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Posts posted by A75G

  1. 8 hours ago, perrycox said:


    thanks for the netbox docker. I got one question, how do I change other settings in the netbox config file.

    I tried making another variable via unraid gui with no luck. When editing directly via cli the configuration.py is always rewritten upon restart.


    do you know where configuration.py is located i might add it to the template

    or you can add path to it to make it persistent file

    just make sure you copy the content configuration.py before running the docker

    2 hours ago, gRuNdLeKrEiSt said:

    I'm running into an issue with the jitsi containers. Coincidentally, I had setup the spaceinvader jitsi and then immediately found this. Because of the way unraid cannot manage the docker compose containers I wanted to setup the jitsi ones from CA, and because the spaceinvader guide worked well I basically followed those customizations on your containers.


    Not many things needed to be changed. Jitsi web and jvb do have a port conflict. I changed jvb port 4443 to 8443, that's what it was when installing from jitsi's github, and that resolved the port conflict. However, I have another issue that I cannot get past and am wondering if you were able to get all four containers working together.


    When starting jicofo it fails with the following error, "FATAL ERROR: Jicofo component secret must be changed, check the README." The container is then stopped. I am confused by this because I know that even on the jitsi readme it says the jicofo secret should not need to be changed. I decided to change it to another random six character string containing just lower case letters and numbers. I found all traces of this string and made sure they all matched, I still got the same error.

    im made jisti template because lot of people asked for it tried my best to make it as close the docker-compose, i tried to run it but didnt have the time so i was hoping someone would understand how to run it

    about the port conflict if im not mistaken it both container dont need the same one. one send and the other receive from it

    the most important part is to make custom network for them so they can talk to each other using hostname

    thats all i know about jisti i wish i could be at help but jisti on unraid docker template is bit weird

  2. 10 hours ago, eds said:

    Having an issue with port forwarding with Jitsi.

    I am in host mode and everything appears to be forwarded correctly.

    I have a container running on port 80/443, so I am mapping 443 to 5443 on jitsi. 

    But everytime i use the webui, I'm getting the other container.

    I am not sure what the issue is.   Any advice? 



    Also, lets encrypt appears to be built into the docker  From what I can see if disable_https set to 0 it sets up let's encrypt for the first time to  download a new cert.  I would have expected enable_letsencrypt set to 1 to do that.  Is that to be expected?



    jitsi need custom docker network to communicate between each other

    if enable_letsencrypt 1 then disable_https 0

    but better use reverse proxy

    and remove lot variable thats not needed like ldap if ur not using it

    7 hours ago, RSQtech said:

    Need a little guidance on the freepbx install....


    i cant get it to init.... any ideas?



    maybe database issue enable embedded database and remove delete database configuration

    ill update template so there so need for external database

  3. 4 hours ago, wazabees said:

    That's a great little addon! Thanks for the suggestion, it works for me.


    Some more user customization would be fantastic. I don't know if it's feasible though?


    Usage of ./golinks:
      -bind="": [int]:<port> to bind to
      -config="": config file
      -dbpath="search.db": database path
      -fqdn="localhost:8000": FQDN for public access
      -suggest="https://suggestqueries.google.com/complete/search?client=firefox&q=%s": default URL to retrieve search suggestions from
      -title="Search": OpenSearch title
      -url="https://www.google.com/search?q=%s&btnK": default URL to redirect to
      -v=false: display version information

    The ability to set the -url option to something else would be nice. Some people, myself included, try to avoid Google. So the ability to change the default -url from Google to something like DuckDuckGo (https://duckduckgo.com/?q=%s) would be most welcome.

    you can change default add this on post command



    • Like 1
  4. 17 hours ago, wazabees said:

    Question about the Golinks docker

    From what I can see, the run command is

    golinks -bind -fqdn localhost:8000

    Firefox on my local computer uses the FQDN address set to localhost:8000 which obviously won't work as Golinks is running on my Unraid server. Chrome used the IP address and worked as it should. Is it possible to have the FQDN configurable so I can use "unraidbox:8000"? Or use IP only?




    13 hours ago, Cion said:

    Having same issue,

    i can set search address inside of chrome (aka http://x.x.x.x:8000/?q=%s) but firefox has no option to manually set ip.

    how do i change the run command for the container so it sets ip:8000 instead of localhost:8000?

