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Everything posted by Jim007

  1. Thank you OP (PARTITION PIXEL) for setting this up. I have a question. How can you configure this Docker to only be a plotter? I already have a full Chia Node setup in a windows 10 VM on another unRAID server. It's not immediately obvious in the Chia documentation as to how to do this.
  2. I have a windows VM with the full Chia node running (farming, plotting, etc) basically as it installs. I have another Unraid box in which I got the above docker running (thanks for that post OP by the way). I want the docker to only plot files. Can anyone tell me exactly how to do that. I already have the mnemonic key file and the directories set up. I just want it to plot files that I can transfer to my main Chia VM. Exactly how can I instruct the docker to only plot? Thanks for the help in advance.🙂
  3. I fully precleared Eight Seagate ST8000DM004 drives in parallel with a typical full job time of just under 48 hours or 6 hrs per TB. Three using SATA and 5 using USB 3.0 across 2 unraid machines. A 12TB drive should therefore take a total of about 72 hours if you extrapolate my experience. I did find that I need to place no more that 2 drives on any usb controller or hub, otherwise the rate would drop from ~125TB/hr to under ~80TB/hr. Obviously the choke point being the USB controller or hub. How have you connected your drives to your system?
  4. Are you able to use two NVMe (970 evo plus) to form the main array? One as Parity and the other as Data instead of mechanical drives.
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