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Everything posted by loady

  1. thats interesting...are you saying its possible to turn off UEFI and that might cure the issue?
  2. I am not sure if this is relevant to UNraid itself or my hardware or a bit of both, i am using the same power supply that used to WOL my former set up. When shutting down UNraid the onboard NIC or add in NIC do not stay alive, there is no light on them when powered down, i have wake by PCI events enabled in the bios and have also tried toggling about PSU idle settings to no avail, the odd thing is though, if i shutdown unraid and then remove the power from PSU and leave for 30 seconds, when i plug it back in the NIC leds will be lit, obviously this is not possible for me to WOL remotely as i can't be here to do that when i am turning the server on and off. Is there a setting of UNraid when powering down that is completely powering everything off ? is there something i could try?
  3. I am dumb, i have been moving them from slot to slot and have now just realised the SAS cable was not in properly so the top row was only getting power, plugged it in and now none of the drive are disabled, there is just one drive still disabled but i know this is ok, i was getting power issues with one of these 5 x sata into 3 x5.25 bay things and it would keep spitting out a drive, just did new config and set parity as correct and all is fine now thanks..as long as it dont get anymore dirves spat out i think i can safely say i have found the issue
  4. I have upgraded my case to a 16 bay hot swap case, i have just moved everything into place and pushed the drives in. Now i have mutiiple missing drives, what should i do, i am sure i have the slot allocation picture somewhere but i dont think it will help, i have jiggled a few around and got four to show up now, prior to upgrading i did a full parity check andeverything was fine, it has been switched off since then so i am confident that parity is correct and no writes of importance have taken place. Can i initate 'new config' and check the box saying parity is correct, ideally i would like to keep the drives in number sequence in this case... PARITY---CACHE---DISK1---DISK2 DISK3---DISK4---DISK5---EMPTY EMPTY---EMPTY---EMPTY---EMPTY EMPTY---EMPTY---EMPTY---EMPTY above is basically the front of the case with the hot swappable bays, can i move the disks to those location and get it up and running again or do i HAVE to find the correct location, ALL the drives are no connected to the server card, prior to upgrading case the parity and cache were in SATA ports due to cable restrictions.
  5. I specifically bought an asus tuff b450 for its WOL features, its enabled in the bios but i cant wake up/start the server, im using an asus router running asus merlin, set the mac address. I know my set up used to work, i used to VPN into server remotley and could wake the server, doing it this way is the same as being inside the network and doing WOL, i cant even WOL when i am physically on the network. I have seen some threads about people saying to enable 'allow magic packets' in windows, im not using windows so cant do this but surely this should work on this level. Does anyone have a solution ?
  6. yes it did. Its set to write corrections to parity Last check completed on Fri 14 Aug 2020 09:58:21 PM BST (two days ago), finding 866 errors. Duration: 8 hours, 18 minutes, 41 seconds. Average speed: 100.3 MB/sec
  7. Thanks for all your help and pointers, it seems to be ok now, i am sure the problem was power distribution which might explain the randomness of the drives being disabled, i think if one to many drives span up on that rail one of the other drives would suffer power shortage effectively causing UNraid to disable Now the problem is resolved should i completely rebuild parity from scratch, im happy with the contents of the disks
  8. what ill do then is when the parity has finished ill set it up that way, if i get disks disabling i can just stop array and do new config and check the box for parity is valid, should stop the drive from rebuilding itself again ?
  9. think i got turned over with this chassis...had nothing but drive issues since the day i got it. So when its tripping out it essentially like pulling a drive out while the array is started. Wonder if i can get a new back plane for it, what if the [problem is that it cant draw enough power from my PSU, see the the 2 molex that power it are on the same string, would it make a difference if i were to use molex from 2 separate strings ?