    I used this https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/add-custom-search-engine and it works check it out


    4 hours ago, eds said:

    Looks like @SpaceInvaderOne created a video on Jitsi and lo and behold I see you have a docker container already made @A75G.   

    This should make trying that video conferencing app out much easier.  Thanks.

    Do you know how taxing Jitsi is on server resources like cpu?

    SpaceInvaderOne made it easier my template a bit of a mess

    docker-compose usually for me is better because you have lot of moving parts between two or more dockers

    I dont know how taxing Jitsi i never run it but heres what people say



    • Like 1
  5. 7 minutes ago, wazabees said:

    Question about the Golinks docker

    From what I can see, the run command is

    golinks -bind -fqdn localhost:8000

    Firefox on my local computer uses the FQDN address set to localhost:8000 which obviously won't work as Golinks is running on my Unraid server. Chrome used the IP address and worked as it should. Is it possible to have the FQDN configurable so I can use "unraidbox:8000"? Or use IP only?



    if you have set FQDN for unraid then all you have is to put the FQDN:8000

    for example my unraid is unraid.lan i can do unraid.lan:8000 or use IP which ever you like

  6. 2 minutes ago, Glassed Silver said:

    Thanks a bunch! I fixed my wallabag and now am looking into getting my Firefox history (from a Windows desktop, mind you) to automatically get scraped. The instructions on the project's github page seem to assume you run ArchiveBox on a Linux desktop on which the installation of Firefox is running. That clearly isn't the case though here. :P


    Would love to do several automatic scrapes with cron jobs.


    a) a defined watched.txt with manual entries. Already set that up, easy!

    b) an automatically syncing history and bookmarks file of Firefox and maybe even Chrome. (I only use Chrome occasionally, but hey, whilst I'm at it...)

    c) constantly watching a Pocket/Wallabag list.

    d) maybe more? Curious to maybe throw huginn into the mix to even backup sites that are possibly interesting and that may be pulled. Fan games for example. (notorious example: Nintendo-based fan games...)


    Really stoked to jump into a whole new dimension of independence! :D


    I take you not replying to the transition to v0.4 as a positive sign? As in, it won't affect us? Either way, better to start archiving now than later. Even if there is structural breaking change I guess.


    Again, thanks so much for offering this container. I requested it on the CA wishlist github repo and here we are, a few weeks later with a working solution! :)

    until v0.4 release ill see what i can change to the template because right now there is no tag for it https://hub.docker.com/r/nikisweeting/archivebox/tags

    and im no developer only template guy :P

  7. 41 minutes ago, Glassed Silver said:

    Aaaaaah! But that's something I might as well just put into the container's shell command prompt, right? No need to edit in and out post args, right?


    My personal investigation is that with cleared args the container just stops... Isn't the whole point of such a container to also do pulls on demand? Ideally with a page where I just drop a URL?


    Also, do you have any idea how smooth the transition to the v0.4 branch will be? I know the dev has been delaying the release of it outside of beta stage for a long while now, but the release is going to come around eventually, if the transition is rough, maybe it's better to start this docker on the unstable 0.4 in CA beta status and then just hang on tight until 0.4 final drops and reflect that change in removing the beta flag in the CA as well?


    Sorry if the questions seem a bit silly, never really looked in the codebase for this project, I just know that I love the approach this application has over similar ones since it saves in many formats and even (will?) support dynamic content.


    Oh and I have a second question! I am also trying to use your wallabag container, however the layout it completely borked. Maybe you can give me any pointers?



    Cheers and thanks a lot for your work! :)



    Aaaaaah! But that's something I might as well just put into the container's shell command prompt, right? No need to edit in and out post args, right?




    Isn't the whole point of such a container to also do pulls on demand? Ideally with a page where I just drop a URL?

    Yea, you can ran it with cron what i do is put links on file inside the app folder it run weekly and it save it to way back machine too.



    wallabag issue:




    • Like 1
  8. 3 hours ago, Glassed Silver said:

    I edited the post command to be "./archive (URL,FEED,BOOKMARK,FILE)" (no quotes) and now the updating of the container fails...?


