build time went from 25min to 5 min because docker simply imports the already built base image


    In my rdp based dockers, instead of doing FROM phusion:baseimage, I do FROM aptalca:docker-rdp-base


    What do you think?


    PS: How does Tom know whether a GUID is unique or not? Buy more than one reader and compare?


    In some cases it is obvious because the guid will be mostly zeros. So he'll reject them right away.


    But in some cases the guid may look legitimate so Tom will allow the registry of the first one, and when the second request comes for the same guid, it is rejected :)


    So if you buy a brand new reader and are the first to register you might get lucky


  11. BOINC manager is up. Works on the same principle as the rdp-calibre docker, runs in a pseudo vm accessed by rdp.


    I decided to create an rdp base docker https://registry.hub.docker.com/u/aptalca/docker-rdp-base/dockerfile/


    The xrdp and lxde packages used for rdp took over 220MB and it took docker about 30 min to build every time I made a small change to any of my rdp based containers.


    Now with the rdp base containing the lxde and xrdp packages, not only my rdp based containers will all share the same base and benefit from space saved, but they will have (220MB) less to download when there is an update, and my new builds only take 5 min for docker to build because docker just imports the rdp base (as long as I don't make any changes to the rdp base container, which I don't plan to)

  12. I'm using it for 7 different services, all running on different ports (including pptp vpn). Duckdns forwards all of them.


    Check either your router firewall or pfsense settings. Most likely one of the two is the issue.


    Duckdns does port forwarding 1:1. It will forward the port to the same one. What it won't do is forward one port to another, like forward port 80 to port 8080 to get around isp blocking of port 80. That article is referring to the latter.


    One other thing, go on duckdns.org and login. Make sure that the ip address they have for you on there is correct.


    PS. that article is also outdated. Duckdns now allows up to 4 domains per account.

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