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Everything posted by loady

  1. As of now, none..that is with port 21 forwarded on router to port 21, i cant access anything either remotely from phone or within network on pc, that doesnt make sense that you can ??. Do you mean the IP address ?..i believe that would be the external IP address of my mobile network provider ?? I have sent you a PM with a test account i set up, i have left the router forwarded to port 21 and will test it from work tonight as well myself. I was thinking why i may be having issues, the shares that i have setup to have FTP access to are also set for me to access via another user account called admin for which i normally get prompted to enter user/pass when accessing them from within network..not sure whether this would make any difference or not and maybe they are treated as separate entities but just a thought. EDIT: just tried your account from within network and only works for me if i type ftp//: and not ftp://warpserver.dontexist.com:21 EDIT2: At work now and works fine for me as well...what the hell is happening at my place ??
  2. ok..phone setup up as a wifi hotspot using my GSM internet connection... FROM BROWSER: ftp://warpserver.dontexist.com:51302/'>ftp://warpserver.dontexist.com:51302/ = Error 101 (net::ERR_CONNECTION_RESET): The connection was reset. ftp://warpserver.dontexist.com = general 404 timeout error it would seem, no specific error message warpserver.dontexist.com = HTTP Error 504 (Gateway Timeout): The gateway or proxy server timed out while waiting for a response from an upstream server. warpserver.dontexist.com:51302 = Error 101 (net::ERR_CONNECTION_RESET): The connection was reset. FROM FILEZILLA FTP CLIENT: warpserver.dontexist.com on set with port 51302 with no user/pass details except that user is autofilled as anonymous and same message again when i enter user/pass Status: Resolving address of warpserver.dontexist.com Status: Connecting to Status: Connection established, waiting for welcome message... Error: Could not connect to server Status: Waiting to retry... Status: Delaying connection for 1 second due to previously failed connection attempt... Status: Resolving address of warpserver.dontexist.com Status: Connecting to Status: Connection established, waiting for welcome message... Error: Could not connect to server on port 51302 Status: Connecting to Status: Connection established, waiting for welcome message... Error: Could not connect to server Status: Waiting to retry... Status: Connecting to Status: Connection established, waiting for welcome message... Error: Could not connect to server Just thought i would check port open tool for completeness, not sure if it has something to do with me using my phones internet.. Remote Address Port Number 51302 reports it as closed. Port 51302 is open on warpserver.dontexist.com is reporting as open..guess thats right then ? Also i tried forwarding port 21 to 21 on the router with passive port range forwarded and i get same messages as above.. Time to start pulling teeth.
  3. Do not apologise for fishing around in the dark, its no more than I can do myself and I appreciate all of your help. I'll get busy with those things tomorrow. I don't have access to another remote pc but I thought maybe I could use my phone Internet connection as a modem and do it that way ??
  4. Sorry for delay, i was away for weekend.. If phone client set to active it makes no difference, if i do not define user/pass i get prompted ONLY when i am connected to the network and not remotely. On the phone client if wifi is on and i am connected to the network, when i type into browser, the phone client automatically starts and asks for user/pass which then gives access to FTP, however if i type warpserver.dontexist.com into my pc browser it takes me to my router page and the same on the phone browser The password was a very simple one.
  5. To connect on local network I type into browser, is the ip of the unraid box. From local network I can only access on port 21 but it also works in the ftp client on local network to with same port. From my phone I have the client setup with user and pass already. The client is set to passive.
  6. i seem to be getting some feed back in syslog... 10815: Jul 4 22:03:39 warptower proftpd[30542]: ([]) - FTP session closed. 10814: Jul 4 22:03:39 warptower proftpd[30542]: ([]) - FTP session opened. 10813: Jul 4 22:03:39 warptower proftpd[30521]: ([]) - FTP session closed. 10812: Jul 4 22:03:39 warptower proftpd[30521]: ([]) - FTP session opened. 10811: Jul 4 22:00:18 warptower proftpd[22484]: ([]) - FTP session closed. 10810: Jul 4 22:00:18 warptower proftpd[22484]: ([]) - FTP session opened. 10809: Jul 4 22:00:17 warptower proftpd[22462]: ([]) - FTP session closed. 10808: Jul 4 22:00:17 warptower proftpd[22462]: ([]) - FTP session opened. 10807: Jul 4 21:59:57 warptower proftpd[21702]: ([]) - FTP session closed. 10806: Jul 4 21:59:57 warptower proftpd[21702]: ([]) - FTP session opened. 10805: Jul 4 21:59:56 warptower proftpd[21677]: ([]) - FTP session closed. 10804: Jul 4 21:59:56 warptower proftpd[21677]: ([]) - FTP session opened. 10803: Jul 4 21:58:58 warptower proftpd[19452]: ([]) - FTP session closed. 10802: Jul 4 21:58:58 warptower proftpd[19452]: ([]) - FTP session opened. 10801: Jul 4 21:58:58 warptower proftpd[19423]: ([]) - FTP session closed. Just does that everytime i connect on my FTP client on phone When i try to connect with web browser or FTP client on a pc that is within the network i get nothing in the syslog... Pulling teeth out now.