    Also a bit sad that the web server isn't built-in, I don't really intend to run a reverse-proxy, mostly because all the guides out there focus on exposing services to the internet and setting up a domain, etc... which I am not interested in one bit. At least not right now.


    All I want is service-name.<server-name>.local if anything. Maybe I'm just not too pressured to look into those tutorials and stripe out the extra complexities like domains etc that I don't need, then again I don't know how much those guides rely on you following the exact procedure.


    Is ANYONE reverse-proxying their services for their LAN only with the intention of .local and no publicly certified secure certificates? Hmm... (unless Let's Encrypt also works with local-only domains?)

    what i meant when i said "./archive (URL,FEED,BOOKMARK,FILE)"  is for example "./archive www.google.com" or "./archive /data/link.txt" for file you need to put it in the appdata

  9. 21 minutes ago, wazabees said:

    Nice! No rush to add it to your repo if you don't feel it's ready. The ArchiveBox project is likely to progress slowly due to the author not having too much time. It's an interesting project though!


    On the subject of bookmark managers/read it later tools, did you consider Shaarli as well? It's not very pretty, but it does look interesting, and development is somewhat active.




    ill add it next week i like to check them for few days then release them

    and you have great taste on dockers if you want you can add request on my GitHub https://github.com/A75G/docker-templates/issues/new/choose

    add as much you like ill get to it eventually

  10. <?xml version="1.0"?>
    <Container version="2">
      <Overview>Custom unRaid template for the official Teamspeak docker</Overview>
      <Description>Custom unRaid template for the official Teamspeak docker</Description>
      <Config Name="Data Path" Target="/var/ts3server/" Default="" Mode="rw" Description="Path where the database is stored" Type="Path" Display="always" Required="true" Mask="false"></Config>
      <Config Name="Config Folder" Target="/var/run/ts3server" Default="" Mode="rw" Description="Path where the ts3server.ini and ts3db.ini files are stored" Type="Path" Display="always" Required="false" Mask="false"></Config>
      <Config Name="UDP - Voice Port" Target="9987" Default="9987" Mode="udp" Description="UDP voice port. Default=9987" Type="Port" Display="always" Required="true" Mask="false">9987</Config>
      <Config Name="TCP - Query Port:" Target="10011" Default="10011" Mode="tcp" Description="TCP query port. Default=10011" Type="Port" Display="always" Required="true" Mask="false">10011</Config>
      <Config Name="TCP2 - File Transfer:" Target="30033" Default="30033" Mode="tcp" Description="TCP file transfer port. Default=30033" Type="Port" Display="always" Required="true" Mask="false">30033</Config>
      <Config Name="License Agreement" Target="TS3SERVER_LICENSE" Default="accept" Mode="" Description="Set to 'accept' if you agree the license agreement" Type="Variable" Display="always" Required="true" Mask="false">accept</Config>
      <Config Name="DEFAULT_VOICE_PORT" Target="TS3SERVER_DEFAULT_VOICE_PORT" Default="9987" Mode="" Description="Container Variable: TS3SERVER_DEFAULT_VOICE_PORT" Type="Variable" Display="advanced-hide" Required="false" Mask="false">9987</Config>
      <Config Name="QUERY_PORT" Target="TS3SERVER_QUERY_PORT" Default="10011" Mode="" Description="Container Variable: TS3SERVER_QUERY_PORT" Type="Variable" Display="advanced-hide" Required="false" Mask="false">10011</Config>
      <Config Name="QUERY_SSH_PORT" Target="TS3SERVER_QUERY_SSH_PORT" Default="10022" Mode="" Description="Container Variable: TS3SERVER_QUERY_SSH_PORT" Type="Variable" Display="advanced-hide" Required="false" Mask="false">10022</Config>
      <Config Name="FILETRANSFER_PORT" Target="TS3SERVER_FILETRANSFER_PORT" Default="30033" Mode="" Description="Container Variable: TS3SERVER_FILETRANSFER_PORT" Type="Variable" Display="advanced-hide" Required="false" Mask="false">30033</Config>
      <Config Name="QUERY_PROTOCOLS" Target="TS3SERVER_QUERY_PROTOCOLS" Default="raw" Mode="" Description="Container Variable: TS3SERVER_QUERY_PROTOCOLS" Type="Variable" Display="advanced-hide" Required="false" Mask="false">raw</Config>
      <Config Name="DB_CLIENTKEEPDAYS" Target="TS3SERVER_DB_CLIENTKEEPDAYS" Default="30" Mode="" Description="Container Variable: TS3SERVER_DB_CLIENTKEEPDAYS" Type="Variable" Display="advanced-hide" Required="false" Mask="false">30</Config>

    All it need is clean up. You can add support link to your topic in this forum and template if you are putting it on Github.

