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Posts posted by nekromantik

  1. hi all ran pre clear on new 3TB ironwolf drive.

    Pre clear finished without errors but it said some attributes near thresh. For some reason the log was not saved but below is SMART attributes. Can someone please let me know if I should return the drive?

    1	Raw read error rate	0x000f	100	064	044	Pre-fail	Always	Never	0
    3	Spin up time	0x0003	100	100	000	Pre-fail	Always	Never	0
    4	Start stop count	0x0032	100	100	020	Old age	Always	Never	1
    5	Reallocated sector count	0x0033	100	100	010	Pre-fail	Always	Never	0
    7	Seek error rate	0x000f	070	060	045	Pre-fail	Always	Never	9331060
    9	Power on hours	0x0032	100	100	000	Old age	Always	Never	28 (237 241 0)
    10	Spin retry count	0x0013	100	100	097	Pre-fail	Always	Never	0
    12	Power cycle count	0x0032	100	100	020	Old age	Always	Never	1
    184	End-to-end error	0x0032	100	100	099	Old age	Always	Never	0
    187	Reported uncorrect	0x0032	100	100	000	Old age	Always	Never	0
    188	Command timeout	0x0032	100	100	000	Old age	Always	Never	0
    189	High fly writes	0x003a	100	100	000	Old age	Always	Never	0
    190	Airflow temperature cel	0x0022	063	062	040	Old age	Always	Never	37 (min/max 24/38)
    191	G-sense error rate	0x0032	100	100	000	Old age	Always	Never	0
    192	Power-off retract count	0x0032	100	100	000	Old age	Always	Never	1
    193	Load cycle count	0x0032	100	100	000	Old age	Always	Never	4
    194	Temperature celsius	0x0022	037	040	000	Old age	Always	Never	37 (0 24 0 0 0)
    197	Current pending sector	0x0012	100	100	000	Old age	Always	Never	0
    198	Offline uncorrectable	0x0010	100	100	000	Old age	Offline	Never	0
    199	UDMA CRC error count	0x003e	200	200	000	Old age	Always	Never	0
    240	Head flying hours	0x0000	100	253	000	Old age	Offline	Never	27 (194 154 0)
    241	Total lbas written	0x0000	100	253	000	Old age	Offline	Never	10077912400
    242	Total lbas read	0x0000	100	253	000	Old age	Offline	Never	17919685090


  2. On 9/15/2019 at 7:00 PM, wrobelda said:

    This is a fairly old thread, but the solution here is to add the docker's built in DNS Resolver to the list of the upstream DNS servers in pfsense/router/opensense. Depending on the settings, you may need to enable forwarding the non-FQDN domain requests. 


    how would you do this?

    can you access the docker dns resolver from outside of containers? 

  3. Hi all


    I am still running Unraid 6.7.2 and have some problems with transferring files from my Windows Laptop via Wifi,

    If I use windows explorer to copy and paste it works but sometimes video files get corrupt.

    So trying SCP or RSync and it takes 2-3 tries to work as I keep getting broken pipes or disconnect messages.

    Any hints?

  4. 1 hour ago, Frank1940 said:

    Very interesting!  Most keep this in the back of my mind.  Particularly, when there are messages in the syslog complaining about IPV6 issues.  I know that my IPS provider (Spectrum) is currently providing me with an IPV4 address to my Cable Modem.  And I have both of my Unraid server set to IPV4 only (on the Setting >>  Network  tab). 


    @nekromantik, what type of address is your IPS provider delivering to your Modem-- IPV4 or IPV6?  If they are only providing you with an IPV4 address, why did you even turn IPV6 in Unraid?  If you are not aware it , you also have both IPV4 and IPV6 turned on in Unraid.  See    Settings   >>>   Network settings: 'Network protocol:'   Have you any other devices on your LAN that require IPV6 addresses?  You manually assigned an IPV4 address ( to your server.  (I am not being critical of you but, rather, I am trying to understand how your setup came to be the way it was.  I have no doubt we are going to see this issue again and I would like to gain a better understanding of the entire situation as I am sure that must be (and, definitely,  will be in the future) situations where IPV6 addresses will absolutely be required!)


