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Everything posted by WARLOCK

  1. @Nelinski Can you tell how you install SpeedTest++ in unraid ?
  2. Thanks, I have resolved the problem, I had to delete the container and the persisted files on unraid and reset it up
  3. I have been pulling my hear out trying to get this docker hub container and netflow working in Unraid, and I am having no luck Container https://hub.docker.com/r/blacktop/elastic-stack/ Netflow support https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/logstash/current/netflow-module.html My issue is I actually don't know how to force the container to mount certain folders to the unraid share and how to make an unraid friendly version. The elastic-stack container works off the shelf and mapping the port I am able to get to the Kibana interface, it's keeping my data persistence and I am having trouble actually capturing the data in elastic. If someone would like to tackle this as a small project it would be awesome.
  4. Hey Sparkly, The pf elk container you created I want to use it for Netflow and ELK you thing this is possialbe ?
  5. Good Day, is there any chance we can get Speedtest-cli added to the tools, This is a cool utility to allow us to do internet speedtest from cli. Thanks in advance
  6. Follow the link to the git repo in the OP and it's not that hard to set Krypton as a branch option It's not default branch yet until the kodi dev in charge of their ppa comes back off holiday Shot, worked like a charm.
  7. Feature Request: Please can we get dig added to the tools.
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