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Everything posted by FunnyPocketBook

  1. @jpheld You need to change the container port from 80 to 8080, then it will work again. Thanks for bringing this issue up, this wasn't documented in the release notes of csv-importer. I've pushed the changes, though it may take a few hours until the changes are updated in the CA
  2. You will need a separate docker container for the database. You can use either a MySQL, SQLite or a PostgreSQL database; I'm using the Postgres11 image by postgres, which you can get via CA. Once you have your database container, set the environment variable `DB_CONNECTION` to whichever database type you used ("pgsql" for PostgreSQL, "mysql" for MySQL and MariaDB, "sqlite" for SQLite). It is generally advised to create a new DB user for a new service (Google should be able to help you there, otherwise ask again) Then provide the IP address and port to the database container and enter a name for the database that Firefly should use. If the database name doesn't exist yet, a new database will be created. Firefly connects to the DB with the credentials you provide in DB_USERNAME and DB_PASSWORD, so enter the credentials of an existing DB user in there. This would give you the most basic setup of Firefly - there's loads of more settings that you can check out here.
  3. @SpyKiIIer Right, thanks! Copy-paste error on my side. I have updated the template but to have it adjust right now, you need to edit the container, toggle "Advanced View" in the top right and then in the WebUI field change the value to http://[IP]:[PORT:80]/
  4. @krabbyboy Like in the Firefly-III container, you also need to set the APP_KEY environment variable in the ynab importer. For some reason they didn't include that in the documentation. Edit: No longer needed in ynab-importer 2.0.3
  5. @Menthalo The way Firefly-III is configured when using Docker(file) is by setting the environment variables. If you were to host it with a LAMP stack, you would directly edit the .env file, but in our case we have to change the settings using the docker environment variables, which are set when editing the container. Have you created a service key and not an app key on the Spectre website? This issue seems to be the same as yours.
  6. @Menthalo I somehow forgot the port mapping in the spectre container, sorry and thanks for reporting! Once the CA has updated the templates, it should be fixed. If you need it right now, you can just click "Add another Path, Port, Variable, Label or Device" when editing the container, choose "Port" and put in 80 for the container port and 8081 or whichever port you want it to be for the host port
  7. Generally one container should only include one service. I added the csv, spectre, bunq and ynab importers though, if you search for Firefly in the CA you should find them
  8. Please use SmartPhoneLover's container Firefly-III Application Site: https://www.firefly-iii.org/ Docker Hub: https://hub.docker.com/r/fireflyiii/core Github: https://github.com/firefly-iii/firefly-iii Documentation: https://docs.firefly-iii.org/ Check https://github.com/firefly-iii/firefly-iii/blob/main/.env.example for all environment variables. Post any questions or issues relating to this docker in this thread.
  9. I think that would be great, especially since I expect that there will be a lot of back and forth of small things like "what do you think about this translation for this word?", which would be a hassle in the forum or github
  10. It already happened to me 2 times before but I wasn't on the newest version then (6.8.1). I upgraded to 6.8.3 thinking the problem would be solved with this upgrade but it happened again. A restart solves this problem and gets the webUI up and running again. When trying to access the webUI I get 500 Internal Server Error. Everything else is working (VMs, Docker container, plugins etc.) This comes up in the nginx error log when I want to access the webUI. 2020/03/28 16:18:29 [error] 27546#27546: *3245721 FastCGI sent in stderr: "Primary script unknown" while reading response header from upstream, client:, server: , request: "GET /Dashboard HTTP/1.1", subrequest: "/auth_request.php", upstream: "fastcgi://unix:/var/run/php5-fpm.sock:", host: "" 2020/03/28 16:18:29 [error] 27546#27546: *3245721 auth request unexpected status: 404 while sending to client, client:, server: , request: "GET /Dashboard HTTP/1.1", host: "" Sadly, I cannot get the diagnostics from the CLI. root@Tower:~# diagnostics Warning: Unknown: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in Unknown on line 0 Fatal error: Unknown: Failed opening required '/usr/local/emhttp/webGui/include/local_prepend.php' (include_path='.:/usr/local/emhttp') in Unknown on line 0 The folder /usr/local/emhttp/ is completely empty except for plugins, so can't run the diagnostics tool/don't know how else to run it. I suppose a work around for this is just copying the webGui folder onto the array or somewhere and when the folder disappears again, copying the folder back to /usr/local/emhttp/ will make it work. However, I'd really like to know what is causing the whole folder to disappear. The webGui folder was there 14 hours ago, then I went to bed, so I didn't do anything to the server since then. Edit: Since the post it happened again a few times. A workaround is creating a backup of the emhttp folder and then inserting it when the webUI is missing again. The diagnostics are from after restoring the webUI by copying the stuff syslog tower-diagnostics-20200428-1751.zip
  11. I like that unraid is kind of like a one-in-all solution for everything. Docker, VM, use different sized HDD as storage while it's still protected, the community creating so many tools and LimeTech listening to the community. I'd love to see snapshits being added and I'm really glad that it's a top contender in the poll!
  12. Oh my god, I'm such an idiot... Thanks a lot! I spent more than 4 hours trying absolutely everything and didn't even think of checking my expression
  13. I'm trying to run a python script every minute with this plugin but I cannot get it to work. I created a new entry, set scheduling to custom with `* * * * * *` as expression. The content of the script is #!/bin/bash /usr/bin/python3.7 /mnt/user/walzen/nzbget_download_rate.py Running manually (clicking on "Run Script" or "Run in Background") works perfectly fine but for some reason it doesn't execute automatically. I have other cron jobs (bash scripts) that are working normally.
  14. I've got a raid 0 cache pool with two drives. After a SATA error, drive 1 failed and I had to reboot the system. However, now unraid doesn't "get" that the cache pool consisted of two drives instead of only one and when I want to add drive 1 to the pool, it wants to add the drive as a new device, wiping all the drive's data. I already followed to copy the content of the cache pool (which mounts correctly if I mount it manually) to a save place but some errors occurred during the copy process, so I'd like to not to restore the data from the saved files. Is there a way to "force" unraid into accepting the drive as existing drive?
  15. After memory overheating (I suppose, the temps were at around 100°C) I'm getting MCE memory errors but I don't know which stick exactly is causing it. I have a Supermicro X9DRi-LN4F+ Oct 8 02:05:19 Tower kernel: EDAC MC1: 1 CE memory read error on CPU_SrcID#1_Ha#0_Chan#0_DIMM#2 (channel:0 slot:2 page:0x561ee8 offset:0x100 grain:32 syndrome:0x0 - area:DRAM err_code:0001:0090 socket:1 ha:0 channel_mask:1 rank:8) How can I find out which slot Channel 0 Slot 2 is? The manual and everything else I can use to figure out which one it is only labels them as P1 DIMMA1, P1 DIMMA2 etc. Since I have 24 sticks in there I was wondering if there is a faster way to figure out which one is bad without taking out one stick at a time and then waiting again for the error to appear. I can't run memtest at is always gives me the message "Booting kernel failed: Invalid argument" when I try to select memtest86 tower-diagnostics-20191008-0025.zip
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