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Everything posted by Nealon

  1. Hello... Sorry to drudge up an old thread, but I've been pulling my hair out over this for a few weeks and just can't get past it. I'm running Manjaro KDE, trying to mount my unraid shares so I can read/write. Here's what I CAN do: I can browse the shares directly by entering "\\vault" into the file browser (dolphin). This gets converted into "smb://vault", and I'm able to browse/write to all my share exactly as I would expect. I can create shortcuts to folders using this structure, and everything works fine within the file browser. The issue is, I can't set applications to write to those paths. So, everything I'm reading online (this thread included) points me to fstab. So, I've tried literally every permutation in this thead and have had no success. The "noperms" option throws an error for me, but everything else "mounts successfully" and then I can't read or write. However, I CAN do "sudo mkdir test" in the command prompt, which works when I give the *computer admin password* which makes no sense to me. I'm so close, but I just cannot get programs to write to my shares directly. Please help me 😰 Thank you very much. Happy to provide any extra info that might be needed... EDIT: I must be an idiot or something, I finally got it working when I changed to do the mount in my mnt folder instead of my users folder. Not sure if there's some reason that would cause an issue or if it was just something with the permissions modifications I'd done to that previous folder, but it works now! Used the exact line from the above user... pretty much! Thanks! I'll leave this here in case it happens to help some fellow struggle-er in the future
  2. Quick update... By setting the RAID card to enable JBOD, I was able to get it to pass through all the drives without RAIDing them. so that's great, but now, with 3 old iron wolf drives lying around, I'm getting whole bunch of udma crc errors... which from I'm reading is likely a cable issue? Well I basically have just the backplane with the sff 8643 cables coming out to the RAID card, which connects through what I assume is just a PCIe slot. There's some other connectors that look similar to 10 pin mobo power supply connectors, but I can't see where those go, I'd assume the bottom side of the mobo though. Any suggestions are still much appreciated. I've gotten small nudges in the right direction from a few people already and greatly appreciate the input, but I keep bumping into annoying walls. Hopefully I can keep getting past them!
  3. Hello, I've been running UNRAID on a pretty standard 8 bay mini itx case for a few years now, and I've started to outgrow it. So, to dip my toes into the proper server waters, I picked up one of these (not that specific listing, I got a slightly different config on ebay for $200, missing CPU, RAM, Drives, and a RAID/SAS card. I'm fairly certain I've got the CPU, RAM, and HDD's (though the drive sleds it came with don't support standard HDDs... so I bought some new ones that are gonna take a month to ship... I just have a drive kind of, in there for now.) covered at this point (planning on using a standard NCMe PCIe adapter for cache, just bought that today... hopefully that'll work), but I'm currently a little stumped on the RAID/SAS card. Before, I really understood everything, I bought this RAID Card because that was the first thing that came up when I was looking for something that matched the plug type at least. However, after asking around while waiting for all of that to come in the mail, I realized what I really wanted (given I'm using UNRAID, and don't want a RAID controller getting in the way, was a SAS card. So I bought this one. Well I've got everything here with me now, and if I have the SAS card in the server, I get stuck on "Initializing.../" spinning forever, until it eventually times out with this error. The RAID card produces no such errors, though I didn't see my drive being passed through to UNRAID at least, I'm going to try to tinker with this more later tonight to see if I can possibly configure it to not actually do anything with RAID and just pass the drives through... Let me know if anyone has suggestions there. As for the error though, I've gathered that I need to update the card somehow/flash it with new firmware/BIOS? The thing is, I have absolutely no idea how to do that. I found this guide on updating the firmware on the server, which leads me to a Server Firmware ISO (not sure if I need the configuration tool as well? Is that just an update to the config tool I saw listed on the BIOS splash screen?), but again, that's for the server itself, not the card, where I believe the issue is. In summary: I'm also open to returning both of these cards and buying a different one if I can be confident that one will work. Obviously it would be easier if I can find the necessary software/instructions to update the SAS card firmware OR configure the RAID card into some sort of pass-through mode though. Any and all suggestions would be greatly appreciated! Even if the advice is to return the hardware while I still can because it's gonna be more trouble than it's worth. Though if I get this working, I'll have 24 cores at 2.3 ghz base (3.0 boost), and 32gb of RAM, and 12 drive slots for under $1000, so I'd REALLY like to get this working if possible... Just need some help finding the right parts/software. Let me know if I need to provide more details/images of anything, and thank you in advance!
