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Everything posted by rsampayo

  1. Installing this plugin worked for me: UNRAID DVB after that /dev/video0 finally showed up.
  2. Im stuck with that same error. Followed the same instructions on creating the mariadb.
  3. I have the same issue. Data won´t refresh on dashboard. Im running Version: 6.9.0-beta30. I think that has something to do with it.
  4. exec did the trick. Xaero you made my weekend. Thanks. Now to find out why we cant transcode 4k HEVC...
  5. Whats the latest version of the script? The one I use is #!/bin/sh /usr/lib/plexmediaserver/Plex\ Transcoder2 -hwaccel nvdec "$@" Here is an example of my problem. I scrolled the time bar on my iphone plex app 5 times and my Quadro got stuck at around 50% and my CPU was around 65%. I stop playing the file and it went down to 4-5% CPU and 0-2% GPU. But the Processes are still there. Thats more than 5 min later and they are still there.
  6. I have a similar problem with High CPU usage. Ive enabled NDEC via the script. I can play a movie on plex and can see the processes on nvidia-smi. I can also confirm decoding via "nvidia-smi dmon -s u2. Once its throttled I see very low CPU (3-4%). Everything is perfect as long as I dont FF or RW the movie on plex. For every time I scroll on the time-bar of the movie on the plex app. CPU usage goes up as if it was a new software transcode.. after 4 or 5 times my CPU is at 100%. Im using a Quadro P4000. Also the Processes on nvidia-smi dont die after I stop the movie. Using linuxserver plex docker
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