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Remy Lind

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  1. Hey, Could you make a container with RLCraft dedicated server for Minecraft? https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/modpacks/rlcraft/files Thanks.
  2. DST works with caves now, at least for me. Remember - DST Server port is - 10889 and NOT 10999 (Wrong configuring?) Need to update that in the container or forward container port 10889 to 10999 (UDP) Use console to connect; c_connect("IP") If you are using custom port; c_connect("IP",PORT) c_connect("IP",PORT,"Password")
  3. Custom World - Start server - Browse to; \appdata\dontstarve\token\Cluster_1\Master - Create/edit file worldgenoverride.lua or use my attachment (Copy same file to Caves-folder if you want to customize caves) - Edit worldgenoverride.lua to your liking then save. - Connect to your server and choose to regenerate world (press TAB when in-game then click the little button for options). - Have fun! Spawn more set-pieces - Stop server - Browse to; \appdata\dontstarve\serverfiles\data\databundles\scripts.zip\scripts\ - Edit worldgen_main.lua - Go to line 338 and replace with this; for idx=1, math.random(math.floor(9000*multiply[boons_override]), math.ceil(10000*multiply[boons_override])) do AddSingleSetPeice(level, "map/boons") AddSingleSetPeice(level, "map/pointsofinterest") AddSingleSetPeice(level, "map/protected_resources") AddSingleSetPeice(level, "map/traps") end - Experiment by changing math.floor (9000) value and math.ceil (10000) to your liking - Start server with a new world - Have even more fun! worldgenoverride.lua
  4. Thanks for making the containers. Much appreciated😀. My requests; L4D1, L4D2, KF1, KF2, Don't Starve and Insurgency. 😂
  5. I'm struggling with this too. I found out after som trial and error that --cpuset-cpus="7,23,8,24" (using 1950x) fixes the issue.
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