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Everything posted by jimrummy101

  1. Yeah it seems my template changes haven't made it to those who already have it installed you need to add these variables: Variable: CONDUIT_DATABASE_PATH - /var/lib/matrix-conduit/ Variable: CONDUIT_PORT - 6167 Variable: CONDUIT_CONFIG - leave empty
  2. I have updated the template and the nginx conf (in the main post). Hopefully that should be reflected soon for everyone. The NGINX conf is not required but if you have issues then give it a look and apply the changes. The lines I added into the template in case you have issues (they're hidden in the advanced section because they shouldn't need changing): <Config Name="CONDUIT_DATABASE_PATH" Target="CONDUIT_DATABASE_PATH" Default="/var/lib/matrix-conduit/" Mode="" Description="" Type="Variable" Display="advanced-hide" Required="false" Mask="false">/var/lib/matrix-conduit/</Config> <Config Name="CONDUIT_PORT" Target="CONDUIT_PORT" Default="6167" Mode="" Description="" Type="Variable" Display="advanced-hide" Required="false" Mask="false">6167</Config> <Config Name="CONDUIT_CONFIG" Target="CONDUIT_CONFIG" Default="" Mode="" Description="" Type="Variable" Display="advanced-hide" Required="false" Mask="false"/> So: Variable: CONDUIT_DATABASE_PATH - /var/lib/matrix-conduit/ Variable: CONDUIT_PORT - 6167 Variable: CONDUIT_CONFIG - leave empty
  3. Conduit 0.7.0 has been released. I need to make a couple changes to the template. Adding: CONDUIT_PORT and CONDUIT_CONFIG. I will also make a couple changes to the NGINX proxy conf. I'll let everyone know when that's done.
  4. Nah any reverse proxy should work. You just need to adapt the config. The config I gave you is an NGINX config so in theory should usable with NGINX Proxy Manager. That being said I've never used NGINX Proxy Manager so not sure how it handles configs.
  5. Are you using my recommended nginx/swag config: https://github.com/dannymate/unraid-templates/blob/13ca70f279ebca4c94728f1d0f7593681e93134f/Conf Samples/SWAG/nginx/proxy-confs/conduit.subdomain.conf.sample Specifically the "### Server delegation stuff" section relates to the issue you're having. Make sure to change the "matrix.my.domain" bits to your domain. If you're using a different reverse proxy then you can probably quite easily adapt it.
  6. Refer to "Step 5" of the PDF guide above. By default unraid assumes volume maps are directories if nothing exists so it created a directory called management.json. You need to provide the file into the appdata folder as in Step 5 of the guide. I didn't see this. I'm not sure, I don't think there's any reason you couldn't just use it locally.
  7. I didn't see your message. It shouldn't be happening, I need a test machine really. A quick fix is to open the unraid terminal and run "chmod -R 777 /mnt/user/appdata/conduit". It should take ownership of the folder after running the command.
  8. Your update is exactly how I handle it as well. I have adguardhome installed on my openwrt router and route all netbird traffic through that with my routers local ip and the dns port of 53.
  9. Got delayed but I have updated the descriptions. Should be visible soon. Let me know if there's any other changes I can make for it to be clearer.
  10. Yeah that would make sense. I thought I had :p. I'll give the descriptions an update when I get the chance. It's probably because the NetBird folks don't give an explanation themselves at the time I made it. There's actually 4: 1. NetBird-Client - The NetBird Client application (or agent) is a software that is installed on your machines. It is an entry point to you private network that makes it possible for machines to communicate with each other. Once installed and registered, a machine becomes a peer in the network. 2. NetBird-Management - The Management service is the central coordination component for NetBird. It keeps the network state, public Wireguard keys of the peers, authenticates and distributes network changes to peers. 3. NetBird-Signal - The Signal Service or simply Signal is a lightweight piece of software that helps peers to negotiate direct connections. It does not store any data and no traffic passes through it. 4. NetBird-Dashboard - The Dashboard service provides a user friendly interface for management of peers and the overall network. (Apps 2, 3, 4 comprise the server-side of NetBird and aren't necessary if you just want to use their hosted service.) Feel free to read more about it here: https://docs.netbird.io/about-netbird/how-netbird-works. In this example for reference the "Relay Service" is a Coturn server as referenced in my guide. The "Management Service" listed in the example has joined together the NetBird-Management and NetBird-Dashboard though they are two seperate apps/docker containers. If you look at the first picture in the example there's an "Indentity Provider" box for authentication, in my guide we use Keycloak though you can now use others if you figure it out yourself. I'll work on getting these descriptions added to the templates if you're happy with them.
