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Everything posted by fido666

  1. Yes I understand that now. Going to salvage the drives and USB key in case I can't get a replacement nic for my HP Microserver N36L, the standard NIC is integrated to the motherboard so need to find a low profile one for the 1 spare slot I have.
  2. I thought it might possibly be a configuration issue, did not hurt to try. Oh well it's an old server so might be time to retire it unless I can find a suitable low profile nic card for it.
  3. Changing network settings back to static IPs, etc made no difference status still shows as bond0, bond down and lo, loopback. Looks like it's definitely a dead nic.
  4. As a test I renamed the network.cfg file then rebooted and this is what I get for network settings now (see screen shots).
  5. Was thinking it might be a dead nic. Might be a while before I can pull it apart to add another, in the middle of packing up my house to move. Don't think there is any bios setting to enable it but will check again. ETA: checked BIOS, the only NIC related option in the BIOS is "Embedded NIC Port 1 Control" which is set to "enabled", MAC address also displays in main BIOS screen.
  6. Here are a couple of screen shots of the lspci command output.
  7. For ethtool * I get :- Settings for br0: Supported Ports: [ ] Supported Link Modes: Not reported Supported pause frame use: No Supports auto negotiation: No Supported FEC modes: Not reported Advertised link modes: Not reported Advertised pause frame use: No Advertised auto negotiation: No Advertised FEC modes: Not Reported Speed: Unkown! Duplex: Unknown! (255) Auto-negotiation: Off Port: Other PHYAD: 0 Transceiver: Internal Settings for lo: Link detected: yes Settings for br0: Link detected: yes For lspci I will take a screen shot and post back.
  8. It's listed under the Network Settings, Bonding set to No, Bridging set to Yes. MAC Address not displaying. Network activity light on server not flashing. 2 solid green lights on the port connector.
  9. I have replaced the CMOS battery, made no difference. Have also plugged it into the same network cable my other working Unraid server is normally attached to, no change. Took me a while to get the diagnostic logs to save to where I could find them, see attached file. tardis-diagnostics-20210830-0213.zip
  10. Having trouble getting the network interface running so I can download the community applications plugin. Have tried replicating settings from my other running server but no joy so far. I know the network point on my switch is working as I had a Windows 10 PC plugged into it earlier today. ETA: For some reason I'm only seeing interface "LO" not ETH0 on the Dashboard summary. The server is a HP Microserver N36L with a single ethernet port. Have tried everything but I'm stumped now.
  11. Thanks got it done with a bit of mucking around, machine had been switched off so long it had lost some BIOS settings. Also had to use the manual method to make up the USB. Good that I saved the key file though as it was a Plus license. Now I just have to work out how to run preclears on all the drives again, a couple came up with warnings. I also have another UnRaid server that is running fine, just need some more storage LOL.
  12. So I just copy the key file off then do a fresh V6 install on the key then copy the key file back?
  13. Hi, I have fired up my old unraid server that is running 5.0.5 and can get to the console but not access the webgui from another PC. I don't care about the old config as I am going to blow all the drives away and start over to try and get a clean install. I just want to preserve my existing license key on the USB. I have tried looking at the Upgrading to UnRAID v6 guide but the hyperlink isn't working. I'm a little lost as to what to try next.
  14. I have just upgraded to 5.0.5 Thanks, will take a look. Good to know. I figured the drive array would be fine, just wasn't sure about new mobo, cpu, etc with old USB config.
  15. I'm exploring building a new server to replace my ageing HP N36L Microserver. This case seems to be about the closest I can find to what the N36L has in terms of size and drive capacity (it actually beats the N36L on the latter). I'm still looking at potential mobos, etc and wondering if there's a compatability list for UnRAID hardware somewhere. Also is it possible to transplant my current drive array to new hardware using my current USB key and licence (I have Plus)?
  16. I just realised I never came back to say how I went with the mesh panel. It fits fine with a little bending and twisting, doesn't need anything else to hold it in place too. I have 7 HDDs all running happily in my Tardis now, 6 x 3.5" and 1 x 2.5". Temps are good, the bottom HDD in the double stack running just a few degrees Celsius higher than the rest even during parity checks (have one running right now and temp is 35c, other 6 are 31/32c). The hardest part of getting all the drives in was shoehorning the Nexus DoubleTwin into the ODD rails, don't want to think about having to do that again in a hurry.
  17. I put out a call on the WTB forum of Overclockers AU (OCAU) and a fellow member had one spare. It's from a Coolermaster Elite 3xx series case and as near as I can tell the dimensions match those of the cutout on the Microserver. I don't have it as yet so cant say for sure if it will fit or what it will look like. Can anyone tell me why the status light on my Cache drive in the UnRAID console is flashing green, not solid? I also can't see the temperature of the drive now. NVM, all good now.