    Otherwise, if you had not turned on IPV6 support in Unraid, you might never have had the problem.  I have a sneaking suspicion that turn IPV6 support off on the router is not a good idea.   One of these days, your IPS may require its use.   I understand that all of the current IPV4 addresses will map into IPV6 address space.  

    My ISP provides both IPV4 and IPV6. I turned on IPV6 in Unraid to test it out. I dont really have a need for it at the moment. We are very far away from it becoming mainstream. As the issue only happened when using my Windows PC it seems that its not a Unriad issue. My Windows PC was assigned a IPV6 and IPV4 address so did not want to mess with registry to turn it off on the PC.

  5. 53 minutes ago, Benson said:

    Seems network issue


    Wire <-> Pfsense <-> Wireless , does those are bridge or route ?


    If your AP have 2 LAN port, could you try after change as below


    wire <-> (LAN) AP (LAN) <-> Unraid

    The PFSense is connected to a switch and then Unraid is connected to the switch.

    The AP only has 1 port which is connected to PFSense. 


    If it a network issue on wireless side then if I switch second PC to wireless and then try md5 check again it will prove if its network issue with wireless.

  6. 51 minutes ago, Frank1940 said:

    From what I gather you have two PC's ---  The first one has WIN10 as the OS and the second PC is running some other OS.  Is this correct? And that second PC does not use SMB.  Is this correct?


    You said you used the first PC to copy the file from the second PC to the Unraid server.  Why did you do this?  The object was to use a separate, distinct SMB path between the second PC and the Unraid server.  You have to initiate the transfer from the second PC.  


    Itis important to realize that your network could be the cause of this problem.  Your router and/or switch have either a dedicated SOC or a CPU controlling the flow of data through them.  I doubt if SMB is the root cause of your problem.  If it were, this board would have hundreds (if not thousands) of folks screaming...

    Correct first PC is Windows 10 and I mount shares for Unraid.

    Second PC is a Intel NUC with Ubuntu on it. That runs my media player and connects to Unraid via NFS.


    So it looks like my Windows PC is the issue then as when initiating transfer from Ubuntu to Unraid MD5 remains same but when using my Windows PC to copy to Unraid MD5 does not match. 

    My network setup is Windows is wireless and Ubuntu and Unraid are wired in. My router is intel mini pc with pfsense and wifi access point connected.

  7. 4 minutes ago, Frank1940 said:

    Let's try one more test.  Copy the file from the Unraid server to the PC that you uploaded it from and check the MD5 checksum again.  


    My best guess at this point would be that there is a RAM issue on your server hardware--- but ECC RAM should catch this.  (I assume that you are using ECC RAM in this server!)   


    As I understand it, the  memtst   program that is installed with Unraid will not catch ECC RAM issues.  But there is a version which will.  You can find it here:




    It will run from a bootable flash drive.  Be sure to run it for 24 hours.  


    Does anyone else have any ideas of what could be causing this problem? 

    Surely it cannot be RAM issue if file copied directly from second PC to Unraid matches md5?

    All the mis matches are coming when my windows PC is involved, as both my Unraid server and my second PC are accessed via SMB so all the testing apart from the last test has been via my windows PC. By that I mean, when I copied file from second PC to unraid the first time round I used my windows PC to do that. While the second time I did not use my windows machine and did it directly from second PC.

  8. 52 minutes ago, Frank1940 said:

    Now copy that same file from the first PC to the Unraid server.  Get the MD5 checksum of this copy on the Unraid server.  Does that match the MD5 checksum of the file that was copied from the second PC to the Unraid server?  

    Nope MD5 does not match between file copied from second PC to Unraid and file copied from first PC to Unraid.