  11. Sorry for getting back so late. I have updated the template to use the 1000:1000 value. It's not ideal but it works and that's more important. Thanks for the information
  12. I have updated the nginx config to work properly with Element X. Get it from the git repo.
  13. Apologies for the late response. I don't have any experience with reverse proxies other than nginx. I also only have the 1 server so testing stuff is a bit of a nightmare. If you have managed to get this working with other reverse proxies and document the process I'd be happy to add it to the Github.
  14. 2023-07-25 - I've updated the NGINX conf after looking at updated NETBIRD docs. https://github.com/dannymate/unraid-templates/tree/master/Conf Samples/SWAG/nginx/proxy-confs Please look at your config and update it with the changes.
  15. Overview: Support thread for Conduit Application: Conduit - https://conduit.rs About: A simple self-contained Rust-based Matrix server. Fully configurable with Environment Variables! (Beta) Docker Hub: https://hub.docker.com/r/matrixconduit/matrix-conduit Git Repo: https://gitlab.com/famedly/conduit Documentation: https://gitlab.com/famedly/conduit NGINX Conf: https://github.com/dannymate/unraid-templates/tree/master/Conf Samples/SWAG/nginx/proxy-confs What is the current status? Conduit is Beta, meaning you can join and participate in most Matrix rooms, but not all features are supported and you might run into bugs from time to time. There are still a few important features missing: - E2EE emoji comparison over federation (E2EE chat works) - Outgoing read receipts, typing, presence over federation (incoming works) Check out the Conduit 1.0 Release Milestone. Please post any questions/issues relating to this docker you have in this thread.
  16. The PDF is uploaded to the Unraid Forums and I just tested it's still available. I'll try uploading it again here for you. If no luck I'll add it to the repo later for you to look at. Netbird-Server Unraid.pdf
  17. Are trying to self host the server? Can you paste your management conf in here? And can you give me a screenshot of the Netbird Dashboard config in the Unraid Dashboard.
  18. I assume you're one of the devs of NetBird. Thanks for your work and support, it's much appreciated. I do have one question. I'm just noticed I'm getting a lot of these messages occuring in my client logs: time="2023-01-16T14:15:19Z" level=warning msg="disconnected from the Signal service but will retry silently. Reason: rpc error: code = Internal desc = stream terminated by RST_STREAM with error code: PROTOCOL_ERROR" file="grpc.go:144" time="2023-01-16T14:15:31Z" level=info msg="connected to the Signal Service stream" file="grpc.go:136" time="2023-01-16T14:15:48Z" level=warning msg="disconnected from the Management service but will retry silently. Reason: rpc error: code = Internal desc = stream terminated by RST_STREAM with error code: INTERNAL_ERROR" file="grpc.go:134" time="2023-01-16T14:15:49Z" level=info msg="connected to the Management Service stream" file="grpc.go:123" time="2023-01-16T14:15:49Z" level=error msg="unable to configure DNS for this peer using file manager without a nameserver group with all domains configured" file="server.go:214" I assume I may have misconfigured something with my nginx [config]( https://github.com/dannymate/unraid-templates/blob/7c79534002ce1d2116b9d2ec33ce0cccd372b0df/Conf Samples/SWAG/nginx/proxy-confs/netbird.subdomain.conf.sample). proxy.conf: https://github.com/linuxserver/docker-swag/blob/96f746d5ce0bb334bba547c44ad0ccac61f6ed1a/root/defaults/nginx/proxy.conf.sample You can ignore resolver.conf. Or my management.conf which is basically this https://github.com/dannymate/unraid-templates/blob/7c79534002ce1d2116b9d2ec33ce0cccd372b0df/Conf Samples/NetBird/management.json.sample Do you know what could be the issue here? This github issue seems related: https://github.com/netbirdio/netbird/issues/651
  19. It doesn't matter what the IP address is. The way devices know which ones they can communicate with is via the Access Control panel in the NetBird Admin. By default everything should be able to connect to everything else. I have had issues with pinging windows based systems personally (but otherwise working fine) as well as issues with a specific client not actually being connected but saying it is. To check if a client is wrong about its connection try getting it to ping itself. If it can't ping itself then disconnect & reconnect or netbird down then netbird up. The other way to check if two devices can connect to eachother is via an actual service. So using your PC try connecting going to your unraid portal. It should just be typing the unraid ntebird ip into your browser. Let me know how it goes!! Edit: Looks like the comment I replied to was deleted. It was asking for help with an inability to ping thinking it could be due to clients not being on the exact same subnet.
