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Everything posted by aptalca

  1. Boinc has separate client and manager Client runs all the time in the background and manager is the gui to control the client Easiest way to install is to download their script from here: http://boinc.berkeley.edu/dl/boinc_7.2.42_x86_64-pc-linux-gnu.sh Copy it to the config folder, when run, the script creates a folder BOINC and puts all install and data files in that folder. the run_client script under BOINC/ starts the client and the run_manager runs the GUI when I open the WebUI of my install, I get a blank screen and the following lines keep repeating in the log: Fri May 1 15:06:33 2015 VNCSConnST: Client pixel format depth 16 (16bpp) little-endian rgb565 guacd[319]: INFO: Using fallback PATBLT (server is ignoring negotiated client capabilities) guacd[319]: INFO: Using fallback PATBLT (server is ignoring negotiated client capabilities) guacd[319]: INFO: Using fallback PATBLT (server is ignoring negotiated client capabilities) guacd[319]: INFO: Using fallback PATBLT (server is ignoring negotiated client capabilities) May 1 15:06:33 d2bec288fc97 guacd[319]: Using fallback PATBLT (server is ignoring negotiated client capabilities) May 1 15:06:33 d2bec288fc97 guacd[319]: Using fallback PATBLT (server is ignoring negotiated client capabilities) May 1 15:06:33 d2bec288fc97 guacd[319]: Using fallback PATBLT (server is ignoring negotiated client capabilities) May 1 15:06:33 d2bec288fc97 guacd[319]: Using fallback PATBLT (server is ignoring negotiated client capabilities)
  2. just to test, I tried to convert my boinc docker to the webrdp by using sparkly's First I created a test base image: https://github.com/aptalca/docker-webrdp-base and https://registry.hub.docker.com/u/aptalca/docker-webrdp-base/dockerfile/ (basically removed all handbrake related processes) Then I created a boinc docker that installs boinc, and creates an autostart file with the boinc manager start command: https://github.com/aptalca/docker-rdp-boinc/tree/development and https://registry.hub.docker.com/u/aptalca/docker-rdp-boinc-dev/dockerfile/ But unfortunately I am getting a blank screen when I open the WebUI
  3. Hi hurricane, great job on the guacamole server and creating web apps out of desktop apps. It is revolutionary and took the concept of unraid/docker to the next level. I saw sparkly's handbrake that is based your guac server and thought it would be great to have a base image that incorporates all the common elements of the guac server and what it needs to have web based rdp gui for other dockers. That way others can use that base and build new dockers. Please see my suggestion to sparkly over here and let me know what you think: https://lime-technology.com/forum/index.php?topic=39624.msg370739#msg370739 Thanks
  4. OK, I went through the repo and I'm starting to understand how it comes together. Would you and hurricane be interested in creating a base image/container for this? It would include all the common files and settings, like setting the unraid user, copying the guac server files, xrdp, etc. That way, whenever someone develops a new docker, they can use that base as a starting point which will lead to 1) significant space saving as the base image (several hundred megs I presume) would be shared between different containers the same way phusion base is 2) Updates and installs would be much faster 3) Building containers for the devs would be much faster I created a base image/container for my rdp stuff: https://registry.hub.docker.com/u/aptalca/docker-rdp-base/dockerfile/ which only has xrdp, lxde and wget installed and my build time went from 25min to 5 min because docker simply imports the already built base image In my rdp based dockers, instead of doing FROM phusion:baseimage, I do FROM aptalca:docker-rdp-base What do you think?
  5. Dude, how do you guys do that? Is it with guacamole? I gotta figure out how to do the browser rdp for specific apps, too, I am pretty jealous
  6. In some cases it is obvious because the guid will be mostly zeros. So he'll reject them right away. But in some cases the guid may look legitimate so Tom will allow the registry of the first one, and when the second request comes for the same guid, it is rejected So if you buy a brand new reader and are the first to register you might get lucky
  7. Well, technically the icons didn't change. Just the resolution is higher so they are less pixelated when blown up I'll let you know next time
  8. Man, you're good at finding icons. Thanks Replaced it with the 250x250
  9. Guacamole will work for anything that you can access via vnc or rdp. It works in the web browser and it is awesome
  10. Holy crap, Guacamole is awesome. I can't believe I had never heard of it before. It works great with my rdp based dockers. Thanks Zuhkov
  11. BOINC manager is up. Works on the same principle as the rdp-calibre docker, runs in a pseudo vm accessed by rdp. I decided to create an rdp base docker https://registry.hub.docker.com/u/aptalca/docker-rdp-base/dockerfile/ The xrdp and lxde packages used for rdp took over 220MB and it took docker about 30 min to build every time I made a small change to any of my rdp based containers. Now with the rdp base containing the lxde and xrdp packages, not only my rdp based containers will all share the same base and benefit from space saved, but they will have (220MB) less to download when there is an update, and my new builds only take 5 min for docker to build because docker just imports the rdp base (as long as I don't make any changes to the rdp base container, which I don't plan to)
  12. Thanks Not that pretty, but works. Instead of a mouse pointer, you get a cross and no wallpaper, lol. Actually I like that there is no wallpaper, makes rdp faster with mobile connections.
