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Everything posted by tkohhh

  1. For those of use that do not use Community Applications, would you kindly provide the link to the template?
  2. Can you clarify what's meant by this? On my SMB settings page in the GUI, there is a "SMB Extras" section, and in that section is a text box labeled "Samba extra configuration." Are you saying we should add the following text to that text block? username map = /boot/config/custom/etc/samba/usermap.txt Or are you saying we need to add a [global] section to that text block, along with the username map, like so: [global] username map = /boot/config/custom/etc/samba/usermap.txt Thanks for your help!
  3. I'm having some trouble updating. I previously was on version 17.0.2. I wanted to update to the latest version since the Windows client informed me that server version 17 is no longer supported. I updated the docker container to 21.0.2, and then intended to open the web client to perform the update. However, I got the "This version of Nextcloud is not compatible with > PHP 7.3. You are currently running 7.4.19." message. So, I opened the console for the container and tried running the CLI updater. However, when I do this it tells me it will download version 17.0.10. I went ahead and updated, thinking that I needed to be on the latest version of 17 to be presented with the next version. However, after that process, it still presents me with version 17.0.10. So, how can I go about getting the latest version? Thanks for any help you can provide!
  4. I ended up discovering that the Windows Photos app was attempting to access an old share that I had recently deleted. Unfortunately there wasn't anything that pointed me toward that conclusion, just a general sense that there was SOMETHING on my main computer that was trying to access an Unraid share that it didn't have access to. In any case, I deleted the Windows Photos app and the errors stopped. I hope this info is helpful to somebody!
  5. I'm also getting the nginx error. The client IP referenced is my main PC. Seems like there is something on the PC that can't authenticate, but how would I go about finding what that is? I don't see anything relevant in the Windows Event Logs. Any ideas? Mar 29 13:45:52 Server1 nginx: 2021/03/29 13:45:52 [error] 4987#4987: *2705000 limiting requests, excess: 20.093 by zone "authlimit", client:, server: , request: "PROPFIND /login HTTP/1.1", host: "server1" Mar 29 13:45:56 Server1 nginx: 2021/03/29 13:45:56 [error] 4987#4987: *2705013 limiting requests, excess: 20.416 by zone "authlimit", client:, server: , request: "PROPFIND /login HTTP/1.1", host: "server1" Mar 29 13:45:58 Server1 nginx: 2021/03/29 13:45:58 [error] 4987#4987: *2705022 limiting requests, excess: 20.312 by zone "authlimit", client:, server: , request: "PROPFIND /login HTTP/1.1", host: "server1" Mar 29 13:46:00 Server1 nginx: 2021/03/29 13:46:00 [error] 4987#4987: *2705031 limiting requests, excess: 20.192 by zone "authlimit", client:, server: , request: "PROPFIND /login HTTP/1.1", host: "server1" Mar 29 13:46:02 Server1 nginx: 2021/03/29 13:46:02 [error] 4987#4987: *2705042 limiting requests, excess: 20.050 by zone "authlimit", client:, server: , request: "PROPFIND /login HTTP/1.1", host: "server1" Mar 29 13:46:06 Server1 nginx: 2021/03/29 13:46:06 [error] 4987#4987: *2705055 limiting requests, excess: 20.323 by zone "authlimit", client:, server: , request: "PROPFIND /login HTTP/1.1", host: "server1" Mar 29 13:46:08 Server1 nginx: 2021/03/29 13:46:08 [error] 4987#4987: *2705065 limiting requests, excess: 20.234 by zone "authlimit", client:, server: , request: "PROPFIND /login HTTP/1.1", host: "server1" Mar 29 13:46:10 Server1 nginx: 2021/03/29 13:46:10 [error] 4987#4987: *2705076 limiting requests, excess: 20.125 by zone "authlimit", client:, server: , request: "PROPFIND /login HTTP/1.1", host: "server1"
  6. I came back to it after a little bit and decided to re-enter the password in Unraid. Sure enough, my shares are working now without prompting for credentials. However, I can report the same issue that @Jakosaur mentioned above. In the Unassigned Devices settings, the email address user shows as one of the users, however when I change the access to Read/Write and hit Apply, it just reverts back to No Access. I'd prefer it if I could get that working, but it's not the end of the world.
