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Everything posted by Kaizac

  1. Hahaha, I made that mistake numerous times myself so it's nice I can finally carry over this precious knowledge ;).
  2. You forgot the ":". So type in rclone lsd google:
  3. Just rebooted and everything seems to working as usual again. Never had that happen before, so it was definitely strange. Thanks for thinking along!
  4. Thanks! I just deleted and reinstalled through the apps library and not it's working again. I will do a reboot again of my server to see if it works well this time. Will report back in about 5 minutes.
  5. New behaviour and I always install with internet connected. I'm not sure if I can force a reïnstall without losing all my configuration?
  6. Thanks for all your work! I just used rclone config through Putty (terminal gives the same error) as I always do and it gives me the following error: root@Unraid:~# rclone config /usr/sbin/rclone: line 21: rcloneorig: command not found So I can't configure anything at the moment. Is this a bug, or on my side? Edit: did some further checks and mounting also does not work.
  7. Solution is to put the SSL mode in Cloudflare on the Strict mode. Then it works with the CF proxy and your own LE config.
  8. I might have not been clear. I have a personal domain (not the duckdns). So that domain needs DNS settings for the CNAME's, which I like Cloudlfare's interface for.
  9. I'm trying to use the Cloudflare DNS + HTTP proxy which I can't seem to get working as I want. What I have is a Let's Encrypt set up, in Cloudflare I created CNAME's which redirect to my DuckDNS domain. When I put off the proxy mode in Cloudflare my personal domain and subdomains resolve to the right dockers. However, when I put on the HTTP proxy in Cloudflare, the (sub)domain can't resolve anymore. Should what I'm trying to do work, or is it impossible? I'd prefer not to put my WAN IP out in the open, so the HTTP proxy would be very useful.
  10. I would also advise putting this docker on it's own IP. When I was running it on the Unraid IP my devices were not able to find the controller. WIth it's own IP it was immediately fixed.
  11. I run airsonic on a subdomain and with Lets Encrypt reverse proxy I have to use airsonic.domain.com/airsonic to access the login page. Removing the context path in the template solves this problem, but it returns after every update. Is there something I can do to fix this permanently?
  12. Kaizac


    Thanks for the updates. Some questions: - I can't see what you've changed on the rclone mount. I've put your previous version next to the new one but I can't see a difference. Could you direct me to where/what you changed? - Did you just make extra scripts in User Scripts which you time at start/stop of array? Won't the uninstall and install conflict when you're running both at start of array? - For the upload script, why did you go with checkers 10 and transfers 4? Default is 8 and 4, but I don't really understand what checkers do and what raising the amount accomplishes. For the transfers 4 I'm wondering why Rclone puts that as default. It seems to me when the script suddenly stops during an upload you only lose progress of one upload. If you transfer 4 at the same time, all 4 are wasted. The time in transit is longer with 4 which seem undesired to me. But I don't know if multiple transfers give some benefits I can't see now. - For the cleanup script, why do you look for .unionfs? I've noticed this file is often lacking which makes the cleanup fail on the gdrive part (local still works).
  13. Kaizac


    Have you been able to test it already? I'm very pleased with these settings. Both movies and series start in Plex after around 3 seconds. Emby seems a bit slower with around 4 seconds. Still a big improvement from my previous start times. Curious what your start times are (without any caching beforehand).
  14. Kaizac


    I also saw that info this morning (also following the VFS sweetspot topic) and will be trying different mount options. Thing I run into now is that Plex takes very long to direct stream or doesn't start at all. Emby does direct stream (both on nvidia shield as on pc/laptop) within a few seconds. I think Emby is known for working better for using cloud streaming, but I want them both to work reliably and quick enough.
  15. Kaizac


    Sorry didn't see that in your edit. Thanks for clarifying.
  16. Kaizac


    @DZMM: Why did you remove the bind mounts and what did you do with your local folders and imports of torrents and usenet?
  17. Kaizac


    Awesome, using unionfs like this is so convenient! And good to know that the upload jobs run sequentially and not parallel. I'll put more time in the different rclone jobs (like sync and move) when I have my fibre acces. Thanks for the help again!
  18. Kaizac


    Thanks man, that was the trick indeed. Amazing that it works like that! Everything seems to be working fine now. Currently putting the system to the test by doing full downloads, both Emby as Plex library updates and playing from local drive. Before my memory usage would go to 70+% but now it's at the normal 20% thus the unionfs is not using memory with all the indexing going on which is good. Only thing I wonder if that would be possible is to have a union of your gdrive (cloud movies), your local_upload movies and your local_not_to_be_uploaded movies. This creates that 1 folder truly merges all the media you have. And another thing I was wondering about your upload config. You constrict it to about 8MB/s to prevent the 750gb upload ban for gdrive. But you are putting this limit on multiple upload folders. Does it then still limit your total upload speed to gdrive or does it just limit the seperate upload folders and thus still causing a ban when you upload >750gb? Can't test it myself since I won't be on fibre in a few months. Oh and for other people reading this later, I fixed my Sonarr/Radarr access/permission errors by running "New Permissions" (not on the rclone mount and unionfs) and disabling "Set permissions" in Sonarr and Radarr.
  19. Kaizac


    Hopefully I can express myself better this time. You have google_vfs which is a union of your google drive (your cloud files) and your local upload folder (in which you have different upload folders like "tv_kids", "movies_uhd", etc.). Normally you would create an union between your google drive tv_kids_gd and tv_kids_upload. So when you download to the union folder tv_kids, Sonarr knows it has to place the files in tv_kids_upload. But since you are not creating a union on subfolder level, how does Sonarr know where to move the files to so it can still see all the series I have (both online as offline)?
  20. Kaizac


    Something I might be overthinking. But you are now creating the unionfs on the toplevel. So before I would put a unionfs on the gdrive_movies and the movies_upload folders which combined showed me both off- as online movies. Now there is no unionfs on that level anymore. So is this still going well with Sonarr and Radarr? How does it know it needs movies_upload to upload movies and series_upload for series?
  21. Kaizac


    @DZMM: do you just create a folder named /mountcheck within your gdrive crypt folder? The script is running into an error at the vfs mounting even though there is a folder named /mountcheck which I can see from mount_rclone/gdrive.
  22. Kaizac


    Thanks for the info again. Did you do the above in the individual dockers? If so, how would Sonarr look for example? Did you point /tv to /unionfs/TVshows for example and then also add /unionfs as RW Slave like the above?
  23. Kaizac


    Sorry, I don't understand what you mean with "I added /unionfs mapped to /mnt/user/mount_unionfs RW slave in the docker mappings". Do you mean in the individual docker settings. Or is there some general docker mapping? And looking through your scripts I only see movies covered. Is that correct? So did you stop splitting you upload folders for movies/shows? And I also don't understand why you are binding. I understand your situation is different with a UD used for torrenting, which I don't have/need. But I'm not sure how to translate it to my situation. And did you also change something in your Sabnzbd mappings? Sorry for all the questions, I'm feeling quite imcompetent at the moment.
  24. Kaizac


    No other apps. I'm going to start over again from the info you just provided. Can you tell me how you did the /tv and /movies mappings in Sonarr and Radarr? And Did you add /unionfs as RW to these dockers just for permissions?
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