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Everything posted by loady

  1. Is that logging in with SSH using putty ? not sure how to enable syslog server
  2. How do i get diags if i cant access the GUI ? i am only aware of the issue at the point i go to try use the server
  3. I already did that as recommended a few posts back, it passed. New diags attached if any use warptower-diagnostics-20221229-1210.zip
  4. I still have the same issue and the server is on 6.10.3 now, i thought the problem was gone, it started doing a parity check and when i last looked it was at 38%, when i checked again later it was at 3%, i looked as thought it had either finished and just started another one or the server restarted itself, anyway, as of now i cant access the server and will have to hard reboot it
  5. So it seems the issue is still there, i am going to try again to roll it back to the version you suggested, just to be sure, i download the version i need and overwrite ONLY ALL the *bz files and the changes.txt file. Last time i did it it wouldnt boot.
  6. That worked thank you. Now the server is booting from the original flash drive, what do i need from the dump of the flash drive i made after i had over written all the bz* files ?bare in mind this back was made AFTER i over wrote the bz* files. For now i have just used the latest release of unraid just so i can use the server, i will monitor if the issue i had that caused me to roll back is resolved, if not i will go back to it over christmas.
  7. I got in, it wasnt letting me becasue my original installation was https// and now it wants http//, once i cleared the cache it seems fine now So i have let the usb tool wipe and re-create the original flash drive, this time it doesnt seem to finish, just hangs on syncing file system, the one that is in now is 8GB and working, the old one is 32GB but its been a good 15 minutes sat like this..should it take this long ? if this other flashdrive is working fine can i just transfer the key to it and then copy whatever files i need from the backup ?
  8. the same drives wont let me make them bootable on my laptop or an old clunky win7 PC. I have just download the usb creator tool and it shows two of the three flash drives as incompatible, the third one let me create the flash drive and it has booted now, though i cant access the GUI with the IP address. Do i back up the original flash drive, use the usb creator for the latest release (or the one you suggested to roll back too) then copy back the back up ?
  9. im pretty sure the original stick i had in is fine, i performed a low level check on it. The sever was booting fine albeit the unraid driver was crashing and stalling the server. Now i can get it to boot at all, keeps getting stuck at the checksum error on the original flash drive, now on three random generic drive flash drives the make bootable wont complete. just says.. Make Bootable v1.5 Volume in drive I is UNRAID Volume Serial Number is 3CE1-0D8E Ready to make disk bootable! Press any key to continue . . . I:\syslinux\syslinux.exe -maf I: Writing MBR: Access is denied. Did not successfully update the MBR; continuing... Completed Press any key to continue . . . I dont know why it says access denied, i have reformatted them numerous times. Even if i can get it back to a working state even when it was crashing i can go about what i need to do for now.
  10. i have tried with two different flash drives now, the BIOS picks them up but complaines there is no OS, make bootable bat file gives an error when i try to make them bootable.. Make Bootable v1.5 Volume in drive I is UNRAID Volume Serial Number is 3CE1-0D8E Ready to make disk bootable! Press any key to continue . . . I:\syslinux\syslinux.exe -maf I: Writing MBR: Access is denied. Did not successfully update the MBR; continuing... Completed Press any key to continue . . . If i run that on the original flash drive i get this... Make Bootable v1.5 Volume in drive J is UNRAID Volume Serial Number is 48E8-11BF Ready to make disk bootable! Press any key to continue . . . J:\syslinux\syslinux.exe -maf J: Completed Press any key to continue . . . In both instances i am running as administrator. I have also reformatted the original USB stick and run a low level test on it and it reported as bieng in good condidtion.
  11. Still the same, gets stuck at that checksum message... i am quite desperate to get this to a working state again, even crashing as i need to pull data from it
  12. no, i didnt make a back up, i just over wrote the bz files and tried to boot. EDIT: i have just backed it up now as it is and will reformat it tthen put the back up on
  13. so its stalling on a checksum, i gether that is to do with it not matching what was previously on there ? its trying to boot but stops there and does it again when i press enter
  14. should all these files be on the flash drive ?
  15. Ok, now the GUI doesnt load at all...seems like the server is not finishing booting, do i need to run the makebootable bat file again on the flash drive ?
  16. Just looking at the options and the only previous version i am offered is 6.11.1, i am unsure of how to safely go about downgrading, i dont want to break anything, is it a straight forward process ?
  17. BIOS updated but still the server is crashing, parity check starts but it gets to about 3.5GB then the ETA count just keeps rising, it wont stop if i try to cancel it and after a few hours i cant access the GUI, the server will not shutdown by power button either and i am forced to hard reboot it. DIAGS attached. thank you. warptower-diagnostics-20221218-0949.zip
  18. its not completed a parity check for some time now
  19. My server wont shut down properly so i end up hard rebooting it which invokes a parity check , the parity check never finishes, it just seems to get stuck, last time it was up to 6000+ day ETA to finish, everything is functioning fine otherwise. Diags attached. warptower-diagnostics-20221214-0923.zip
  20. No i dont, was just about to reply with that but thought i would try removing the CMOS battery and it is ok now, normally if the CMOS is flat it would pause post and ask you to press F1 to enter setup. The server just sometimes randomly stagnates, it wont power off and you have to hard reset it...i dont kow what causes it to happen, can be fine for months then boom...attached the diags if anyone fancies seeing if there is anything untowardwarptower-diagnostics-20220605-1343.zip
  21. tried to turn my server on remotely the other day, sometimes i just have to refresh the opevpn config file, i went home but the server was unresponsive but on, when i pressed the power button it instantly shut off, i can now no longer boot it, it powers on, you hear some drives spin up but they spin down and it will just sit there like that, again, pressing the power it goes straight off. Just hooked up a monitor and its not outputting any data, just an underscore on a black screen
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