  4. Ahhh, they're just the library names... so if I wanted the documentary portion to work, I'd have to split out all my documentaries into separate libraries. Got it. Thank you very much for clarifying that. And let me know if I can help at all on the all locations map, though I'm guessing it'd be more difficult to collaborate. Mostly just didn't mean to shove that off on you, thank you for your help though! And thanks to @hogfixer too!
  5. Am I the only one who can't get the "Documentary Shows" and "Anime Shows" counters working? Not sure how it's pulling this genre information, or if I could change it to pull a different genre, but mine just show N/A: I'd love to get these working and be able to tweak them if possible. Haven't been able to dig up anything on how to do that though. Also, I'd love to add a map that shows all the locations of the IP addresses I've ever streamed to (not just the one's I'm actively streaming to) if possible. Any help is appreciated! This is so cool though, thanks to everyone who put time/effort into it. What a wonderful tool.
  6. Curious if the status on this has changed recently? Due to quarantine I've been doing more simultaneous plex streams at once (sharing with friends/family), and I'm outgrowing the Ryzen 7 1700 I've been using since I built this server a few years ago. I'm in the process of looking for a new rack mounted case so I can expand my number of drives, and I was thinking about switching to use my RTX 2070 super to handle the streams (this site estimates it could do 27 streams... which should be plenty I hope: https://www.elpamsoft.com/?p=Plex-Hardware-Transcoding) I haven't looked into running plex in a windows VM as the above user mentioned... should I? I'm assuming jumping through a couple hoops to get GPU working is worth it considering how cost effective (again, I'm assuming?) GPUs are at handling the encoding? Said another way, it seems like it would make a lot more sense to buy an expensive GPU for handling video streaming rather than an expensive CPU, right? I'd still love to keep running plex in docker, but I'd definitely consider switching if that seems to be the general consensus among other people trying to do this kind of thing. Thanks in advance for any advice.
  7. Uhhh, I don't think so? I pulled that path from the QDirStat container I have to check on file sizes: If I SCP directly into the server, the path of the file is "/mnt/user/domains/Plex", so its in the default "domains" share, which appears to be where the VM files are stored.
  8. Hello, I use unraid primarily to host my Plex server. I set it up a couple years ago now and it's been mostly on auto pilot, with me downloading media files on a VM (the only one I have listed on the VM's tab currently), and plex runs as the linuxserver docker container. Works great. Recently I've started running low on storage space (if you have any hot tips for getting cheap server rack cases, I managed to get a rack for free and am now watching ebay/craigslist hoping to find a good deal on a case with at least 15+ hot swappable drive slots), so I've been digging through looking where I can free up file space, and I discovered a 2TB "vdisk1.img" file under "/storage/domains/Plex". This file doesn't show having been modified since 2018 (shortly after I set up the server), so I'm guessing that at one point I considered running plex on a VM, and later removed it, and this file has been sticking around ever since. The fact that it's 2TB is a little concerning to me though, because the one I use regularly for downloading only has 70GB, but that's also the size of the allocation I have for that VM... so maybe this all makes perfect sense. Long story short, I renamed that file last night to make sure it wouldn't break anything before deleting it, and plex still seems completely fine this morning... I'm safe to delete this file, right? Just want to make sure I'm not doing something really dumb here that will cause SERIOUS issues once I delete it and can't get it back. Thank you very much! And sorry for the stupid questions.
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