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Everything posted by loady

  1. I have been playing about, i can get the servers to show up after a reboot now, but i have to change the group/user properties to 1000:1000, however, after a reboot they are going back to nobody:99 and group:users100
  2. all my docker container persist (i believe) as i have no issues with any other dockers. You can see the servers i created in the servers folder, they just dissapear from the GUI
  3. well i installed hexparrot docker, alas, i have the same issues, can create servers and the files persist in /mnt/user/appdata/minecraft/servers but they do not show up in GUI after a reboot...wtf !
  4. hi, i have installed the minecraft docker, i noticed its very similar to another minecraft docker i tried, i am having the same issues as i had previously with other dockers, any minecraft servers i create and not surviving a reboot of unraid, i can see the servers if i FTP to server folders and they persist, just not in the GUI, its clearly something with my setup but i cant see it... i have it set to /mnt/user/appdata/minecraft and my appdata folder is set to cache only
  5. i shall give that one a try, i did try the mcmyadmin docker which seemed to work as far as the docker is concerned, i could create a server and it was running but i couldnt connect to it with MC, i am using a modded MC, hacked, if you prefer, and when i was using minecraftOS i had to set online mode to false to be able to connect to it, i cant see that option on mcmyadmin and i got mo help from mcmyadmin forum as they said they dont support piracy, i tried to explain i have paid for it on most platforms and wasnt forking out for PC version unless i knew it worked.
  6. Can anyone help my minecraft connected to this server, im not getting any help at mcmyadmin forum/chat as i am a pirate apparently !, yes i am using a hacked minecraft (i think) and do not intend to pay for it untill i can get it working, i have already paid for licences on xbox and switch. My goal is to allow my kids and friends to play together on our local network, not public servers. The server report as being up and running but i cant seem to connect to it, previously i had same issues with minecraftOS docker but that was resolved by setting online mode to FALSE, cant seem to find any such setting in mcmyadmin, i am either getting 'connection was forcibly closed by host' or 'outdated client' messages.
  7. I dont have permissions set on mine, post up a log for one of the other guys to look at. What is radarr doing if its not renaming them how you want ?
  8. Missed this reply. I looked for other minecraft dockers but only found pocket edition and nodes. would i need to add a different repository
  9. have updated unraid, i rechecked permissions again and they are set to 0777 now but still showing as group: users [100] and owner: nobody [99], albeit 0777, im also performing it again and see what happens. EDIT: Ok, tried again and again its gone back to group: users [100] and owner: nobody [99] but permissions for that are now 0777, its weird, for every server i created they appear in server folder and have files inside them
  10. not sure where to find "show more settings". setting owner and group to to root seemed to complete and upon refreshing properties they show as root and 0777 permission, but alas upon unraid reboot the have gone again and server properties/permissions are back to group: users [100] and owner: nobody [99],
  11. As i mentioned, im doing this remotely, my estranged wife has switch off the server, i will do this tomorrow and post up, thanks for your help thus far.
  12. Oh well, permissions set but the servers are not surviving a reboot of unraid EDIT: I think i was setting permissions to server folder only DOH! now doing it on /minecrasftos folder, im performing this remotely over VPN, think it might be a while ...maybe i should do it locally when i can get there
  13. hmmmm....i using winscp to try and set permissions again, im trying to change group and owner to root0, currently they show as group: users [100] and owner: nobody [99], when i type in root0 i get this error... "current session allows changing ownership by UID only. It was not possible to resolve UID from account name "root0". Specify UID explicitly instead" As they stand originally i can see they are set to 0777, not really sure what im doing here.
  14. Didnt work for me, i changed the path and and created a new world and i can see that the server is created in /mnt/user/appdata/minecraftos/server, i can also see previous servers that were created, alas, upon reboot the servers dissapear from the GUI...might be worth a reinstall ? im not holding my breath.
  15. sorry to hear that, hope you are better. Im just wondering do i have template setup correctly, /var/games/minecraft /mnt/appdata/minecraftos/ i can see servers previously created in /mnt/cache/appdata/minecraftos/servers I used winSCP to do exactly what you did, is there a way to check that it actually got done ?
  16. is this working or not ?..is it actually being supported in anyway ?
  17. Now I have this working, I'm not wholly convinced its any better than CP, I have found that media management is somewhat scratchy, I can browse to my films folder but it doesn't show all the films in my library, I thought maybe it is not seeing into the subdirectories, its seems to sit on updating library for a long time, it only ever shows 69 records. If I just add the movies folder as my media it sees the subdirectories folders as films and tries to match them, I have also tried adding each sub directories one by one but it seems to only see into one folder at any time, hence only picking up a few records.
  18. Yes I totally did, it took all my hair...let me give something back..... basically in the docker template, where it asks for the path to media or data, put in the path to your movies, for me it is /mnt/user/movies, I also added a category in sabnzbd called movies so that they get put into that folder within /mnt/user/movies so I know that was scraped via radar. So in docker template on CP, it says /movies and I have the path set as /mnt/user/movies (for me) and in radar docker template it says /media and I have that mapped to the same location /mnt/user/movies
  19. im now bulk importing movies, my movies share has different folders for different categories, ie, family, my movies, couch potato etc..do i need to add each folder ?...i have about 300 movies within these folders collectively, does this take a long time ? will it laso search sub directories
  20. Im sure you are all fed up with my not understanding. i found i a video guide that showed me what to do and now i can see where i wasnt understanding.
  21. doing this makes a new sabnzb folder in mnt/user/downloads, before it messed it all up my sab docker was at mnt/user/appdata and appdata folder was set to cache only, downloads were set in sab to goto mnt/user/downloads/incomplete and moved to mnt/downloads/completed. Now I cant get it back to how was
  22. I did, now all its done is set up the sabnzb config files into mnt/user/downloads and sab starts as if it is a new install..thats not right. doing this means I cant have the sab app folder into appdata folder with all my other dockers. Your saying I need to change where the /config folder resides, doing this makes a new sab folder, so basically I cant have sab in /mnt/cache/appdata/sabnzbd if I change config to /mnt/cache/downloads, changing /downloads to /mnt/cache/downloads is not possible as I am stuck in /config which is mapped to /mnt/cache/appdata/sabnzbd
  23. hmmmm...see I never changed it prior to using radarr, sab Docker was /mnt/user as op suggested. It worked fine with sab and cp..think this is where all the confusion started when I started using radarr
  24. right...so I can change it from config ??
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