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Posts posted by Andiroo2

  1. Examples where this is useful:

    • It's Halloween or Christmas and lots of people are watching Halloween/Christmas movies on Plex.  Those movies get moved to the warm cache when the first person watches them and then they are available faster with fewer disk spin-ups in the warm cache when lots of people start watching them.  This assumes that the user has lots of space in the warn cache pool, and they specify that mkv files can go to the warm cache in settings
    • Working on a project using some digital assets that have been on the array for a few months,  Lots of accesses coming to those files over a period of weeks, so they sit in the warm cache while the project runs and then they get returned to the array when the project finishes
    • Like 2
  2. Would be great to make more use of a cache pool for frequently accessed files that may normally live on the array.


    Files that are accessed from the array could be copied to cache after the first use, and then handled by the mover process to be flushed from the cache after a period of time with no activity (no need to copy back to the array, as it's already there).  User can specify the shares that utilize warm cache by selecting a new option in the share options (Yes, Prefer, Warm, etc.).  User should be able to specify file types and sizes that would be in scope for warm caching.  


    Warm cache should be used in conjunction with advanced mover features like those available in the Mover Tuning plugin to allow the user to specify how long files stay in cache after a cache hit.  


    User could specify a dedicated cache for warm caching use only via the share settings (one pool for regular cache, one pool for warm caching).


    Files that are modified while in the warm cache would be deleted from the array and the updated version copied back to the array via the mover.  Files that are unchanged in the warm cache will just be flushed by the mover.

    • Like 5
  3. I prefer a backup on any file change, even if that’s 10x per day.  If my flash drive dies, I want to know that the latest config is available to restore.  Not one from a week ago before I made some change (and you KNOW that would happen right before the drive dies…).

  4. It sounds like your Tdarr docker is writing to the Unraid cache/RAM instead of your SSD.  I would check that the “Transcode Cache” path in the Tdarr server and node docker settings are the same, and that they are pointing at a share that is set to use your cache (share set to ‘Yes’ or ‘Prefer’).  


    The ‘/temp’ setting for transcode cache in the Tdarr GUI will point to this path in the docker settings, so double check that it’s set to the SSD (e.g. :


    ) and not


    on the server.

  5. 39 minutes ago, Mattti1912 said:

    Hello again :)


    When im trying to convert mkv files i get this error:


    The new transcode arguments were the exact same as the last ones meaning

    the file/worker would most likely be stuck in an infinite transcode loop if not stopped.

    Last arguments:

    New arguments:




    I was getting this error as well before I cracked my GPU issue.  If you are using QuickSync GPU, check my earlier post for the 3 steps I took to get it working.

  6. On 10/10/2021 at 1:29 PM, lordsiris said:


    Which QSV plugin did you end up using. Not really finding any that work for me outside of the one that moves audio into AC3 which I don't really want. Thanks!

    I'm using "Tdarr_Plugin_drdd_standardise_all_in_one" which converts audio to aac.


    I lied.  I am using these two:

    - Tdarr_Plugin_JB69_JBHEVCQSV_MinimalFile (I edited this plugin to ignore all files that were already in HEVC completely)

    - Tdarr_Plugin_JB69_JBHEVCQSZ_PostFix

  7. On 10/4/2021 at 9:20 AM, Andiroo2 said:

    I've looked thought the thread and can't find what I am looking for -- help with Quick Sync GPU setup for the new v2 tdarr dockers.  I have my iGPU working in Plex via /dev/dri, and passed it to the tdarr node the same way.  I have tried a few different QSV plugins but none seem to work.  I can convert with a CPU plugin without issue, so I know the containers and directories are set up properly.  

    Update:  I have resolved my issues.  Here is what I did to get Quick Sync GPU transcode working in Tdarr on a 10th gen CPU:

    1. Set the Tdarr_node docker to Privileged  
    2. Change the node options (on Tdarr main page > Nodes > (select your node) > Options) to use "vaapi" hardware encoding, and NOT "qsv"
    3. I then ran the following command within the Tdarr_node docker container's console:  
      apt install vainfo intel-media-va-driver-non-free

    After doing these steps, I was able to get GPU transcode working on my i7 10700k iGPU.



    • Like 1
  8. I've looked thought the thread and can't find what I am looking for -- help with Quick Sync GPU setup for the new v2 tdarr dockers.  I have my iGPU working in Plex via /dev/dri, and passed it to the tdarr node the same way.  I have tried a few different QSV plugins but none seem to work.  I can convert with a CPU plugin without issue, so I know the containers and directories are set up properly.  


    Can someone recommend a QSV plugin that works for them?  I've tried the ones listed in the default options and one I found online but no dice.  


