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Posts posted by blaine07

  1. 22 hours ago, KluthR said:

    Ive released a small update which fixes the Abort button and accepts the "error" "Container already started" as ok. IN THAT case, the plugin logs two lines of JSON formatted debug information.


    I ask all users, having those "Already started" issue: Please post the backup log, including those 2 debug informations.


    As said: I dont really understand what is going on - example @blaine07: One container did stopped and while starting, it outputs "Already started" - so, either docker dont telling me the truth about stopping the container initially or something is starting the container in between again. We will see.

    Here is where I got with last nights backup:


  2. 6 minutes ago, KluthR said:

    Wow. Many containers 😅


    however: which ones are not running? Some are not started because they are already (do you habe auto docker update enabled?) which will be catched next update.


    and no: nothing confidential in those logs.

    I couldn't even tell you which ones weren't running prior to backup kicking off to be honest. No, I do NOT have docker auto update enabled though. I would say only 10-15 weren't running previous to it kicking off.


    Backup starts at like 230AM; its usually done when I get up around 4-5ish. Today at 530(hey I over slept don't judge me) I noticed nothing was running. I finally had to come to backup status tab and "STOP" it because it was still trying to do whatever. You should see me telling it to stop itself towards end of log.

  3. 1 hour ago, gzibell said:

    Running Collabora-CODE saw this.  Is this something I should worry about?  Both services are running via cloudflare and NPM. 


    "You have not configured the allow-list for WOPI requests. Without this setting users may download restricted files via WOPI requests to the Nextcloud server."

    It probably won’t work saying that will it?

  4. 23 hours ago, blaine07 said:

    I’ll try just removing it and see what happens. Since not referring to any containers by “name” and instead using all IP:PORT I don’t think I even need the syntax/be on specific network too?

    @mgutt I removed the post arguments as we discussed and it’s “back at it again”. Any last ditch efforts? It’s network related I just am unsure what else at this point to do?



  5. Updated my Second instance of Nextcloud; same thing. Had to change "UKNOWN" owner to "nobody". Something isn't going right somewhere; just no idea if a Nextcloud thing or Unraid issue. 😞



    EDIT: I just hope I am not ruining my life later by now changing the permissions to "nobody" despite that appears to be what they always have been/should be?


  6. On 12/10/2022 at 5:03 AM, tazire said:

    Mine show exactly the same as you posted here.


    R/W on all permissions. And the owner option doesnt actually show who the owner is but its the same as yours and gives nobody as the default option? should I try make it the new owner?



    Just to add to this... I am also unable to come out of maintenance mode. It spits out the same errors when i try to turn it off. So at present my nextcloud is unusable. 



    Ok I just ran both the change the permissions and change owner options you mentioned to have everything r/w and the owner be nobody... not sure if this is the best idea from a security perspective but it worked for me to at least get the update done and be able to use nextcloud again. I now just get the error..

    Last background job execution ran 21 hours ago. Something seems wrong.

    I had to change Owner of folder to "nobody" as well to get it to install. Issue now is the same--


    Not sure what to do now... sigh:



    EDIT: anyways, I did have to change permissions on the nextcloud* appdata folder..and once I restarted container again it seems the cron thing sorted itself out..It's updating in similar time frames and other NC instance I have and not red anymore?


    Edit 2: more I think about it the more I think that folder shouldn’t be having ownership problems. Not sure at what point ownership should get changed to “nobody” but it appears that failing to happen, for whatever reason, was what the issue was. When at installation is it supposed to handle that itself? Change ownership of install folder. Is that a Nextcloud or Unraid issue?

  7. 6 minutes ago, jeffrey.el said:

    I came here looking for a solution to this as well, me and a friend of mine both use this container and both have this issue.

    Everything ran fine for months and just a few days ago when I tried to edit an proxy entry, I got an internal error in the web interface and this issue started to show up. A restart of the container indeed fixes the issue temporarily, but it's not a solid fix.

    I've already been looking into this when that friend of mine first started having this issue, I checked everything..
    We both have an unique IP configured for the container, no double ports or anything.

    I checked everything I could possible think of what might cause this, but since this issue started showing up out of nowhere without me making any changes network wise to the Unraid host or to the docker container itself it kind of confuses me.. 

    The container itself sometimes runs fine with the error happening, sometimes it stops working, but as soon as you try to make a change in the web gui it ceases to function..

    Where you able to find anything which might point to a possible cause? 

    I can’t confirm yet I’ve resolved my issue but it’s likely my own idiocracy. See my post above about post arguments. 

  8. 2 minutes ago, mgutt said:

    Correct. It's only needed if you manually created a custom network AND some containers like Nextcloud are using this custom network AND if NPM runs in host AND if NPM needs to be able to reach containers in the custom network. So it's a method to join a container in two different networks.

    My Nextcloud and other stuff IS on a custom network BUT NPM isn’t running on HOST; it’s a static BRO IP on network. Yeah I don’t think it’s something I even need; likely my problem, too lol. I’ll remove and report back soon. 

  9. 40 minutes ago, mgutt said:

    Yeah there is something wrong with the command. Or does your npm container has the name npm-internal


    Syntax is:

    docker network connect network_name container_name


    But note: In some situations the post arguments are not executed. I think it was while updating a container. But I'm not sure.

    I’ll try just removing it and see what happens. Since not referring to any containers by “name” and instead using all IP:PORT I don’t think I even need the syntax/be on specific network too?

  10. 49 minutes ago, blaine07 said:

    Back to doing it again. Guess I just may ignore it. It never quits working. Just spams logs. Or I need to put a 1 hour restart chrono on NPM. Sometimes it goes 2-4 or 12 hours without spamming logs.... Hmm

    Am I doing this add on network thing right? I don’t even think I need it because I am not referring to any containers by name- all IP:PORT. Could this be my issue?




  11. 4 hours ago, blaine07 said:

    Macvlan was total chaos for me. I just deleted the mapping on pfSense. We’ll see what that does. 

    Back to doing it again. Guess I just may ignore it. It never quits working. Just spams logs. Or I need to put a 1 hour restart chrono on NPM. Sometimes it goes 2-4 or 12 hours without spamming logs.... Hmm

  12. 2 hours ago, Kilrah said:

    You can just specify the address on unraid side instead of using DHCP.

    Or switch back to macvlan, the default has changed because it was a rather common source of issues, but if it worked fine for you like it does for me you can still use it. 

    Macvlan was total chaos for me. I just deleted the mapping on pfSense. We’ll see what that does. 

  13. 4 hours ago, mgutt said:

    Is it part of a DHCP range?

    I think other issue is now that Unraid uses ipvlan for Docker it uses same mac address for every container in Unraid. I am already using Unraids NIC Mac address for a static IP for Unraid itself which means I can't actually set static IP for NPM since MAC address is already tied to Unraids actual IP. Since Unraid changed to ipvlan I haven't figured out how to get around it; i suspect it's relative to my issue, somehow, though.

  14. Anyone have any ideas how to stop this? Rebooting container stops it for a bit but it always comes back sooner or later. I thought “98” pointed to a config possibly but no dice. 

    Any ideas?


    See attached. 


    Edit: seems to always continue to work fine when it does this; maybe slows down slightly. 

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