  7. Firstly thanks for the help. I thought that was initially correct, i get... The connection has timed out The server at warpserver.dontexist.com is taking too long to respond. I tried checking the port and it is indeed wide open !! so the router IS doing its job ? Do you forward a passive range someway ? not really sure how i would implement this as i am pretty sure it would be done server side ? My proftpd.conf # Server Settings ServerName ProFTPD ServerType standalone DefaultServer on PidFile /var/run/proftpd.pid # Port 21 is the standard FTP port. You propably should not connect to the # internet with this port. Make your router forward another port to # this one instead. Port 21 # Set the user and group under which the server will run. User nobody Group users # Prevent DoS attacks MaxInstances 30 # Speedup Login UseReverseDNS off IdentLookups off # Control Logging - comment and uncomment as needed # If logging Directory is world writeable the server won't start! # If no SystemLog is defined proftpd will log to servers syslog. #SystemLog NONE #SystemLog /boot/config/plugins/proftpd/slog TransferLog NONE #TransferLog /boot/config/plugins/proftpd/xferlog WtmpLog NONE # As a security precaution prevent root and other users in # /etc/ftpuser from accessing the FTP server. UseFtpUsers on RootLogin off # Umask 022 is a good standard umask to prevent new dirs and files # from being group and world writable. Umask 022 # "Jail" FTP-Users into their home directory. (chroot) # The root directory has to be set in the description field # when defining an user: # ftpuser /mnt/cache/FTP # See README for more information. DefaultRoot ~ # Shell has to be set when defining an user. As a security precaution # it is set to "/bin/false" as FTP-Users should not have shell access. # This setting makes proftpd accept invalid shells. RequireValidShell no # Normally, we want files to be overwriteable. AllowOverwrite on And my proftpd.cfg # proftpd configuration SERVICE="enable"
  8. I get nothing in the syslog other than when i try to connect internally in which case i get.. Jul 3 09:04:23 warptower proftpd[2904]: ([]) - FTP session opened. Jul 3 09:04:23 warptower proftpd[2904]: ([]) - USER anonymous: no such user found from [] to Jul 3 09:04:23 warptower proftpd[2904]: ([]) - FTP session closed. Jul 3 09:04:23 warptower proftpd[2905]: ([]) - FTP session opened. Jul 3 09:04:34 warptower proftpd[2905]: ([]) - Preparing to chroot to directory '/mnt/user/movies' Jul 3 09:04:34 warptower proftpd[2905]: ([]) - USER kevin: Login successful. i have DD-wrt on my router and have tried numerous things which i have exampled below... I have tried these settings in port forward, enabled one at a time and then both enabled at same time.. Same again here on port range forward... And also in port triggering... I have also tired different ports, i just cant get a connection externally, sometimes my FTP client says the connection was refused and other times it says reset by peer..at no time is there anything in the syslog..so it must be something im doing on the router, i kind of remeber trying to play with FTP before and problems regarding not forwarding passive range or something..not sure if i am implementing it correctly..someone who knows ?? Also would THIS info make any difference, unfortunatley i cant make much sense of it..or wheter indeed i need to do anything with it.
  9. im trying to use FTP via web browser, is this at all possible ? i am also having no luck trying to use a different port to connect from..ie 54321 to forward to proftpd on port 21 server side..i know its not a dyn problem as i have tested it using sabnzbd. EDIT: I have also tried using an FTP client on my pc and also on my android, i just keep getting Connection attempt failed with "ECONNREFUSED - Connection refused by server".... i have SABnzbd setup with the same dyn account and works fine, i am trying to use port 7676 to forward to port 21 on server side..connecting to proftpd within my own network on port 21 works fine as well...not sure if i am doing something wrong ??