    Some logs from the node showing the processing starts, but nothing really happens:

    [32m[2021-10-04T09:06:03.055] [INFO] Tdarr_Node - [39mStarting Tdarr_Node
    Preparing environment
    [32m[2021-10-04T09:06:03.075] [INFO] Tdarr_Node - [39mUpdating plugins
    [32m[2021-10-04T09:06:03.079] [INFO] Tdarr_Node - [39mTdarr_Node listening at http://localhost:8267
    [32m[2021-10-04T09:06:03.173] [INFO] Tdarr_Node - [39m---------------Binary tests start----------------
    [32m[2021-10-04T09:06:03.181] [INFO] Tdarr_Node - [39mhandbrakePath:HandBrakeCLI
    [32m[2021-10-04T09:06:03.190] [INFO] Tdarr_Node - [39mffmpegPath:ffmpeg
    [32m[2021-10-04T09:06:03.201] [INFO] Tdarr_Node - [39mmkvpropedit:mkvpropedit
    [32m[2021-10-04T09:06:03.201] [INFO] Tdarr_Node - [39mBinary test 1: handbrakePath working
    [32m[2021-10-04T09:06:03.201] [INFO] Tdarr_Node - [39mBinary test 2: ffmpegPath working
    [32m[2021-10-04T09:06:03.201] [INFO] Tdarr_Node - [39mBinary test 3: mkvpropeditPath working
    [32m[2021-10-04T09:06:03.201] [INFO] Tdarr_Node - [39m---------------Binary tests end-------------------
    [32m[2021-10-04T09:06:03.356] [INFO] Tdarr_Node - [39mCloning plugins
    [32m[2021-10-04T09:06:03.679] [INFO] Tdarr_Node - [39mFinished downloading plugins!
    [32m[2021-10-04T09:06:05.095] [INFO] Tdarr_Node - [39mNode registered
    [32m[2021-10-04T09:06:05.790] [INFO] Tdarr_Node - [39m[2.435s]Plugin update finished
    [32m[2021-10-04T09:07:04.156] [INFO] Tdarr_Node - [39mProcessing file: /mnt/media/Unsorted/movie1.mkv
    [32m[2021-10-04T09:07:36.176] [INFO] Tdarr_Node - [39mProcessing file: /mnt/media/Unsorted/movie1.mkv


    tdarr node.JPG


    On 5/26/2021 at 12:55 AM, happyfuntime said:

    I recently changed my routers IP from to a random IP and started running into this odd error. 



    Change your router's IP back to and DHCP range back to 192.168.1.[100-255].  This will solve your problems.  You can't just pick any random internal IP for your router.  


    Once you're back online, check the Wikipedia article posted by @trurl, specifically the section on Private IPv4 Addresses.  This has details on the ranges you CAN use for your internal network:  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Private_network.

  10. 21 hours ago, Kaizac said:

    Anyways I thought HDR tonemapping HW transcoding was working. But when I check some files in my library then some movies work perfectly but others are still showing artifacts. Dashboard is showing that transcoding is being done by HW and can't find any difference. Maybe because I'm on the latest Intel gen that it's not fully supported yet. But is your whole 4K library being played with tonemapping without artifacts?


    The issue was with 10th and 11th gen Intel CPUs on Linux (I have an i7 10700k).  Tone mapping was moved out of hardware due to a bug, so anytime I would try to transcode a HDR movie it would peg my CPU.  After moving to v1.23 of Plex Server, the issue is gone (i.e. back to HW transcoding for all files like it did in v1.22.0.4163 and earlier).

  11. Not solved for me either on 6.9.2


    May 19 01:08:08 Tower emhttpd: spinning down /dev/sdk
    May 19 01:08:08 Tower emhttpd: spinning down /dev/sdl
    May 19 01:11:00 Tower emhttpd: spinning down /dev/sdh
    May 19 01:13:06 Tower emhttpd: read SMART /dev/sdj
    May 19 01:13:06 Tower emhttpd: read SMART /dev/sdl
    May 19 01:13:07 Tower emhttpd: read SMART /dev/sdk
    May 19 01:13:17 Tower emhttpd: read SMART /dev/sdh
    May 19 01:28:37 Tower emhttpd: spinning down /dev/sdh
    May 19 01:29:47 Tower emhttpd: spinning down /dev/sdj
    May 19 01:30:17 Tower emhttpd: spinning down /dev/sdk
    May 19 01:41:51 Tower emhttpd: spinning down /dev/sdl
    May 19 02:01:18 Tower emhttpd: read SMART /dev/sdl
    May 19 02:01:28 Tower emhttpd: read SMART /dev/sdh
    May 19 02:01:38 Tower emhttpd: read SMART /dev/sdj
    May 19 02:20:57 Tower emhttpd: spinning down /dev/sdj
    May 19 02:20:57 Tower emhttpd: spinning down /dev/sdh
    May 19 02:20:57 Tower emhttpd: spinning down /dev/sdl
    May 19 02:27:40 Tower emhttpd: read SMART /dev/sdl
    May 19 02:42:42 Tower emhttpd: spinning down /dev/sdl
    May 19 04:10:57 Tower emhttpd: read SMART /dev/sdl
    May 19 04:11:07 Tower emhttpd: read SMART /dev/sdh
    May 19 04:25:59 Tower emhttpd: spinning down /dev/sdl
    May 19 04:26:09 Tower emhttpd: spinning down /dev/sdh
    May 19 04:36:15 Tower emhttpd: read SMART /dev/sdl
    May 19 04:36:33 Tower emhttpd: read SMART /dev/sdh
    May 19 04:51:25 Tower emhttpd: spinning down /dev/sdl
    May 19 04:52:23 Tower emhttpd: read SMART /dev/sdj
    May 19 05:01:32 Tower emhttpd: spinning down /dev/sdh
    May 19 05:07:25 Tower emhttpd: spinning down /dev/sdj
    May 19 06:14:14 Tower emhttpd: read SMART /dev/sdl
    May 19 06:52:09 Tower emhttpd: spinning down /dev/sdl


