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Posts posted by Arbadacarba

  1. Did you get this figured out, It looks like you pinned ALL your cores to the VM... But haven't isolated any of them... My understanding is that you should have assigned SOME of your cores to the VM and then isolated the same ones so that the other tools can't use them.


    Sorry I can't offer help, but I am interested in this as well.


    My understanding is that you can't do this at all, but I hope I'm mistaken... I would love to do this as well... my 4080 sits unused for weeks at a time, but I don't want to have to reconfigure my server when I do find a little bit of time to play a game.

  3. I'm wondering if anyone knows if it's possible to add an item to the left click menu that you get when you click on a VM in the VMS tab?




    I've (With MUCH Help - Thanks bmartino1) customized the menu in the Docker tab, and seen amazing things done by scolcipitato with the FolderView Plugin.


    My prurpose is to add a GUI link for my servers whose hole purpose is to run a web page (Home Assistant, PFSense) but it would also be great to be able to launch an alternate remote desktop App like Windows Remote Desktop on my Gaming rig that uses a Dedicated GPU and doesn't have a Virtual Video interface.


    Thanks for any ideas



  4. You mention changes that needed to be made to the env and compose files... But I don't see them. Did you just mean the ones pasted in to previous messages?


    Thanks so much for your work here.


  5. #echo Recreate the empty folder paths nedded for latter(issue in past with docker not making folder needed):

    cd data

    mkdir csv

    mkdir pdf

    mkdir plugins

    mkdir png


    Where am I starting here? I think I am already in the data folder


  6. Data location: mnt/systems/system/appdata

    That's where all my dockers are, its a separate pool on an SSD Array


    in step 2 after:

    #step 2 prepare for better docker Data path to keep between docker updates. #First Grafana: cd ./config/grafana #echo make save location to keep grafana data mkdir data cd data #echo copy the dashboard to correct spot -- missing data that we chagned in compsoe: cp ./config/grafana/dashboards ./config/grafana/data/


    i get:

    cp: cannot stat './config/grafana/dashboards': No such file or directory


  7. I don't know why but I havenet been getting alerts that you have been working in here... This is excellent, I'm in the process of working through what you have done here and installing it.

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  8. OK, so I gave it a try... Deleted ALL my dockers that use SQL... Deleted MariaDB... Cleared the old folders and templates.


    Installed Postgres15


    Installed PGadmin


    in PG admin created a new Database for FreshRSS


    Installed FreshRSS and gave it access to the Postgres Database




    Created a Database for Nextcloud


    Installed Nextcloud and gave it access to the Postgres Database...


    OK, this was not as difficult as I had expected...


    Now on to Immich... Wish me luck

  9. Has anyone tried setting a WebUI link for VMs? I have a couple, HASSOS being one of them, that the console is almost useless, and I spend most time in the WebUI. I would love to have a WebUI link in the context manu.


    I've seen some interesting things done with Docker context menus but haven't found any way to customize the VM ones.

  10. OK, so running two instances of PostgreSQL is better than runing one PostgreSQL and one MariaDB


    But there is no advantage to running just one instance of PestgreSQL instead of two...


    I don't know if it's even possible to set up two data bases in one PostgreSQL docker.

  11. Has anyone tried or is there any benefit too:

    Runing a single SQL instance (PostgreSQL) for multiple dockers?


    I'm running NextCloud with MariaDB and want to play with Immich, but imagine I'm being a little redundant and wasteful with running two separate SQL engines.



  12. Living in a rural area I have been struggling with internet connections for years, and now that I have Fiber being installed (in a year maybe?) I have found the tool I always wished I had:




    Sadly there is no listing in Community Applications... I managed to install it from the Git repository (https://github.com/plaintextpackets/netprobe_lite) using Compose.Manager and make it work, but boy does it make a mess of my Docker Tab.


    I'm just posting ot see if there is enough interest, someone might decide to make a more functional Docker out of it.


    Further, am I wrong in thinging it would be better to have one install of Grafana rather than multiple? Same with MariaDB?






  13. I have an internal slim blue ray drive plugged into a USB3 header on my mainboard... Along with the Unraid Boot Disk drive.


    The system has booted successfully for years and continues to do so.


    However, I have had a terrible time getting the optical drive to be recognized by Unraid... Doesn't show up in /Dev/ at all...


    Today I was making some other changes, and having needed and not been able to use the optical drive the other day, I thought I would investigate a little... I pulled it and its adapter out of the server and plugged them into my laptop... The worked fine. I then plugged it back into my server in a different port and found it showing up in System devices and the /Dev/ folder.


    Plugged it into the header it was always plugged into and it continued to work.


    Rebooted the server and:




    Unplugged it and plugged it back in and it came back...


    Any Ideas?


    Is there a command to reset the USB header after the system has booted so I don't have to open the case up and hot plug it if I have to reboot?


    The attached diagnostic should show it booting up and then coming online when I replug it



  14. I ran the Diagnostics Download again and the list of files was much smaller... And did not include the files I had manually moved. Now I noticed they were restricted to the most recent added files.


    So I guess the question is why do those lines come by on screen during the process?

  15. I'm not surprised they are not there (though I see how that line could read like that)... The scroll on the screen during the diagnostics collection is complaining about it with the referenced line... It seems that unraid is confused that they are not there:


    sed -i 's/\/mnt\/systems\/Files\/FOLDER NAME REDACTED\/11972.jpg/\/\/..g\/.../g' '/jupiter-diagnostics-20231209-0925/logs/syslog.1.txt' 2>/dev/null


    I'm getting Tens of Thousands of these scrolling by during Diagnostics collection. The referenced files are the files that I moved to the share in the array...


    These were torrented files that I sorted into the correct Share... For some reason they seemed to stay in a share folder in the "Systems" pool rather then moving over to the spinning array.


    The "Systems" Pool is used for AppData, VM's and as a Download destination so that the Spinning drives don't spin so often. But it was getting pretty full so I moved the backlog off to the spinning main array.

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