    So I then copied file from second PC to Unraid using NFS directly from second PC rather then via my windows first PC and MD5 matches.

    So issues is copying over SMB to Unraid on my Windows machine is corrupting the files.

    Any hints? I would rather use NFS but I do not have Win 10 Pro.

  9. 36 minutes ago, Frank1940 said:

    Please reword this as I can not figure out what you did.  


    What I asked you to do was:  


         (1) On your PC, select a file of the type that plays correctly on the PC and not after it is copied to the server.


         (2) Get the MD5 checksum of the file on that PC.


         (3) Copy that file to a second PC.  Now get the MD5 checksum of that new copy on this second PC.


        (4) Copy that same file from the second PC to the Unraid server.


        (5) Get the MD5 checksum of that file on the Unraid server.


    All of the MD5 checksums should be the same!  If they are not, on which transfers are they different?  (By the way, it is possible that could be different before and after any copy.)  What we are trying to see is where file corruption is occuring.  Knowing where it is happening will suggest the possible sources/cause of the problem.    (You could have bad RAM in one of computers involved, a defective switch/router, etc.) 



    So I copied a file from PC to second PC ---- MD5 matches with first PC

    Copied file from second PC to Unraid --- MD5 Does not match with second PC/first PC

  10. 20 hours ago, Frank1940 said:

    I have a suggestion for one testing mode that you might want to try.  Copy a file the works on your PC to a second PC.  Check both the playback and the MD5 checksum of the file on the second PC.   Now copy the file from the second PC to your Unraid server.  Again check the playback and the MD5 Checksum.  

    So I did a test.

    I copied a file downloaded from PC to Unraid over SMB to another machine on the same switch and same corruption.

    However files downloaded on unraid entirely without PC are fine.

  11. 1 minute ago, Jclendineng said:

    Sounds like a network issue. Unraid would not corrupt files, the only way to tell is to play the file on your pc, it should play fine.  Copy said file to unraid, and try to read.  If it fails, take the md5 sum of the working file and compare it to the one you copied.  This will tell you if it got corrupted during the network transfer.

    yup done that and the md5s are different

    what does not make sense is why all of a sudden this happened. 

    no changes to network have been made

  12. 13 hours ago, Frank1940 said:

    I would suggest that you run memtst  (found on the UnRAID boot menu)  for 24 hours.

    I found files that are are downloaded by containers like sonarr for example are fine. 

    they playback without any corruption, its only files copied over from my PC.

    could it still be memory?

  13. I dont think it could be ipv6 causing the isuses as my Kodi box connects to Unraid NFS over IPV4.

    I just checked the md5s and they do not match between file on server and file on PC.

    So something is going wrong when copying it via Windows.

  14. hi all

    Over the last few days I have started to see movie files that are copied to my unraid share via SMB in Windows become corrupt.

    By this I mean during playback I get skipping and pixelation. 

    In order to rule out the files I playback the local copy on my PC and it plays fine but then I go to the same file via SMB on unraid and it has skipping and pixelation. 

    Any ideas?

  15. Can I ask what steps you took?
    1) Downloading the config, what did you choose for port (default UDP, UDP 53, TCP 80 or TCP 443) and use IP address (YES, NO)?
    2) Did you make any edits to the CONF file besides changing the extension to OVPN?
    3) You used the info from the userpass file ending in m (like 7678445522299017m)  for both VPN_USER and VPN_PASS? Like VPN_USER=7678445522299017m and VPN_PASS=7678445522299017m
    4) Did you use all the files from the downloaded zip in your CONFG directory?
    5) Did you set VPN_PROV=custom?
    6) Did you use the host address from the CONF/OVPN file for VPN_REMOTE?
    Thanks for any other info - definitely appreciated!

    I used defaults for everything and no changes to file apart from changing extension.
    Yes used string ending in m for both username and password.
    Yes all files copied to container.
    Yes VPN prov is custom.
    Did not set VPN remote.

    Sent from my Pixel 2 XL using Tapatalk

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