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Posts posted by sam19

  1. Okay, I have absolutely no idea why my config didn't work and your example config did (in fact I had already tried a virtually identical config with rewrite before), but now it's working as intended. I might actually convert all of my other app location blocks to use rewrite as well. Thanks for the tip, @saarg!

  2. Thanks for the container, it's great to have a Calibre app with regular updates! I'm having a bit of trouble configuring reverse proxy for the container though. I use nginx (in fact your LetsEncrypt container) I want to use a variable in proxy_pass so the proxy can start even if the Calibre container is shut down. So far I have been unable to make it work with variables. The following configuration without variables works just fine:

    location = /calibre { return 301 $scheme://$http_host/calibre/; }
    location /calibre/ {
        proxy_pass http://calibre:8080/;

    However, when I try to use a variable, it stops working:

    location = /calibre { return 301 $scheme://$http_host/calibre/; }
    location ~ ^/calibre/(.*)$ {
        # Avoid nginx startup failure if host is not available
        set $calibre_host calibre;
        proxy_pass http://$calibre_host:8080/$1;

    The problem seems to be one resource that fails to load via angular.js:

    https://<network address>/calibre/api/session/data/noauth/connectionGroups/ROOT/tree?token=<long token string>

    The server returns 403 Forbidden error.


    All other resources load just fine. This happens regardless of using basic auth in my proxy or not. It also happens if I use a username and password with the environment variables or leave them empty. Interestingly, the password prompt does show up and entering a wrong password gives an error "Invalid Login", but the right user/password combination results in an auth resource not loading with error code 403. Does anyone have any idea what could be causing this and how to correct it?

    • Like 1
  3. Thank you for your reply, @aptalca! Workspaces are, at least in my opinion, one of the most useful features in VSCode. You can save individual settings per workspace, based on the project's needs. They are also not limited to the existing folder structure, instead you can add folders outside the working folder to your workspace. For example I have common tools that I use in all of my Nextcloud apps, and I can add this folder in all of my app workspaces, so the tools stay up-to-date every time I update them. There are surely more features to them, but these are the most useful ones to me personally. A workspace file is just a file containing the configuration of your workspace, saved as a .code-workspace file on the disk.


    I think workspaces would be more useful if you mostly work on multiple projects alone or mostly maintain them yourself. If you just clone an individual repo to work on an issue and after that want to clear the desk for the next thing on your list, I don't think you would benefit from using workspaces. Currently it's a bit confusing, as the app's menu's contain options such as "Open Worspace" and "Save Workspace As", but the functionality is missing.


    Here are a couple of topics explaining VS Code workspaces:

    https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/editor/multi-root-workspaces (official documentation)

    https://stackoverflow.com/questions/44629890/what-is-a-workspace-in-vs-code (discussion on the subject on StackOverflow)

  4. Hey, thanks for the answer! Yes, obviously I have other measures in place to prevent that :) I have a number of workspaces in a folder that I have mounted. However, the file names are grayed out when I browse to them through "Open Workspace" and cannot be selected. I just realized that when using "Save Workspace As" it doesn't save anything in the path that you give it, but instead saves some files in /config/data/User/workspaceStorage/<long random string>/. I still haven't figured out how I could open a workspace from that location.

  5. Hey, and thanks for the awesome container! Looking good so far, only I haven't figured out how to save or load vscode workspace files yet. Does the container support loading workspace files or should I do it some other way (there's the workspace folder under config)?


    BTW: I have no issues running the container in a subdirectory behind reverse proxy, although I am not using password authentication.

  6. Thanks for the great tutorials, @SpaceInvaderOne! I have managed to pass through my GTX 1070 to a Windows 10 VM using an edited vbios. However, I have now run into a bizarre problem that I can't seem to fix. The VM starts fine, it boots to login screen where everything works pretty much normally (except the spinner icon). After I log in, the desktop is visible for 2-3 seconds and after that everything goes black. The VM remains responsive, however. The screen does come back momentarily in certain cases:

    • If I type Ctrl-Alt-Del, it briefly (<1sec) flashes the transition screen. The mouse icon changes when I move it over the links even though the screen is black.
    • After Ctrl-Alt-Del and launching the task manager, the desktop is visible for about 1sec with the task manager launched before turning black again.
    • After Ctrl-Alt-Del and clicking the "Switch User" button, the screen comes back showing the login screen and stays visible for as long as I remain on the login screen. All the menus and even sound works on this screen.

    VM and Unraid logs don't show any kind of errors.

    Does anyone have ideas? I use the recommended Splashtop Streamer.

  7. On 4/5/2018 at 2:37 AM, limetech said:


    The encryption key you enter is not the key used to encrypt your device.  Instead, the key you enter decrypts the master key used to actually encrypt/decrypt you device.  The master key itself is randomly generated at the time the device encryption is set up and doesn't change.  There can be up to 8 encrypted copies of the master key, each with a different key or passphrase that unlocks it.  The link referenced by @tr0910 describes how to add additional encrypted master key copies via the command line.


    I'm in the process of converting my array to an encrypted file system. Just to be absolutely sure, is the "master key" somehow embedded into the file system header on the disk itself or is it located somewhere on the boot volume? I'm pretty sure that I read that it's embedded in the header in that linked thread, but this technical stuff sometimes goes over my head (English is not my native tongue). I've had USB boot devices fail on me before and having such a key on the boot volume without backups would be enough to keep me awake at night...

  8. Greetings!


    I'm nearing the end of my trial period and am just about ready to get a license for unRaid. It looks like a great solution for the Docker-based mix of data storage and services that I have built over the years. There are a couple of questions that I have not found an answer to, however, if someone could put my mind to ease.


    1. Some of my containers are complaining about Transparent Huge Pages. Would it be safe to disable this feature, or does some of unRaid functionality depend on it? I am also using some apps, most notably Community Applications, Unassigned Devices, SSD Trim and Docker Autostart Manager.


    2. It seems Docker is (possibly) removing the support of container linking in favor of networks some time in the future. There already seems to be an option to preserve custom made networks in Docker settings and I've found some instructions to create networks through the command line interface, but are the any plans for more sophisticated and long-term support for managing Docker networks, possibly through the UI?


    Thanks to anyone who can help out!

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