  18. I've acquired a mesh bay cover so I can add a 6th array drive. I have a 2TB WD Green I can use but it's an Advanced Format drive. Would I be OK to re-assign this as the parity drive and re-allocate the current Parity drive to the array? Will having Parity on a 64K sector drive cause any issues? Also, I'm a little dissappointed with my performance results after adding my Cache drive (WD Black 500GB 7200RPM). Not much write improvement and read speed actually dropped (albeit only marginally). BIOS is currently set to have Write Caching enabled, should I disable it? NVM, answered my own question by trying it, write speeds died big time! Read speed a tiny bit better, just lucky there I think. Nastester creates a temp file for the write part of the test. It doesn't try and read an existing file, just reads the temp file back. I'm assuming if the data I'm trying to access had already been moved to the array then reads would need to go there. Nastester points to a drive letter but wouldn't the read/write still go via the cache drive first? Update: Doh! I didn't have cache enabled for the share Nastester was using, didn't realise it was disabled by default. It helps if you read the manual LOL! Much better figures now :- Also found a easy ghetto mod to hold the 2.5" cache drive in place in the void under the ODD bay, slices of wine cork cut to an appropriate thickness
  19. @Neilt0, Can you post a pic with that mesh bay cover in place? I've got another 2GB WD Green here I could potentially use as the 6th array drive, just need to get a Nexus DoubleTwin or X-Swing bracket to mount it and the 5th drive in the top bay. Edit: Forgot to mention I got the cache drive installed today. I'm a bit scarred from the process of re-routing power cables, etc but it works. I'm using a SIL3132 based controller card to handle mine, saves having to re-route the eSATA port.
  20. Thanks for the explanation Joe and taking the time to go over my logs. I'll re-allocate it to the array and see how I go.
  21. Thanks Joe, I'm just waiting for the most recent preclear run on the drive to finish. I've attached the reports from the original run. Hitachi's DFT test ran for some time but to be honest I didn't note the elapsed time, probably not the 27-29 hours each preclear took. Same for chkdsk from the command prompt. Update: Latest preclear completed with same result, let me know if you want those logs as well. preclear_finish__ML0220F30GNJ3D_2012-02-25.zip
  22. Hi there, I managed to get preclear installed on my HP Microserver with help from the Wiki . I've run successful preclears on 4 out of 5 Hitachi 5K3000 2TBs however the 5th has thrown up 49 re-allocated sectors on each of 2 passes so far. I've tested the drive using Hitachi's DFT tools but it found no errors over 4 passes. Have also tested the drive in question under Windows with Chkdsk from a command line as well as the Windows version (Properties > Tools), again no errors. The drive in question was basically new having only been used in OS testing before settling on UNRAID. Any ideas what might cause Preclear to find errors when other tools don't? I don't want to return a good drive if I can avoid it, these drives are out of stock everywhere here and seems a refund would be my only option. Note: I'm running 4.7 Plus.
  23. Update: Didn't get any errors over 4 cycles of DFT. Windows disk check run via the Properties > Tools menu, no errors found. Have since run a CHKDSK from the command line with no errors. Any ideas what might cause preclear to find sectors requiring re-allocation when other tests don't?
  24. One of my Hitachi 5K3000 HDDs threw up 49 re-allocated sectors during a pre-clear, got the same number on a repeat run. Since the drive was basically new and only used during initial Microserver testing I wouldn't expect to see so many. I've tried testing it with Hitachi's Drive Fitness Test software but can't get that to see any drives, checked on 2 PCs. WD's software passed the drive on both short and extended tests so I'm wondering if I really have a problem or not. I'm going to try re-running DFT with HDDs set to IDE mode and just the suspect drive connected, will see how that goes. I don't want to have to return the drive if I can avoid it, these drives are in serious short supply here and ,my original source has none in stock. Edit: HItachi's DFT software works on the Microserver if you disable all SATA options and set the HDD control options to IDE instead. You also have to put the HDD you want to test as the first drive in the chain (the leftmost bay when viewed from the front). It might still work with other drives in bays 2-4, have not tested this. You also have to remember to disable SATA mode in the Southbridge Configuration (I'm running The Bays modifed BIOS). I mention this only because the Hitachi 5k3000 drives are very popular with the Microserver crowd so it might help some others.
  25. LOL, that would be nice! It took 27hrs to clear 1 x 2TB HDD so clearing the other 4 is going to take some time. I believe you can run more than one at a time so I might try kicking off 2 sessions and see how I go. The HDD I cleared was in the ODD bay in a hot swap caddy and temp never went above 35c which is good, love my Hitachi Coolspins! Edit: Kicked off 1 preclear session via the console and another via Telnet using Putty, so far all good.
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