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Posts posted by Fiservedpi

  1. WELP it finally happened. Boot Drive failed suddenly and I didn't panic, pulled up the article grabbed my backup from 3days ago (thanks Unraid Connect) flashed it with USB creator Tool and back up in minutes. Total down time 15 min!!!

    You guys' Rock 

    Screenshot 2023-09-19 182143.png

    • Like 3
  2. I upgraded to 6.12.0rc6 everything went fine, the icons looked a bit weird so I started messing with the theme I installed the black base theme and now everything is black! Lol how can I undo the theme or revert to stock without seeing anything. 


  3. getting this error constantly can't pinpoint where it is coming from any help would be appreciated. Diagnostic attached, from what i can gather it may be related to memory going bad? 


    Mar 20 15:57:02 Tower kernel: php-fpm8[3345]: segfault at 15ba6a37954f ip 000014ba721a86ee sp 00007ffd611e1eb8 error 4 in ld-musl-x86_64.so.1[14ba7216c000+48000] Mar 20 15:57:02 Tower kernel: Code: 48 ff c2 eb f3 c3 48 89 f8 48 83 fa 08 72 14 f7 c7 07 00 00 00 74 0c a4 48 ff ca f7 c7 07 00 00 00 75 f4 48 89 d1 48 c1 e9 03 48 a5 83 e2 07 74 05 a4 ff ca 75 fb c3 48 89 f8 48 29 f0 48 39 Mar 20 16:49:38


    Mar 14 20:10:25 Tower nginx: 2023/03/14 20:10:25 [crit] 9266#9266: ngx_slab_alloc() failed: no memory
    Mar 14 20:10:25 Tower nginx: 2023/03/14 20:10:25 [error] 9266#9266: shpool alloc failed
    Mar 14 20:10:25 Tower nginx: 2023/03/14 20:10:25 [error] 9266#9266: nchan: Out of shared memory while allocating message of size 10292. Increase nchan_max_reserved_memory.
    Mar 14 20:10:25 Tower nginx: 2023/03/14 20:10:25 [error] 9266#9266: *3650652 nchan: error publishing message (HTTP status code 500), client: unix:, server: , request: "POST /pub/devices?buffer_length=1 HTTP/1.1", host: "localhost"
    Mar 14 20:10:25 Tower nginx: 2023/03/14 20:10:25 [error] 9266#9266: MEMSTORE:00: can't create shared message for channel /devices
    Mar 14 20:10:26jRTXsQZ



  4. I had a total unifi local network implosion during rebuild of my network i jumped the gun and renewed my unraid cert under the wrong local ip. I've gotten my network back to where it used to be but now that updated cert is pointing to that temporary IP I was using how do I get into the UI now that its all borked up. If i type my local ip into the browser it redirects me to X.X.X.X.X DJSUJFUSIDOHFGUISDFHFV.unraid.net x.x.x.x is the wrong IP how do i get back to the UI and correct this? 

  5. Anyone know what elementsi need to edit to erase these boxes on top of my banner? i want it to be one piece not split into 3, im guessing just need to adjust the opacity but not sure what those elements are called. 

    Screenshot 2022-02-20 140422.png

  6. 9 hours ago, Makaveli said:

    I got this message:


    Something really wrong went on during getCategoriesPresent
    Post the ENTIRE contents of this message in the Community Applications Support Thread

    <br /> <b>Warning</b>: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in <b>/usr/local/emhttp/plugins/community.applications/include/exec.php</b> on line <b>1706</b><br /> []


    Please advise, thanks everyone

    Screenshot (1).png



    im seeing this as well do not know when it started within the last 2 days most likely 


    OST CALLED (javascriptError)
        [action] => javascriptError
        [msg] => Uncaught Error: Something went badly wrong!
        [url] => https://1a5aa4e9e34aec9af78961f69f1a47eb609ea930.unraid.net/Apps
        [lineNo] => 2086
        [columnNo] => 21
        [error] => Error: Something went badly wrong!
    ******* ERROR **********
        [action] => javascriptError
        [msg] => Uncaught Error: Something went badly wrong!
        [url] => https://1a5aa4e9e34aec9af78961f69f1a47eb609ea930.unraid.net/Apps
        [lineNo] => 2086
        [columnNo] => 21
        [error] => Error: Something went badly wrong!


    Bad date?












    Warning: syntax error, unexpected '$' in Unknown on line 17 in /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix/include/PageBuilder.php on line 34

    i see similar posts saying to delete the plg file is That gonna be the fix for this as well?


  8. Not sure what i borked but every time I try to access a specific dockers console it takes Me to my Unraid login page instead. Also the terminal icon in my sidebar brings me to a blank unusable terminal. Also can you guide on me on how to get to a specific dockers terminal from let’s an ssh session. 



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