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Posts posted by cracksilver

  1. Thanks. i've no windows - since 15 years windows free 😀


    Did it on my mac:


    sorry, only in german...

    Dateisystem reparieren.
    Volume wurde erfolgreich deaktiviert.
    fsck_msdos -y /dev/rdisk2s1 ausführen
    ** /dev/rdisk2s1

    ** Phase 1 - Preparing FAT

    ** Phase 2 - Checking Directories

    Invalid long filename entry for /CONFIG/PLUGINS/dockerMan

    Remove? yes

    ** Phase 3 - Checking for Orphan Clusters

    479 files, 3679076 KiB free (919769 clusters)


    Exit-Code für Dateisystemprüfung lautet 0.
    Der ursprüngliche Zustand (aktiviert) wird wiederhergestellt.
    Vorgang erfolgreich.

    Now I'll reboot again and look at..

  2. Hi there


    After restart my server (add some unassigned HD's) the server shows me the message that he is unable to write to flash drive. 

    My flash drive is a new one (4 weeks) and I never had some problems.


    Does anyone know which corner I should start looking for where the problem is?


    added diagnostics.zop, pics of error message and main tab.


    Thanks a lot.






    Disk Log Information.png

  3. On 2/7/2019 at 9:59 PM, Warrentheo said:

    While you can manually sparse-ify these files with this command:

    fallocate -d <filenamegoeshere>

    which lets you "Dig" all the zeros out of a file... A better option would be to change the driver KVM/Qemu uses to be the SCSI driver, then set the the "Discard" option for the drive manually in the VM XML like this:

        <disk type='file' device='disk'>
          <driver name='qemu' type='raw' discard='unmap'/>
          <source file='/mnt/user/domains/<imagefilenamegoeshere>'/>
          <target dev='sda' bus='scsi'/>

    This lets the VM's TRIM command get passed to the host, and therefor make it all the way down to the real drive...  This lets KVM/Qemu automatically manage the image file sparseness for you...  Obviously much more useful if you are storing it on an SSD, since constantly changing the VM's image file size would murder speed on an HDD...


    If you are running on a HDD, it is recommended that you leave these files fully allocated so that things like defrag continue to work correctly...


    Edit: changing the driver that Windows uses to talk to the boot drive can be problematic, and is best set during windows install...  It is possible to change afterward, but make sure to do backups of both the image file, and the VM XML before you try it...

    thx for this input. greg

  4. Hi there


    I'm looking for a notification code to add in my backup script which I found on this site. By the way it works like a charm. I really recommend it to anybody who looks for a backup solution like apples time machine.


    Would like to have to messages:


    1. after finished without problems

    2. if there is a problem, with information about the problem


    Sorry, I'm not a coder. Can anyone help me please?


    Thanks in advance.


    # Backup mimicking Time Machine from Mac OS X using rsync
    # --- Variables --- #
    OS=$(uname -s)
    DATE_FORMAT=$(date "+%Y-%m-%d-%H%M%S")
    CURRENT_YEAR=$(date +%Y)
    CURRENT_MONTH=$(date +%m)
    RSYNC_OPTIONS="--archive --partial --progress --human-readable"
    # Use absolute paths. Relative paths tend to break the hard linking advantage of rsync.
    # Paths can include spaces as long as variable contents are double quoted
    # --- Main Program --- #
    # Create destination if it does not exist
    if [[ ! -d "$DESTINATION" ]] ; then
      mkdir -p "$DESTINATION"
    # Make inital backup if Latest does not exist, otherwise only copy what has changed
    # and hard link to files that are the same
    if [[ ! -L "$DESTINATION"/Latest ]] ; then
      rsync $RSYNC_OPTIONS \
                    --delete \
                    "$SOURCE" "$DESTINATION"/$DATE_FORMAT
      rsync $RSYNC_OPTIONS \
                   --delete \
                   --delete-excluded \
                   --link-dest="$DESTINATION"/Latest \
                   "$SOURCE" "$DESTINATION"/$DATE_FORMAT
    # Remove symlink to previous Latest backup
    rm -f "$DESTINATION"/Latest
    # Create symlink to latest backup
    ln -s $DATE_FORMAT "$DESTINATION"/Latest
    # --- Remove old backups --- #
    # BSD date in OS X has a different syntax than GNU date in Linux
    if [[ $OS == "Darwin" || $OS == "FreeBSD" ]]; then
      # Return YYYY one year ago from today
      LAST_YEAR=$(date -v -1y "+%Y")
    elif [[ $OS == "Linux" ]]; then
      # Return YYYY one year ago from today
      LAST_YEAR=$(date -d "last year" "+%Y")
    # Keep monthly backups for one year
    for (( month = 1 ; month < $CURRENT_MONTH ; month++ )); do
      # List latest backup from each month of current year
      # Use printf to pad the single digit months with a 0
      LATEST_BACKUP=$(find "$DESTINATION" -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 -name ${CURRENT_YEAR}-$(printf "%02d" $month)-* | sort | tail -n 1)
      find "$DESTINATION" -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 -name ${CURRENT_YEAR}-$(printf "%02d" $month)-* | grep -v "$LATEST_BACKUP" | xargs -I {} rm -rf {}
    for (( month = $CURRENT_MONTH ; month <= 12 ; month++ )); do
      # List latest backup from each month of current year
      # Use printf to pad the single digit months with a 0
      LATEST_BACKUP=$(find "$DESTINATION" -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 -name ${LAST_YEAR}-$(printf "%02d" $month)-* | sort | tail -n 1)
      find "$DESTINATION" -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 -name ${LAST_YEAR}-$(printf "%02d" $month)-* | grep -v "$LATEST_BACKUP" | xargs -I {} rm -rf {}
    # Remove backups older than one year
    for (( month = 1 ; month < $CURRENT_MONTH ; month++ )); do
      find "$DESTINATION" -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 -type d -name "$LAST_YEAR-$(printf "%02d" $month)-*" | xargs -I {} rm -rf {}
    find "$DESTINATION" -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 -type d ! -name "$CURRENT_YEAR-*" | grep -v "$LAST_YEAR-*" | xargs -I {} rm -rf {}