  7. It does work when I create a separate user and enter those credentials when accessing the share from Windows.
  8. I did have one hidden share that was still Public, so I made that private as well. I went through the whole dance again of adding the user to Unraid, changing the passwd, shadow, and smbpasswd files to use my Microsoft Account email, clearing the connections in Windows, but I am still prompted for credentials. No matter what I put in the credentials, I cannot access the shares. What could I be missing?
  9. Have there been any updates to Unraid pertaining to this issue? I'm trying to make my shares Private/Secure, but I cannot for the life of me get Windows to allow me in. I'm using a Microsoft account on my windows machine, and I followed the instructions posted by geekazoid to change the user name to the email address of my Microsoft account. The password on the Unraid user matches the password on my Microsoft account. Still, I am always prompted for credentials and denied access. I deleted the credentials in Credential Manager per turl's suggestion, I restarted the Workstation service, but I still am not able to authenticate. Any insight is appreciated. Thank you!
  10. If that's the case it certainly makes sense. Is there a way to see what that other stuff is? How can I account for the data between what's reported in my total image size and the "Container Size" report?
  11. Seems like nobody has the appetite to dig into this one, so I'll be deleting my Docker image and then re-adding my templates. Still, I'd like it if somebody could please answer this one question: Should I expect the data reported in "Container Size" on the Docker tab to add up to the Docker utilization reported on the Unraid Dashboard?
  12. Since the image is staying stable at 78% and everything is functioning correctly, I'm willing to keep troubleshooting this for the sake of the knowledge to be gained. Since I'm not capable of doing it on my own, however, I'll defer to the community here. If there is interest in getting to the bottom of this, I'll gladly put in the effort needed on my end to help find the problem. I just need somebody to keep pointing me in the right direction. Eventually I want to take another stab at Splunk, but I want to have the image size under control before I tackle that. I'm not in a hurry though, so we've got time to work this out if the community here is willing to help me!
  13. First of all, thanks for your efforts on this. I see that you put a lot of time into helping people out on this forum, and I know that's not always easy. To answer your questions, yes, I do understand the mappings, and I do understand that Linux is case-sensitive. When not using a template, I have always used absolute paths, because I have no idea what a relative path would be relative to. And I do understand the importance of these questions and why you're asking them. It's funny that you mention the mappings on the Plex container, because I was looking at that this morning and wondering why it's done that way. As I mentioned before, the Plex container is one of the first that I ever set up about a year ago, and to be fair I knew a lot less then than I do now. I checked the first flash backup I have (from May 9, 2019), and the template was the same then. Who knows why I set it up that way. What I do know, however, is that Plex has been working well this whole time. I'm an IT professional, so I'm fairly good at troubleshooting in general. Here are the facts of my situation: -I first installed Splunk on Thursday (5/7) -Prior to installing Splunk, I had my Docker Image set to 20GB, and my reported utilization was less than 60% -After installing Splunk, I got a warning on my image size, so I increased it to 25GB -After adding a few logs to Splunk, I was getting warnings again. I increased the image size to 40GB -Saturday morning (5/9) I deleted the container after getting frustrated with time zones and also getting a warning that I was over 80% utilization. -After deleting the container, utilization reduced to 78% So, before Splunk, I was using around 12GB of my docker image, and then after deleting Splunk I'm using around 31GB of my docker image. That leads me to believe that somehow something from Splunk is sticking around. Looking at the Container Sizes confirms that my existing container sizes don't add up to anything close to 31GB. So what am I missing? Am I incorrect in assuming that my Container Sizes should be taking up the majority of my Docker Image utilization? Is there something else I should be taking into consideration? Is this just a great mystery that I can only resolve by deleting my docker image and then recreating my containers?
