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Everything posted by tkohhh

  1. Perfect, thank you! I generally try to use the official repository unless there's a compelling reason not to. What you've described seems pretty compelling, and you've been super helpful so far. I'm going to give it a shot and see what I come up with!
  2. @Mex I made an icon for the Cooler Master N400... any chance it could get added to the official GUI? CoolerMasterN400_icon_white.svg
  3. Thanks so much for the explanation! Can you tell me what's different about your container compared to the official (splunk/splunk) repository on Dockerhub?
  4. I've come across Splunk when looking at the limitations of long-term logging on pfsense. Any chance you can explain exactly what Splunk is? Is it a database to store logs? Presumably I can have logs from many different services all stored (and searchable/reportable) in Splunk? Also, is it just this one Docker container that's needed? Or are there other containers needed to make this work?
  5. By the way, is there a way to use the SVG on a custom image to take advantage of the automatic color changing with the theme?
  6. If anyone is interested, I made a PNG for the Cooler Master N400 case to be used as a case model in Unraid. You can find the PNG here: (http://www.tomk.xyz/media/CoolerMasterN400_icon_white.png) Hope somebody else finds this useful!
  7. Well, I just figured out something that I think will satisfy me for now. I had noticed that the DHCP for the Docker subnet was assigning IPs alphabetically. Bitwarden was getting, Duplicati, Grafana, etc. I also noticed that you can drag Docker containers around on the Docker tab in Unraid. So, I dragged my Letsencrypt container to the top of the list, and then disabled and reenabled Docker in the Unraid settings. Sure enough, my Letsencrypt container now has Since I can control the sort order of the containers, I can effectively control the IP assignment. I'll put the dockers that need a static IP at the top of the list, and I'll ensure that any new containers I add go to the end of the list.
  8. I'm reading through the thread now. Kudos to you for all of your efforts on this issue... you clearly put a lot of work into it. Ultimately I just really wish that whatever service that is assigning IP addresses for the Docker subnet would allow for reservations. While dynamic is fine for most dockers, there are a few that definitely benefit from static IPs.
  9. I see... currently my second NIC is bonded in an active_backup configuration. So I would get rid of the bond, and then assign a new IP on my LAN subnet to the second NIC. Then, I could use that interface to assign a static IP to the docker. I will read up on the macvlan trace issue and see if I can make use of that simpler solution. Thanks again for your help!
  10. Thanks for taking the time to respond! I don't want to do something that will only work for a while before locking up my server, so I don't think I can just change to a custom network and assign an IP. I'd rather not go through the effort of creating a VLAN if there's another option. So, I guess that leaves me with "assign static IP address on br1". Can you explain more about what that means and how I would set it up?
  11. How would I go about giving my LetsEncrypt docker a static IP address? It's currently configured in bridge mode, and is assigned a 172.17.0 address automatically. Of course this address can change as I add more dockers in bridge mode. However, I need a static address so that I can reference from other dockers. Specifically, the home assistant docker does not allow host names in configuration files, so an IP is needed. Thanks for your help!
  12. I've been using Unraid for about 4 months, and I love it! For me, the best part is the install footprint in comparison to something like Windows. I also love the Docker implementation. Congrats LimeTech! Here's to another 14 years!
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