  5. Hi there


    I installed a sas-9207-4i4e controller (got it for free with the server) in my HP MIcrosserver Gen8 and connected a 3TB hard disk. In ILO I can see the storage controller. In unRAID I don't see a hard disk under unassigned devices.


    Do I have to install an additional driver or activate something else? Or can I check at least the drivers somehow?


    Note: The HD works if it is connected directly to the SATA port of the server.


    Added config zip screenshot from ILO


    Thanks for any advice





  6. Hi there


    I have tried a lot to make timemachine backups directly in an unraid share. Unfortunately all attempts failed sometime. Sometimes it didn't work, sometimes it didn't work after 2 days. It just wasn't supposed to be.


    Because I also know Rockstor and know the timemachine backups works there out of the box and absolutely reliable I was looking for a solution. But I don't want to run an extra server with rockstor. 


    Now I have rockstor running successfully in a VM. The start partition in vdisk1.img and the data disk in vdisk2.img. The vdisk2 has a size of over 600 GB. Is that basically ok or will I have problems due to the size at some point? If that's not ok, can I solve it in unraid by creating multiple vdisks which are then combined in rockstor as stripe?


    What do you think about this topic, has someone solved it similarly?


    thank you in advance.



  7. yes that's true. Today actually I just wanted to add another disk so I had to power down. Wanted to start again (with the old USB-Stick) and the problem was the same, after 3 or 4 weeks running without any problem. 


    No I have a Transcend JetFlash 600 4GB Stick. I hope this is the better choice ;-)


    The Gen8 is a nice Server without any issues. I like the small form factor and ILO. Tommorrow I'll install a Host Bus Adapter SAS 9207-4i4e. It gives me connection to another few drives in a extern case and internal connection for a 2.5" in the CD-Rom cage. 

  8. Changed USB Stick (not a new one) and installed it. Copied the config folder over and started again. Not shure if this message has something to do:



    Server is running again. Array doesn´t start because of the wrong key. I´ll wait for the new stick for updating the right one.


  9. Thank you for your answer. 


    Exactly, the Usb stick appears as an unassigned drive in between and then comes back again. a very bad sign in my opinion.

    I have tried and changed a lot in the last few weeks since I started using unraid and finally discarded it again. All this has probably left traces and contributes to the current behavior of the server. 


    My goal is to install a completely new unRAID. As soon as my new stick is delivered. The only things that remain are my data and my shares.  So the disk array should be taken over. It runs otherwise only a resilio docker, which I can reinstall. I can also reinstall the CA app and so on.


  10. I could see when the position with the USB stick was gone for a few seconds and then came back again.

    At the moment memory test is running. The new stick I've ordered. It will be here tommorow.


    Then I would like to set up unRAID completely new, but restore the array. Is there any importance I should know?

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