    Good job.

  11. 59 minutes ago, wazabees said:

    Your Shiori and Wallabag containers are great! If you're looking for another project, here's a tip - mainly because I'm curious about it! ;)





    Docker info:


    Hhhh thanks i think you are reading my mind or something i already have it installed on my unraid few days ago

    but its bit complicated but sure ill add it to the repo if you want

    • Like 1
  12. 3 minutes ago, bloggs said:

    I tried a few steps going all the way down to 100x100, but no change in the results.  To be sure it wasn't something wrong with my image, I also tried linking to a random image online (https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=http%3A%2F%2Fimg1.wikia.nocookie.net%2F__cb20100502232308%2Fadventuretimewithfinnandjake%2Fimages%2Fe%2Fe4%2FAt_100x100_iconjake.jpg&f=1&nofb=1) and it did the same thing with that as well, both on my hosted version and the public web one.  Is there a log anywhere inside the docker that might shed some light on what is happening?

    I'm not sure but if both public and hosted didn't work better make issue there which

    Now that i look at the issue there seems some people have the same problem if im not wrong https://github.com/AmruthPillai/Reactive-Resume/issues/94

  13. 1 minute ago, bloggs said:

    I tried it in both Brave and Chrome and it does the same in both, even with most of the security stuff in either turned off.  I tried it in edge, but the page doesn't seem to work very well in there.  Just for kicks I tried switching templates, but that seems to do the same thing on each of them that I tried.  Finally, I tried switching to a different image in case there was something wrong with it, but that also does the same thing.  I also tried a few different PDF viewers, but no luck there either.  Oddly enough, I tried it on the public site (https://rx-resume.web.app/) and it did the same thing there as well.  Are there issues with image size or file type maybe?  This is just a 1000x1000 jpg image that is 736 kb, so it isn't anything really strange.

    It might be it try lowering the resolution.

  14. 4 hours ago, bloggs said:

    I got your reactive-resume docker up and running, and it works great until I try to save as PDF.  When I do this, everything saves with the exception of my photo.  It just displays a blank area in the PDF where the picture should be.  The photo displays fine in the viewer prior to and after trying to save as PDF.   There are no errors that I can see.  Any ideas of what I can do or where I can look to help figure out why?

    I'm not sure it i tried it on my side it work.

    Have you tried different browser.

  15. 6 hours ago, wazabees said:

    Hey! Thanks so much for the Wallabag docker. It works perfectly for me and no problems with NPM. I see that new user registration is enabled by default which may not be ideal for everyone. I added the variable SYMFONY__ENV__FOSUSER_REGISTRATION and set it to false which removes the option to self-register. :)

    Thank you for info, will update the template right away.


  16. 2 hours ago, eds said:

    Ah!  You're right.

    Once I actually added the IP address in place of <IP> that did it.





    One other thing I wonder if you can help me with....

    I'm using nginx proxy manager to handle the app with my domain so I can access on the wan side, but this appears to be failing.  Any ideas?


    i dont use NPM https://github.com/wallabag/docker#nginx

    and change the domain variable in wallabag to https://wallabag.domain.com

  17. 1 hour ago, eds said:

    Hey OP,

    Thanks for wallabag docker.  I've been dying for an app like this.

    Comparing what I installed to the actual program, the docker appears to be missing images and other textures.

    Was that an oversight or did I get something wrong here?

    Yeah i had the same problem, make sure the Domain part is right for example if your only using for local user and if you are hosting it on your domain http://wallabag.example.com or https://wallabag.example.com

  18. 4 minutes ago, itlists said:

    Hi, thanks for putting together these dockers.. .very useful!


    Does miniflux come packaged with postgresql or do I need to install that first separately?


    Your most welcome.

    It doesn't i downloaded Postgres:11 its on CA already

    • Thanks 1