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  1. No I'm on 6.9.2. Does that mean I can't replace them at all or do I need to go the long route? Meaning stop docker etc, set everything to cache: yes, move, replace, set everything back, move, start docker?
  2. Yeah it was completely unresponsive, let it running all night and did a force reboot just now. Everything seems to be working normally again. No idea what happened there. Thanks! One other question if I may ask. My old cache disk is/was 250GB. I added a second 500GB disk and was planning on replacing the 250GB disk now. Currently my cache disk size shows 375GB which confuses me a bit. I thought it would just show 250GB. Can I just stop the array, remove the 250GB cache disk, add the second 500GB disk I bought and start the array again? Or are there any extra steps?
  3. Hey so, I wanted to add a second cache disk to my unraid. What I did was, stop the array, added a new SSD as a second cache disk, started the array. The first cache disk showed "mounting" and the second said "part of pool" (or something similar). And then suddenly the webinterface crashed and I can't ping the machine anymore (Destination host unreachable). I can still hear my drives spinning and accessing data occasionally. STS LED on my network adapter is just blinking, ACT LED is constant green. External monitor gets a signal but doesn't show any picture. I'm scared to just reboot the machine, but what other option do I have?
  4. Ok, I hope you're right. I'll see how long the machine runs without crashing. Usually took between 3-8 days. Thanks again! Oh one more thing, for some reason I can't mount the other cache disk, it's under unassigned devices but I can't click "Mount" it's grayed out, any idea what that could be?
  5. Done, had to relocate 5 out of 101 chunks. That seemed to do the trick, thanks a lot. Now I only need to find out why my unraid kept crashing before. (Calbe, disk, port or something else). If I change the cable and port, and the unraid keeps crashing, could I just transfer all the data off of one cache disk onto the other or would I create a cache pool and then remove the faulty drive after?
  6. ERROR: error removing device 'missing': unable to go below two devices on raid1
  7. Sorry. Here it is
  8. The entire zip?
  9. So my unraid has been acting up lately, it kept crashing every couple days due to something I THINK has to do with my cache drives. So I thought it's maybe one of my two cache drives, a cable or a port. So my idea was to remove one drive and test it with the other for a couple days and then switch drive, port and cable one after the other to find the culprit. Anyway, after removing the one drive, I fucked something up and I had to take my array offline and readd the cachedrive. I also had to delete my docker image and do some other stuff. I think I have it running again except for one thing, every time I reboot my unraid I get the above message flodding my log. Now I did read that that's normal after taking out one cache drive, but at some point it stops and I think it's done but after a reboot it starts relocating again. What could be the reason for that and how do I fix it? Any help would be appreciated.
  10. Hey could someone assist me in setting up the nextcloud shares correctly? Currently I have the following setup: /data <-> /mnt/user/nextcloud This share is set to cache disk "yes" because I don't want to keep users files on the cache disk but on the array. BUT this includes the owncloud.db file, which is in constant access by nextcloud, thus keeping my disks spun up almost all the time. How would I setup nextcloud to leave the db file on the cache but move the user folders to the array when the mover runs. I have smb shares mounted into the nextcloud shares as well, but these only have read access. Could I tell nextcloud to create and keep user folders in a different location? Edit: In windows I would just create a junction for every home share and point that to a location on the array.
  11. Yeah my only suspicion is that the traefik.frontend.auth.forward.tls.insecureSkipVerify somehow broke it for me, not exactly sure why or how, but without it, it's working now, even though before it didn't... really strange. Anyway, thanks a lot for your help!
  12. I just did a full reset on traefik and nextcloud. switch over to subdomains, copied your toml and left nextcloud in it's original config, nothing has changed. I even deleted all appdata folders for nextcloud and traefik before. The error log still says "Error calling . Cause: Get : unsupported protocol scheme \"\"" And the access log for traefik says "[20/Jan/2019:18:13:00 +0000] "GET /favicon.ico HTTP/2.0" 500 0 "-" "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:64.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/64.0" 47 "Auth for frontend-Host-nextcloud-ruleoftwo-org-0" "/favicon.ico" 0ms" I'm completely out of ideas now. How is this possible? Here is my toml Edit: Ok here's something weird, in my desperation I removed most of the labels for the nextcloud container you posted and then tried readding them one after the other. My first error was an NGINX error that told me I was sending a HTTP request on a HTTP port. Well yeah of course I am. So I added back the traefik.protocol=https part. And now I'm greeted with this page You said you didn't change anything inside the nextcloud config right? So how are you getting past this message without editing the config.php?
  13. Thanks so much for your help, I really appreciate it! Sadly, that is still a no on nextcloud... In chrome I still get Error 500 and in Firefox, the page is just blank. And the traefik log gives the same error: Error calling . Cause: Get : unsupported protocol scheme \"\"" Did you change anything in the nextcloud config? I just don't get it. And when I google this problem, so little comes up.
  14. Yes, like I said, traefik is working fine for everything else. I just switched to the linuxserver nextcloud but that has the exact same issue. Error 500 unsupported protocol scheme \"\" I know this has to be some really stupid mistake I'm making What's so strange is, I'm finding so little about this on google. I can't be the only one using nextcloud behind a traefik reverse proxy. And my config is pretty standard. linuxserver/nextcloud and traefik, that's it. Here's my toml. logLevel = "DEBUG" defaultEntryPoints = ["http", "https"] [entryPoints] [entryPoints.http] address = ":80" [entryPoints.http.redirect] entryPoint = "https" [entryPoints.http.whitelist] sourceRange = [""] useXForwardedFor = true [entryPoints.https] address = ":443" [entryPoints.https.tls] [entryPoints.https_auth] address = ":444" [entryPoints.https_auth.auth.basic] users = ["user:password"] [entryPoints.https_auth.tls] [api] # Let's encrypt configuration [acme] email = "[email protected]" storage="/etc/traefik/cert/yoda.json" entryPoint = "https" acmeLogging = true onHostRule = false [acme.tlsChallenge] [[]] main = "mydomain.tld" sans = ["mydomain.tld"] # Connection to docker host system (docker.sock) [docker] endpoint = "unix:///var/run/docker.sock" domain = "docker.local" watch = true exposedbydefault = false