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Everything posted by westsola

  1. Thanks OP for creating this. I just installed it to test it.. and encountered a couple of error messages. Hopefully they are helpful for your troubleshooting. Upon initial login/setup of user account, I receive the following error when trying to start a scan. Then upon logging in again I get this error
  2. I hadn't seen this project before but after finding it in the community apps store, I wanted to try it out. Depolying the docker took no time at all - I've got a few documents uploaded now and like this a lot - much more easy to organize than documents in Google Drive for example. The OCR and tagging is awesome. I'm now considering purchasing a used scanner with the scan to ftp feature.. Thank you T0a!!
  3. Thank you for the reply. I changed my interface variable to eth0. I'm wondering if I need to change the 'Network Type' from Custom Network- br0? Options area Bridge, Host, or None.. If I leave it as Custom Network -br0, I can set the ip address. Should I leave this as is?
  4. Great, thank you! Your reply was very helpful.. I will try moving it to eth0 in the future.
  5. Ah, I was following the spaceinvaderone tutorial where iirc the variable INTERFACE as br0. Maybe that's where my trouble began. It's working for now.. so I'm tempted to leave it. Though I'm planning to take my 4 NICs out of bonded mode soon and just use eth0.. going to try pfsense or sophos on eth3/4.
  6. Yep, am using and It looks like I fixed my issue. I went to grab a screenshot of my settings and found the below setting. My pihole wasn't working at all. Running on a Dell R710 with a bonded and bridged interface. I had to change it from Listen only on interface br0 to Listen on all interfaces. Works great now. Hope this helps someone else. Interface listening behavior Listen on all interfaces Allows only queries from devices that are at most one hop away (local devices) Listen only on interface br0 Listen on all interfaces, permit all origins Thanks spants!
  7. If I use pi-hole for my dns, nothing will resolve
  8. After further testing.. my pihole doesn't appear to be working at all. Which additional logs should I provide? This is a brand new install following the spaceinvaderone video, same settings.
  9. I believe that I'm having the same problem. I was recently ready to burn my new unraid install because I couldn't figure this out. I previously had the stats updating but pihole itself wasn't able to update the blocklists. I deleted the docker and recreated it, now everything seems to work.. I.e. ads are being blocked, but the query #s aren't updating. i thought it was broken until I saw your post and decided to double check. At first I thought I was having network issues.. dnsmasq: warning: interface br0 does not currently exist ^^ Is this a problem? I'm pretty sure br0 does exist.. it's in my routing table in unraid.. Maybe the docker doesn't see it as br0? dnsmasq: 26 query[A] pi.hole from dnsmasq: 26 /etc/pihole/local.list pi.hole is