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  1. You've done it again. I had a cache pool labeled 'cache' but added another cache disk and changed the name of both pools so that there was no longer anything named 'cache'. My appdata folder is set to "only" use a cache pool called "appdata_cache". I'm probably an edge case for someone not having a disk directly accessible via the 'cache' label.
  2. Interesting. On my server, that directory gets cleared on reboot. When I had it set to /mnt/cache, I wouldn't just lose the save files but everything. It would have to rebuild the entire serverfiles directory, including re-downloading the game. I've run a bunch of your server containers and never had any issues with any of the others and they all appear to be using /mnt/user.
  3. Good catch, I had accidentally set the serverfiles to `/mnt/cache/appdata/satisfactory` which explains why the files persisted under all conditions except a reboot and why I wasn't seeing the saves when i was looking in `/mnt/user/appdata/satisfactory`. Looks like everything is working as expected now. Thanks for the help!
  4. Thanks for all these containers. I was running a Satisfactory container for a few weeks. I had to reboot my Unraid server and my Satisfactory server basically started over from scratch, it showed up as unclaimed when I went to reconnect to it and of course, my save file is gone. I checked in my appdata folder for the saves, which a previous comment says is '.config/Epic/FactoryGame/Saved/SaveGames' and there's only a single file in there (ServerSettings.15777). The saves do not seem to actually be in this location and I have searched the appdata and container image for any save files and cannot find them. If I put a local save into that folder, it does not show up in the manage saves browser. So for anyone else running this container, do the save files show up in that location or anywhere in appdata? Has anyone else lost their complete server config like this? It seems to happen anytime my Unraid server reboots. I can restart the container, stop/start it, turn off docker entirely and the server seems to persist, but on reboot I see the error in the logs: [2022.11.11-23.16.21:631][ 0]LogStreaming: Warning: Failed to read file '/serverdata/serverfiles/.config/Epic/FactoryGame/Saved/SaveGames/ServerSettings.15777' error. Before attempting to use the dedicated server again, I'd like to be able to backup my saves so I don't have to worry about the complete server reset but I can't find them to do so.
  5. Yeap, that's kinda the entire point. There's no hardware transcode support at the moment, but it's in the development plan.
  6. I'm still seeing the same behavior on the test build: https://www.dropbox.com/s/3cj9pxas8udwqkh/Screenshot 2019-04-30 19.39.01.png?dl=0 If there's some other logs or details you'd like me to gather, just let me know.
  7. https://github.com/Josh5/unmanic/issues/25 There's a github feature request for this.
  8. I submitted the following issue to the github project for this problem. Feel free to comment and add any additional information there. https://github.com/Josh5/unmanic/issues/29
  9. Sorry if this has been asked/answered elsewhere, but what are the default settings for bitrate/resolution/etc? Is this supposed to be passing through the original file settings?
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