  13. Its working now, got to be smarter than the computer, i was trying to get to from my own network, went on the outside and boom. im such a DA Glad to hear you got it working
  14. I'm using it for 7 different services, all running on different ports (including pptp vpn). Duckdns forwards all of them. Check either your router firewall or pfsense settings. Most likely one of the two is the issue. Duckdns does port forwarding 1:1. It will forward the port to the same one. What it won't do is forward one port to another, like forward port 80 to port 8080 to get around isp blocking of port 80. That article is referring to the latter. One other thing, go on duckdns.org and login. Make sure that the ip address they have for you on there is correct. PS. that article is also outdated. Duckdns now allows up to 4 domains per account.
  15. Does your isp block port 80? AFAIK, port forwarding is only necessary if you're running a webserver at home (webservers typically use port 80), and your isp blocks port 80. So you can forward port 80 to a different one that is not blocked by your isp. If you mean forwarding port xyz to port xyz, duckdns does it. For instance if your sabnzbd interface is accessible on port 5000 (also forwarded by your router), if you go to domain.duckdns.org:5000, you will reach the sab interface.
  16. Calibre full gui (RDP) & server combo docker added. See first and second posts
  17. Thanks so much. That one is much better than using the 16x16 favicon I replaced it. You might have to update the repositories and refresh the browser EDIT: Update and refresh works for the logo in the community repositories. But I could not change the logo for the installed docker. Even removing and adding did not fix it. It seems the old logo is cached by the dockerman plugin and it keeps using the old one. I noticed that all those logos are stored on the flash drive under config/plugins/dockerMan/images. I deleted the old ones from there, so perhaps a restart will let the dockerman retrieve the new logos
  18. First, make sure that you entered the domain correctly. If your full domain is abcdef.duckdns.org, only enter abcdef in the config file Then test whether your domain and token are correct. Type the following address into the address bar of any browser but first replace the token and domain XXXX's with yours: https://www.duckdns.org/update?domains=XXXXXXXXXX&token=XXXXXXXXX&ip= If it works, you should see an "OK" message on the page, that means your token and domain are correct and you can move to the next step below. If not, it will output a "KO" then you revisit your domain and token on their website to make sure they are set up properly. Then you can test whether you can reach the duckdns website from your unraid box. In the unraid terminal, type this command (replace the domain and token with yours): curl "https://www.duckdns.org/update?domains=XXXXXXXX&token=XXXXXXXXX&ip=" If all works, you should see an OK message. If you get a "KO" either revisit your domain and token, or check you pfsense settings (that's out of my control) Then you can check whether your docker can reach duckdns. In the unraid terminal, execute the following commands but make sure you replace the domain and token with yours first (first command gets you into the duckdns container's bash, second one pings duckdns) docker exec -it Duckdns bash curl "https://www.duckdns.org/update?domains=XXXXXXXXX&token=XXXXXXXXX&ip=" If you get an OK, let me know and we'll have to do more troubleshooting. If you get a KO, well i doubt you'll get one if you got OKs in the prior steps.
  19. Correct. The Duckdns container does not have a gui. It just runs in the background every 5 minutes and updates the IP address. Host or bridge should not matter (I leave it as default bridge), as there is no port mapping due to no gui. I believe that setting is only for connections going into the container. In this case there are none. It does have a log file in the local folder, that tells you when it was last updated. If it shows a time within the last 5 minutes, it is still running. If there was an error, it should tell you that as well.
  20. I actually started using it too. Once I imported my existing library from the other install it became pretty useful. Now I can share it with friends
  21. Unfortunately the server doesn't make that part easy. But there are a couple of options: 1. Easiest way is to run calibre on another computer, add the books on there using the GUI, find the library folder and copy all of its contents into this docker's local library / config folder. I already had calibre on another computer with my full library. I went to its library folder, which contained the metadata database, as well as all the books I had (books are stored neatly in individual author folders). Copied them all to the docker folder (first stop the docker just in case). When I restarted the docker, attached pic is what I saw. 2. Another option is to get into the running docker's terminal and use calibre's command line tools to add books You can execute the following command in unraid terminal to get into calibre docker: docker exec -it Calibre-server bash Then you can use calibre command line options detailed on their site: http://manual.calibre-ebook.com/cli/calibredb.html
  22. Instructions for Dockergui based containers - DigiKam, RDP-Calibre and RDP-Boinc These containers are linux desktop apps that open in a web browser thanks to HurricaneHernandez's awesome Dockergui baseimage (guacamole server based). All you have to do is open the WebUI. The default resolution is 1280x720, but can be changed by clicking on the container name, selecting Advanced View and modifying the WIDTH and HEIGHT variables. Tips for setting up Zoneminder (older version, which installs 1.28) Please see here: https://hub.docker.com/r/aptalca/docker-zoneminder/ Instructions for the Zoneminder 1.29 version Please see here: https://hub.docker.com/r/aptalca/zoneminder-1.29/ Instructions for Nginx-letsencrypt Please see here: https://hub.docker.com/r/aptalca/nginx-letsencrypt/ Additional support provided in this thread: http://lime-technology.com/forum/index.php?topic=43696.0
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