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debit lagos

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Report Comments posted by debit lagos

  1. On 7/30/2022 at 12:05 PM, -Daedalus said:

    Maybe a partner topic - something like "6.11 series feedback" - Not pointing out any specific bug, but maybe as a way for people to give feedback or change requests for new features as they are implemented "Maybe this button should be orange" "What about moving that thing below this thing".


    I agree with this.  Sometimes some good ole feedback goes a long way.  But, I know, there will always be "one" who will think they are providing feedback and expect a FIXACT to be provided to that "feedback."


    Either way, I'm down with the "trying something different."

  2. 1 hour ago, ljm42 said:


    Hi @danioj, we have tested this on stock Unraid and can't reproduce the problem. If this was not an issue in 6.9.2, then I suspect a plugin has a conflict with some of the changes in 6.10.


    Would you please open a new thread here:

    with all the relevant info and include your diagnostics so we can see what plugins you have?


    Also, please try booting in safe mode and see if the problem goes away.


    Hate to even suggest (let alone ask) but did you clear your browser's cache to see if that clears it up?  Standard TTP for me after any upgrade.  


    It wasn't mentioned so thought I'd throw it out there... 

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