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  1. Thanks. I do have a HDHomerun tuner connected to it so maybe it is the EPG data. I think a cron to restart it might be a good idea.
  2. Is it normal for Plex to use up a lot of RAM the longer it's on? I've had Plex running for 5 days and it's using about 67% of my system's RAM according to the Plex dashboard and the Docker tab in Unraid. It's currently not being used for streaming or anything and the RAM usage is showing as pretty high. Normally if I restart Plex it drops the RAM usage right down to around 10-16%. I currently have 16GB of RAM in my system and I am not sure if I should add more RAM (the current load is at 89%) or if this is normal and RAM will get freed up when something else needs it. Is there a way to see if Plex is holding something in RAM?
  3. I didn't. Do I set the library key as "/config" then stop the server and change it to the location of my calibre library?
  4. I setup RDP-Calibre using a guide I found online and set my library directory to my share but my container size is now taking up 6GB. When I check my config folder inside the appdata/RDP-Calibre it's only using up about 264KB. Any ideas what I am doing wrong?
  5. I updated a few days ago and my OpenVPN stopped working. Reading back a few pages of this thread seems to suggest there is an issue but I noticed there is another update out now. Is this latest update meant to solve this problem or is it unrelated? Also I noticed the Support link on the container no longer works - https://forums.unraid.net/topic/41631-support-linuxserverio-openvpn-as/. Am I using an old container?
  6. I am getting the same thing since the last release. Not sure what is going on but a restart of the container seems to solve it temporarily.
  7. I'm struggling to get Plex, Tvheadend and TVHProxy setup. I have an Elgato EyeTV Netstream Sat plugged into my satellite feed and then plugged into my network (via Ethernet) and I can watch TV (Freesat) using the EyeTV app on my Mac and iOS devices. I then created a m3u file from the Elgato EyeTV Netstream Sat website/server and fed that into my Tvheadend container (running on it's own IP). I created a new user (access it has is pretty much the same as the admin/default user) with a password and I got a long list of channels and I can watch live TV when I click on the Play button on the channel list when I login as that user (watching through VLC). However when I try to setup the TVHProxy container (running on it's own IP) I get a Internal Server Error message when I try to visit it's IP (both on port 80 and 5004) by going to the lineup.json page. I also tried the plextvheadend container (running on the same IP as TVHProxy - although I don't run plextvheadend and TVHProxy at the same time) and when I goto lineup.json I just get an empty json file. The logs on Unraid (version 6.6.6) for both proxy containers don't show any errors that I can see. When I try Plex and use the <IP>:<Port> or just <IP> for either proxy container It can't find anything. Anyone have any idea what I am doing wrong? I've seen online that you might need to supply TVHeadend with a set of channel numbers but I am not sure how to do this.
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