  20. Netbird-Server Unraid.pdf I have created a PDF guide to installing your own NetBird server. Feel free to give any feedback. UPDATE 19/01/2023: Coturn Configuration has been split into two seperate options. One for those using a shared secret and those who need to use a user account. To check if you've misconfigured your Coturn for NetBird look at your Coturn logs to see if there's any errors regarding not being able to find a user. If you have misconfigured then the Network Route functionality will not work. Also a note regarding Network Routes is to make sure you are not denying ips in your turnserver.conf. For example if you are trying to route to a then make sure the turnserver.conf either explicitly allows that IP range or at least doesn't deny them.
  21. Overview: Support thread for NetBird Application: NetBird-Client, NetBird-Dashboard, NetBird-Management, NetBird-Signal - https://netbird.io About: Connect your devices into a single secure private WireGuard®-based mesh network with SSO/MFA and simple access controls. Docker Hub: https://hub.docker.com/r/netbirdio/netbird GitHub: https://github.com/netbirdio/netbird Documentation: https://netbird.io/docs NGINX Conf: https://github.com/dannymate/unraid-templates/tree/master/Conf Samples/SWAG/nginx/proxy-confs Please post any questions/issues relating to this docker you have in this thread. 2023-07-25 - I've updated the NGINX conf after looking at updated NETBIRD docs.
  22. I think I've figured out a solution. I'll create an update if I'm still getting issues. First go into your ztncui appdata folder and create a file called supervisord.conf. Open it and paste in the contents of your container's "/etc/supervisord.conf" file. You can get the contents by: Opening the console, cd /etc/, cat supervisord.conf Edit your appdata supervisord.conf once more and add a line to the [program:ztone] section that says 'autorestart=true'. This should in theory force ztone to restart whenever is exits expectedly(which I was getting) or unexpectedly. Finally navigate to your container and add a new path: Config Type: Path Name: Supervisord.confg Container Path: /etc/supervisord.conf Host Path: /mnt/user/appdata/ztncui/supervisord.conf Press apply and it should all boot fine. You can check the container has picked up your supervisord.conf file by doing what we did previously using cat inside the container console. It should show our new autorestart line. Edit: A few days later after these changes ztone tried to exit and it auto restarted. Everything working normally as if nothing happened.
  23. Using ZTNCUI my zero tier server is crashing at random intervals. "exited: ztone (exit status 0; expected)" is the last thing it says before going offline. Restarting the container makes it work again until the next random crash. Any ideas?
  24. I figured it out. You can add bash commands to Docker Folders so they show up on the folder context menu in the Docker tab. Add/Edit Folder > Add Another Button Config Type = Bash Name = Compose Up / Compose Down Icon = Pick Whatever CMD = Compose Up Command: "docker compose -f /boot/config/plugins/compose.manager/projects/<stackname>/compose.yml up" Compose Down Command: "docker compose -f /boot/config/plugins/compose.manager/projects/<stackname>/compose.yml down" The docker-compose function doesn't work so it needs the space in the middle. Once you select the containers to be under that folder, even if they've been deleted they'll still show back up under that folder when recreated. If there's issues with that you can go into advanced view and set a regex. e.g. If I want all containers with the word revolt in the name I'd put "revolt" (without the quotations) in the regex field.