    This is with Telegraf/Grafana stopped.  I am testing with some dockers down at given times to see if I can find a culprit, but so far no luck.

  12. 1 hour ago, mmz06 said:

    Hi there,


    No need to login from Unraid itself but from inside Plex server only.

    Here is the solution which worked for me in this situation:



    It worked!!  I had been tagging the container version with "Latest" but I needed to add "plexpass" to the VERSION variable to make it work.  Thanks for the help!!  HW transcoding works on HDR tone mapped files again.

    • Like 1
  13. On 5/5/2021 at 9:32 AM, Andiroo2 said:


    Forum link for those interested: https://forums.plex.tv/t/linux-packaging-developers-sandbox-hdr-tonemapping-packaging-support/698937/175


    A fix is in testing now.  


    I'm trying to upgrade to this new beta Plex docker version that resolves HW transcode for Intel 10th gen CPUs.  I have a plex pass...how can I get to the Plex server v1.23.x?  I tried the "latest" tag and that gave me 1.22.x.  The Docker page says that if I am logged in it will install the latest plex pass release, but I can't see where I am supposed to log in on Unraid.  

  14. On 4/16/2021 at 9:49 PM, raujaku said:

    HW will work without tone mapping but what's the point lol? I'm currently on a version plex:version- The newest plex update had broken HW transcoding for comet and rocket lake cpus.

    Yep, I agree.  I was checking to see if you were experiencing the same issue as I was. 


    I rolled back to docker tag linuxserver/plex: and I have HW transcode back for now.


    EDIT: I upped this to linuxserver/plex: docker (v1.22.0.4163 per recommendation from the Plex forum thread on this issue: https://forums.plex.tv/t/4k-hdr-hevc-hw-transcoding-is-broken-on-i5-11600k-rocket-lake/707057/29)


    Hoping it fixes the audio sync issue I started to notice on the older version I tried first (v1.21.3.4046).

  15. On 4/14/2021 at 4:03 PM, Andiroo2 said:

    Same thing happening here.  Quick Sync HW transcode has stopped working on 4k HDR when Tone Mapping is enabled.  I can HW transcode 4K and 1080p without issue, but HDR transcode (tone mapping) has stopped working.  Disabling Tone Mapping in Plex settings fixes the issue.  


    I am on Unraid v6.9.2, v1.22.2.4282 of Plex and using an i7 10700k CPU.


    I have this in the Plex container log at startup...not sure if it's related:

    2021-04-14 11:09:21 ERROR 404: Not Found.


    I rolled back to v1.21.3.4046 and HW tone mapping transcode is working again  


    EDIT: ...and now I've got audio sync issues again on ATV4K.  Gonna have to play with some newer versions tomorrow.

  16. I'm having issues with the Cache Directories plugin since moving to 6.9.x.  I never used to notice my drives spinning up on 6.8.x but now I can't open an explorer window on my VM without the spin-up pause.  My settings have changed as I have tried to address the issue...here's the current view:




    Diagnostics posted for background.  Thanks!


  17. On 4/2/2021 at 12:39 AM, raujaku said:

    Don't know if this has been mentions yet but, quicksync stops working after version I tested this across multiple containers, each with the same results.

    On my system, HW transcode only breaks for tone mapping enabled 4K HDR files.  Can you check on your end too?  Is HW transcode working for other file types?

  18. On 4/2/2021 at 9:59 AM, raujaku said:

    Your right, after going past version- I can no longer transcode 4k HDR.


    This is on a server using a w1290-P.

    Same thing happening here.  Quick Sync HW transcode has stopped working on 4k HDR when Tone Mapping is enabled.  I can HW transcode 4K and 1080p without issue, but HDR transcode (tone mapping) has stopped working.  Disabling Tone Mapping in Plex settings fixes the issue.  


    I am on Unraid v6.9.2, v1.22.2.4282 of Plex and using an i7 10700k CPU.


    I have this in the Plex container log at startup...not sure if it's related:

    2021-04-14 11:09:21 ERROR 404: Not Found.


  19. On 4/12/2021 at 10:09 AM, Andiroo2 said:


    On 4/12/2021 at 10:09 AM, Andiroo2 said:

    Update:  still getting the error messages in the log, starting about 10 minutes later:


    To be clear, my SMB share still works perfectly.  I am transferring data to this remote share as part of a backup process weekly and it's working as expected.  I am just getting these errors spamming my Unraid logs.  

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