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Posts posted by ados

  1. I've switched to this docker image in the hopes of getting Face Recognition working but alas the same issues.

    When clicking on the Face Recognition tab it gives internal server error, only FR with Recognize and Memories working.

    When I look at the log it's the same error:

    Class "CnnFaceDetection" not found in file '/var/www/html/custom_apps/facerecognition/lib/Model/DlibCnnModel/DlibCnnModel.php' line 174


    I've checked the file is there, set 777 as a test for permissions, reinstalled the app bunch of time but the same issues.

    When looking into it there isn't much but the mention of the php.ini needing: [pdlib] extension="pdlib.so"

    Problem is the docker has no php.ini file and /etc/php doesn't exist.

    When running php -m | grep pdlib it shows nothing, confirming not loaded.

    Finding the file with php -i |grep php.ini show a path to /usr/local/etc/php

    Here there's a conf.d folder and two files, php.ini-production and php.ini-development

    Placing any php.ini file in the php folder or the conf.d causes the container to not start.


    What am I doing wrong?

  2. Don't think the quotes are needed, thanks for clarifying.

    It's also not practical for users to dig into changes, understand them and do this ideally on each change.

    At this point Nextcloud should be including these popular dependencies 🫤.

    It's appreciated that people like yourself spend the time to make these changes for the community which wouldn't be needed if they added to the core image but 🤷‍♂️.

    I had seen your docker fork but with the title and it not explicitly mentioning pdlib I thought it was mainly targeted at ffmpeg.

    I shall take a look 👍


  3. Wondering if this fork will include the most common chased dependencies pdlib and ffmpeg.

    The latter is easy enough and I have that in a script for every NC update it's removed.

    However the pdlib I have spent 5+ hours and still not got it working, many people struggle to get it working.

    This fork has done it: 

    But I would prefer to use knex666 fork, always a concern when the images are modified.


  4. This docker template is abandoned, barely works.

    Thanks @GuillermoMG that DJANGO_DEBUG variable was the only thing that got the internal and proxy access portal to load.

    I did however have to change the permissions to 777 on appdata folder as even 775 didn't work and the permissions were nobody:user which is normal.

    Once the image files were created I set the permissions back to 755 and it continued to work.

    Finally, on login CSRF error which I knew was proxy trust issues.

    This was resolved by adding CSRF_TRUSTED_ORIGINS to template with the same domain as SITE_URL.

  5. Thunderbird, for those that get an error incomplete zlib block when copying a URL link address.

    The issue is caused by setting zero compression, set this even to the minimum level and it's resolved.

    Kind of annoying since I don't care about the bandwidth and with glasses need all the resolution I can get.

  6. 17 minutes ago, ich777 said:

    Okay, just asking. :)


    Can't confirm this over here, mine looks like that:



    As said, on Firefox I can leave the tab in the foreground, background whatever without moving the cursor or interacting with the window at all and it won't disconnect.


    My suspicion is still Vivaldi or some energy saving feature that they might have built into their browser.


    Wait, are we talking about a connection in your local LAN or do you forward it through a reverse proxy?

    Have you seen my example what to forward when using a proxy what to forward in niginx here?


    I think you mean Thunderbird correct?

    I was just being dramatic on the percentage, appreciate the help.

    Yeah through a proxy.

    Thanks for the config I will take a look. 👍

    • Like 1
  7. 35 minutes ago, ich777 said:

    I don't have this issue on Firefox at all, are you sure that you are using my container?

    1000% your container.
    I also found the problem, WebSocket.

    After a few minutes of inactivity (i.e. not clicking on anything) the WebSocket is closed.

    I have no such settings in NGINX for this but I found a workaround.

    In the noVNC setting is WebSocket automatic reconnect


    The default is no tick and 5000.

    Once I set that and watched it time out it counted to 5 seconds and then connected.

    Guess you could set it to 1 if you really wanted.

  8. On 1/17/2024 at 3:59 AM, ich777 said:

    By default it shouldn't disconnect you at all.


    What browser are you using? Is it possible that you are using a Chrome based browser? Chrome is notorious for closing tabs or at least put them to sleep and that's what might cause this.

    Vivaldi which is Chromium like 98% of things.
    There is not settings putting it to sleep etc. Would say it kicks me back to the noVNC connect button in a few minutes.
    This is even when the tab is active and you don't interact with it.

  9. 5 hours ago, ich777 said:

    Exactly, the application inside the container updates itself.


    Not possible in my container, at least not easily since it's not designed to also downgrade. Just a quick warning you could run into serious issues downgrading from the "new" Supernova to something lower than v115, I tested that and lost many Mails in the downgrade process.


    BTW, I assume you are talking about Thunderbird.

    Thanks for letting me know.
    I was wanting to use the Full Address Column plugin for TB.
    Somehow after 20 years TB still doesn't have a feature to show the FROM address always.
    How a security based email app doesn't have this is crazy.
    The plugin doesn't work from 115, guess I will have to wait.

    Here is the feature request: https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=243258

    • Like 1
  10. I'm not new to Nextcloud but not expert either.

    Anyone know what the appropriate permissions for the data directory is.

    New Nextcloud instance creates folders with sshd:sshd
    If they are not set to that then it cannot write to the directly.

    Usually I would have nobody:users but again it can't load the data directory.

    Setting the obvious chown -R sshd:sshd /data/path works but then other dockers cannot access it.

  11. On 10/31/2023 at 8:33 PM, Holaf said:

    I tried a fresh installation of lama cleaner alone, and a fresh installation of lama cleaner with easy-diffusion already installed, and it worked in both cases 🤔

    Can you stop your container, delete both folders "cache" and "50-lama-cleaner" and then relaunch your container ?
    I think it's your best chance to get it working 🤞

    Before seeing this I tried switching to SD.Next and also had issues with it not loading an docker crashing.

    This was with a fresh docker container too.

    I applied the suggested fix of deleting the cache and SD.Next folders in container appdata and has not got it running.

    The only model I have it working with is easy diffusion. 😢


    Should mention the SD.Next crash is caused by: 

    -bash: line 1: 73 Illegal instruction bash webui.sh --listen --port=9000 --insecure --medvram --allow-code

  12. Installed and was working ok with Easy Diffusion but really wanted to get Lama Cleaner for constant image fixing I do.
    It seemed to install but will not stay running, the docker just stops before the web UI will load.

    The last line in log before closing is: ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'torch._utils'

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