  10. Nice one SLrG...keep up the good work..i hope you take this on to greater things !! How can i set the user to be read only without having to make the share read only, i want to be able to read/write at home without having to keep changing ? EDIT: Think i see how to do that but am i right to understand that i can only set the permission to read only on the root of the share for the user ??..i set ftpuser path mnt/user/movies/dvdr /dvdr is a subdirectory i created within the /movie share ??..obviously SMB security settings show the named FTP user but i can only set permission for /movies for that user and not /movies/dvdr
  11. Hmmm..i understand what your saying..and i hear it everytime i look to doing this and every time it scares me off. I wouldnt say the shares are critical data..but i would hate it if some little git deleted my entire movie folder for fun !!...pity theres not more development on this side of things..i just want to be able to be anywhere and grab whatever files i want out of any share without the worrying, i wouldnt be giving anyone else access to it personally. Also...i tried to install the plugin but it came back with... installing plugin: proftpd file /tmp/plugin-prepare: successfully wrote INLINE file contents /bin/bash /tmp/plugin-prepare ... ************************************************************* * ProFTPD plugin installation started... ************************************************************* success file /tmp/plugin-cleanup: successfully wrote INLINE file contents /bin/bash /tmp/plugin-cleanup ... success file /boot/config/plugins/proftpd/README: already exists file /boot/config/plugins/proftpd/device_status.png: downloading from -q --no-check-certificate https://github.com/SlrG/unRAIDplugins/raw/master/proftpd/device_status.png ... bad download, deleting root@warptower:/boot/config/plugins#
  12. +1 for that, i have a router running dd-wrt with dyn dns setup, can you just set yourself up to see all your shares and have access and use a c0MpL3x pa55word to avoid getting it hacked ??
  13. i never checked the memory as my 8GB kit arrived so i just put that in, i still dont think memory was an issue..just a glitch maybe ??..heres the result of second preclear..looks good this time.. == invoked as: ./preclear_disk.sh -M 4 /dev/sdb == SAMSUNG HD204UI S2H7J1BZ912023 == Disk /dev/sdb has been successfully precleared == with a starting sector of 63 == Ran 1 cycle == == Using :Read block size = 8225280 Bytes == Last Cycle's Pre Read Time : 6:26:36 (86 MB/s) == Last Cycle's Zeroing time : 5:42:57 (97 MB/s) == Last Cycle's Post Read Time : 14:19:40 (38 MB/s) == Last Cycle's Total Time : 26:30:23 == == Total Elapsed Time 26:30:23 == == Disk Start Temperature: 25C == == Current Disk Temperature: 27C, == ============================================================================ No SMART attributes are FAILING_NOW 0 sectors were pending re-allocation before the start of the preclear. 0 sectors were pending re-allocation after pre-read in cycle 1 of 1. 0 sectors were pending re-allocation after zero of disk in cycle 1 of 1. 0 sectors are pending re-allocation at the end of the preclear, the number of sectors pending re-allocation did not change. 0 sectors had been re-allocated before the start of the preclear. 0 sectors are re-allocated at the end of the preclear, the number of sectors re-allocated did not change.
  14. Hmmm.. i dont suspect the memory, i have done no less than 5 preclears straight on different drives and all have passed, i am going to stick in 8gb shortly anyway, whats the best way to test the memory, do i need to add a monitor and boot server and wait for option to run mem test or can i invoke it via telnet session ?
  15. not sure if this is a bad sign...in short.. ========================================================================1.13 == invoked as: ./preclear_disk.sh -M 4 /dev/sdb == == Disk /dev/sdb has NOT been successfully precleared == Postread detected un-expected non-zero bytes on disk== == Ran 1 cycle == == Using :Read block size = 8225280 Bytes == Last Cycle's Pre Read Time : 6:32:11 (85 MB/s) == Last Cycle's Zeroing time : 5:43:22 (97 MB/s) == Last Cycle's Post Read Time : 14:02:46 (39 MB/s) == Last Cycle's Total Time : 26:19:30 == == Total Elapsed Time 26:19:31 == == Disk Start Temperature: 26C == == Current Disk Temperature: 25C, == ============================================================================ No SMART attributes are FAILING_NOW
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