  10. Would you mind giving your opinion on this short video I made, I am getting suspicious of the drive chassis now, I've pulled disk 3 and 4 out and put them on sata ports on their own power source, no more chirping of any drives and the power led is not tripping like it was, I have yet another parity check started and sounds much better now, if all goes well and no more drives get spat out would this suggest that chassis has a power distribution issue and not the main PSU in case ?. It basically houses 5 drives and takes two molex plugs to power it, I tried powering it from molex from separate rails but still kept doing the chirping like it was power tripping, don't really want to buy a new chassis if the problem lies with the main PSU not being able to deliver the power, so the power from two molex is being split to power 5 drives https://photos.app.goo.gl/QzdsyxWjM1dU8UF39
  11. yes had to force. I just thought i would double check the the ram is seated correctly, i then saw that i had forgotten to put the memory sticks in the correct slots, they were in A1/B2 when they should have been in A2/B2 would this have some bearing on the issues ? should i go straight for another rebuild which will be about 8 hours as opposed to a memtest of 24/48 hours ? EDIT: i am really at a loss as to what i should do, just rebooted and i could see the power LED for disk 4 light up then it would chirp and do it again, constantly, i rebooted again and now disk 3 is saying disabled, what the hell is going on, the PSU ?..the drive chasis ?, should i move as many of the drives to SATA and see if the problem persists ?i only have 6 sata ports on this and 7 drives, one being parity and one being cache. Also, the parity drive rebuild has completed in 10 minutes on this reboot warptower-diagnostics-20200814-1155.zip
  12. Seriously, the worse thing you want to hear. Servers proper hung now, how do i shut it down via telnet or SSH ?..i cant keep hard shutting down, cant be good for the drives ? EDIT: i just held power button, drives are all spun down so not to much of a problem
  13. it was due to finish, i heard the drives chatter, disk one is spun down and it seems to be hanging on the rebuild again...the estimated time to finish is going into days now. getting a bit tired of this everytime i turn the server on Its definately stopped, all the drives spun down, i am sat here with a server with no parity at the moment, this time its stopped at 85.4% warptower-diagnostics-20200814-1014.zip
  14. Hmmm...server was hung and couldnt power down with telnet or SSH, had to hard power off. Anyway, left it doing a parity rebuild last night and should have been finished when i got here, it was still doing a parity rebuild but not the same one, from what i can see it started another one at around 3am, its got about an hour left right now but the disk 4 seem to be ok at this moment warptower-diagnostics-20200814-0913.zip
  15. ok, updated, i had to pause the parity sync to do it, rebooted and the parity sync surviced the reboot in in pause mode but is still hanging there, do i need to stop it and start again
  16. so did this, left it rebuilding parity...now its just hanging on 72%, all the drives are in standby mode, spun down, i span them up and they spun back down warptower-diagnostics-20200813-1522.zip
  17. well, was all ok for a bit, all my dockers had disappeared and was just in the process of getting them back and disk 4 has just disabled right in front of my eyes, the mini SAS to SATA cables were brand new. All my SATA ports are empty, would it be a good idea to stop the array, remove the mini SAS to SATA cable from disk 4 and plug disk 4 into a free sata port ? if the problem arises again then it could suggest power issue and not cable problem...i have only started getting these problems when this powered drive cage was introduced and it was bought second hand i can hear that noise that a drive makes when you just cut power to it
  18. How can a power connection problem move from one drive to another ? it doesnt make sense. I have 5 3.5" hdd in to 3 5.25 bay, is it possibly or even heard of that the power issue is just moving to the next drive ?, could the back plane be faulty ?im thinking the drive get enabled to do the rebuild but in doing so another one gets disabled ? Ok, this time i dont want to rebuild the drive, i just want to trust whats on there
  19. Sorry. Just noticed that the time and date is screed...think that might be the in the obo bios though as i cleared CMOS and didnt set that...ill do it now warptower-diagnostics-20200812-1056.zip
  20. Thanks for that, i read that and opted for a full rebuild rather than trust, i hadnt dont anything with the server, only switched it on, anyway, left it rebuilding last night and came back this morning to see that it had finished and not disk three is ok but disk four is now disabled and contents emulated....its getting ridiculous, seems like i fix one drive and another takes its place for errors...absoloutely nothing was touched moved or anything.
  21. It seems that everytime my server has been off for any length of time (this time i was upgrading and had to RMA the motherboard) when i got to use it again i am getting errors... https://gyazo.com/a3477a333ee6f46d6c8970b33098226b Disk three is saying 'device is disabled, contents emulated' Disk four is stating normal operation, yet BOTH disks reporting unmountable no file system. The only thing different apart from the mobo and CPU upgrade is a raid card, https://www.amazon.co.uk/10Gtek-Internal-Express-Controller-SAS2008/dp/B01M2AC40Y/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1537007716&sr=8-1&keywords=SAS+controller+HBA&pldnSite=1 I have that one and it is a verified server pull so its not a chinese knock off one and it has been flashed to IT mode, i have not moved any of the disks. What should i do to get this back up and running again so i can just leave it be ? Diags attached. Thanks EDIT: checked and reseated all cables, i also swapped the SAS cable going to drive three for an unused one, things changed a little, no more unmountable filesystems but still this disk saying disabled, contents emulated. warptower-diagnostics-20200811-1225.zip
  22. I have recently upgrade my hardware to a board that has 2 x M2 slots, what are your thoughts at using these for a cache pool ?, they seem to be quite cheap in comparison to ssd's, around £60 for a 500gb
  23. Thanks friend. I do have VM's i installed some time ago to play with but i am not concerned for them, i would look start from scratch, so looks like i am all good to go
  24. I am going to install my new hardware today, mobo, cpu, ram and server cards for the hdd's...apart from taking a screenshot of the drive slot allocation is there anything else i should do...can i just go ahead and swap out the hardware
  25. I am in the process of upgrading my whole platform for Unraid, mainly because WOL doesnt work, it did some time back and i got to wondering if unraid when i updated it also updates/changes the drivers ?, the server will not WOL from powered off state and the lights on NIC do not blink when its powered off so i cant pick up any magic packets in this state, the same applies to an intel NIC card i installed for testing purposes
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