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Everything posted by GorOps

  1. I tried again with DOCKER_ENABLED="no" and still have the same issue with bind() to [::1]:80 failed. Please advise. plexboxx-diagnostics-20230706-1123.zip netstat shows nothing on port 80 Edit: I manually upgraded to 6.10.3 without any problems. Then I tried 6.11.5 also without any problems. Working my way up! 6.9.2 --> 6.10.3 - worked 6.10.3 --> 6.11.5 - worked 6.11.5 --> 6.12.0 - FAIL So it seems to me like there was something between 6.11.5 and 6.12 that's breaking the webui for me...
  2. Yes I am intentionally running for my subnet as configured on my router. Also my dockers are not set to autostart so there shouldn't be any port 80 conflict. This is my docker setup nothing is on port 80. I will try editing the docker.cfg and setting it to DOCKER_ENABLED="no" later tonight when I get a chance to mess with it again.
  3. Hello, I just tried to upgrade from 6.9.2 to the latest version and everything seems to start up but I can't access the webgui. I also tried to boot into Safe Mode w/ GUI at startup which failed to load the GUI. I can restore the files from the previous folder and everything goes back to normal. Any clue why the latest upgrade isn't working? plexboxx-diagnostics-20230705-1815.zip
  4. What version of Windows? WSL 2 is only available in Windows 10 builds 18917 or higher. What about the optional components? https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/wsl/wsl2-install
  5. One option would be to create a user script that runs at stopping of array. The command could be cp ~/.bash_history /boot/config/extra. Then you create another user script for when the array starts to copy it in reverse
  6. Sometimes the connection fails and I can see unionfs is left running. I think this is preventing the mount script from successfully running whenever it retries. Even running the cleanup or shutdown scripts don't fix it. I have to killall unionfs, then re-run the mount script... I'm using your scripts from github.
  7. Hello, I followed the Shrinking Array wiki guide and maybe amd over the last couple of weeks I have removed two drives from my array. Things are working fine but I'm wondering if the disk number on the Main tab should be readjusted or if there is some hidden placeholder where the old disks were. Screenshot attached: https://imgur.com/a/kfYWqcE If I add a new drive to the array in the future, will that new disk take the disk 4 slot currently hidden?
  8. I posted a support question on the Rclone forums related to rclone mount causing unraid to get out of memory errors after some time. Need help with my config or mount script... If anyone from here is able to assist it would be greatly appreciated. https://forum.rclone.org/t/rclone-mount-causing-out-of-memory-in-unraid/9695
  9. Can the Windows desktop client connect to this docker? Can this do the RSS auto download stuff like the desktop client?
  10. Any plans to update this for 6.7.x?
  11. A few of us in Discord tried this theme out and the main problem we found was that the black text on dark grey background could be improved. Example: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/375470591819644928/494177414319046666/unknown.png
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