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Everything posted by ShovelHead

  1. I have the same problem. I added an additional physical NIC for a lab network. I only used the interface for a short while and do not have anything operating on that network anymore. The cable is disconnected and the interface shutdown. However, every time the server reboots it starts up with the default route assigned to the secondary NIC. I have to manually add the default route to the primary gateway and shutdown the secondary NIC. It happens every reboot.
  2. Just like BRiT said, "Thanks". 16 threads and 1 random thread always 100%. Started happening out of the blue. Console showed "wsdd" at the top. Disabled WSD and back to normal.
  3. I had another version working but it recently failed after some changes to my unraid server. Saw you had an updated version in CA and came back by here to see you wanted some feedback. I loaded it up and replaced my old docker. Installed fine and connected instantly to my devices. Old ISY node was recognized and matched to the new Nodelink device. No need to re-add the node. I will run it a few days and let you know my experience. The other build I was using would periodically lose thermostat heartbeat and need a reboot. I am hopeful this one will be a bit more stable. I appreciate your updates.
  4. Glad you got it worked out. I recommend taking your time and adding a few URL lists at a time. Pi-Hole makes it easy to add items to the whitelist, but it can be frustrating if you start blocking to much at once. I am currently trying to verify Pi-Hole is not part of my recent automation issues.
  5. Your total "Domains on Blocklist" could be considered pretty low. The youtube tutorial on the original post provides some good information and has a link to some nice categorized block lists. There are also several other references for blocking lists on the Pi-Hole community. Currently I have about 900,000 on my blocklist. This is not close to what is possible and certainly not a recommended number. I am just providing it for reference. With the list I have, the percent blocked bounces around 15-20%. Also consider that the amount of blocked queries is only applicable to your usage. If you have a blocklist primarily for malware domains, but your internet usage stays in the safer domains, then you wont have a lot of hits. If you are blocking adverts and do a lot of online shopping, that hit count is going to shoot up.
  6. I was not able to find a way to do it and went down the path of finding another docker. There are a couple out there direct from Docker hub. I found one that was a few version behind and it for most features. Educating myself on dockers now as finding help on some of these can be....difficult.
  7. Good question. Looking for the same.
  8. Same issue here. Any action forcing the docker to restart sets the login back to default. I logged in and changed the password. Once in I could see the logs from the day before were still there. However, user info was reset. This is my first dive into Docker, so I have no experience with diagnosing it.
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