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Everything posted by yayitazale

  1. You already have the answer in the description of the template: Read Grafana Image Renderer documentation and see usage instructions at readme link. In order to use this as a plugin of your Grafana docker instance you must add this enviromental arguments to that container: - GF_RENDERING_SERVER_URL: http://renderer-ip:8081/render - GF_RENDERING_CALLBACK_URL: http://grafana-ip:3000/ Change the IP (and the ports) to suit your configuration.
  2. That parameter is the proposed one to launch frigate with docker-run with a nvidia gpu pass-trough: https://docs.frigate.video/configuration/hardware_acceleration#docker-run-cli---nvidia-gpu As we are on Unraid, there is a more "standar" way to pass-trough defined on the nvidia driver plugin, and it is the one implemented on the template:
  3. Frigate template is pointing to the "latest" tag so yo you should check if you have change that. Any way, you should reads the changelog and the updated docs to find out what changes you need to make to your settings has there are many new things. Also it is recommended to ensure that you are using all the required new variables in the template or reinstall it from scratch deleting you actual container.
  4. You are missing the usb passtrough. I suggest you to start again with a clean template without deleting this: Also, I see in the config file that you are trying to use a yolo model with the coral and that is not posible. As you can read in the docs, the best option is to use the default model that is just fine, so you should comment or delete this part: model: path: /config/model_cache/tensorrt/yolov7-320.trt input_tensor: nchw input_pixel_format: rgb width: 320 height: 320 Yolo models are great for nvidia or openvino detectors, but the coral is a different chip that has its own requirements to create a model. If you want to use another custom modelwith the coral, it must be a tflite model. You can find here most of the pretrained models.
  5. Can you post a screenshot of how are you launching the template and the config file?
  6. I have updated to ipvlan and from then, I only had one hard lock. I have activated syslog so let's see if the problem is solved or not.
  7. Not your fault, it is a known issue: https://github.com/blakeblackshear/frigate/issues/8470 I'm having the exact same problems.
  8. So then you should use rstp as you are using. Yes the docs are complex among other things because of its wide compatibility with many different systems. It is not a product, it is a free software project and believe me they have made and continue to make a great effort to simplify things. In any case, you can always contribute your grain of sand proposing improvements or changes in the documentation.
  9. Not sure but looks like normal for me, I sometimes have some stability issues for the streams.
  10. You should check https://docs.frigate.video/configuration/camera_specific/#reolink-cameras
  11. It should but you should open the communication between the 2 networks.
  12. Did you check the compatibility of your card? Did you restart the server after installing the nvidia driver? Can you post the screenshot of how are you filling the template and the config file?
  13. It happened again, now with syslog server activated. There you have the diagnostics file attached. tower-diagnostics-20240314-0915.zip
  14. Hi, I changed to ipvlan and I'm having again the same unresponsiveness issue. I have attached the diagnostics file downloaded just after a hard (button) restart of the server. I have a speedtest running every hour and I can see that tit was running flawlessly until the one at 19:00 when the server was unresponsive. This means it is a network error as the proceses and dockers were still alive. This errors stared with v6.12.3 What can I do? I'm going to be 1 month in the abroad and I will no have any way to restart the server with the button and I'm pretty sure it will no last responsive for that long.... tower-diagnostics-20240304-1905.zip
  15. Hi: I'm want to migrate from MACVLAN to IPVLAN but I can't select it from the drop-down menu. The option is not clickable. I don't see anything in the docs related to the required changes prior to switching from MACVLAN to IPVLAN, neither any manual or guide about how to perform this change. Can you help me please? Thanks.
  16. https://docs.frigate.video/configuration/reference Default for snapshots is 10 days.
  17. This is out of scope of this forum. I only maintain the unraid template. You should open a issue on github.
  18. You should recreate the nvidia models inside the frigate container (you have the info in the docs). The Cuda version is not the same so the models can't be used. Pd: I suggest you to delete and create a new container of frigate too, the template has been updated to accommodate the new environmental arguments needed to create the models directly inside frigate container instead using tensorrt containers.
  19. This is up to you. The dual TPU has some fire harzard as they get quite hot. It's is a good idea to put a heatsink and a fan to keep the temp low and stable. The USB it is the most versatile and that's why I bought it back in the day but then when I installed frigate I didn't unplug it from the PC for 4 years....
  20. As I told you, I have been using a USB Coral device for more than 4 year with none stop and it never give me any single problem. You have been unlucky, like some others here also with PCIe versions. But yes you are right, QC of this products are a bit shameful.