  14. While trurl is troubleshooting my Docker Image Size, I'm curious if anybody else can explain the discrepancy between my Docker Image Utilization and the data reported in "Container Size"? I'm sure there's something that I'm missing, but my Docker Image is 40GiB, and showing 78% Utilization, which is 31.2GiB. However, adding up the data in Container Size only equals about 4GiB. Where does that extra 27.2GiB come from?
  15. Here are the settings. I haven't touched these since I set up Plex about a year ago. And no, I don't know anything about Plex DVR.
  16. The only new container was Splunk, and I deleted that prior to this post. I've done a little bit of tweaking with Home Assistant and LetsEncrypt, but nothing I hadn't done previously without any issues. I run LetsEncrypt, Bitwarden, Duplicati, Grafana, Home Assistant, Influxdb, Nextcloud, Mariadb (for Nextcloud), Plex, and Telegraf. Still, am I missing something with the math of how the Utilization is reported? What makes up the 29.79GiB that "Docker Volume Info" reports? If the "Container Size" report only shows 4.12G, what is taking up the other 25G? Attached is my diagnostics. Thank you for your help! server1-diagnostics-20200509-1547.zip
  17. I'm having a hard time making sense of the Docker Image Utilization. Label: none uuid: 18f96c1b-7688-476d-82c1-ab447f3cecbe Total devices 1 FS bytes used 29.79GiB devid 1 size 40.00GiB used 35.07GiB path /dev/loop2 According to the "Docker volume info" on the Settings>Docker page, I'm using 29.79GiB (or maybe 35.07GiB?) out of 40.00GiB. The Docker memory display on the Dashboard shows 78%. This math doesn't work out, but my bigger concern is the "Container Size" window in the Docker tab. Name Container Writable Log --------------------------------------------------------------------- home-assistant 1.40 GB 2.65 kB 199 kB duplicati 579 MB 303 kB 47.3 kB PlexMediaServer 484 MB 337 kB 21.2 kB mariadb-nextcloud 366 MB 340 kB 95.8 kB nextcloud 332 MB 43.5 kB 141 kB letsencrypt 280 MB 13.9 MB 218 kB Influxdb 258 MB 0 B 516 kB Grafana 233 MB 10 B 0 B Bitwarden 104 MB 0 B 57.6 kB telegraf 87.6 MB 1.55 MB 115 kB When I add up the "Container" column and the "Log" column, I get 4.12GB. Obviously that's nowhere close to 29.79GiB (or 35.07GiB). The reason this came up is I recently deleted a Splunk container that seemed to be eating the image size quite quickly. Prior to installing the container my image size was set to 20GiB, and my Utilization was around 50%. I expected that deleting the container would relieve the utilization, but clearly that hasn't happened. I did make sure that all of my orphaned images are deleted, so that shouldn't be contributing to the utilization. I think I'm not understanding something completely, so I'm hoping somebody can shed some light on what's going on here. Thanks for your help!
  18. Alright, I'm still trying to get my time zone issues settled. One thing that seems to be making it difficult is that the Splunk container time zone is set to UTC. All of my other dockers are using the Pacific timezone (which is the timezone used by my Unraid server). Is that perhaps a configuration in your container somewhere?
  19. Disregard that question for now... I'm reading some stuff that might set me straight. https://answers.splunk.com/answers/320021/how-do-i-set-timezone-properly-in-propsconf.html
  20. OK, I'll look at that. But what about the instance time zone? All of my logs have timestamps in Pacific time, but Splunk thinks they are GMT. Any ideas there?
  21. So... first question in what will likely be many questions! Is there a way to set the Splunk instance timezone with your container? From what I've read, Splunk assumes that the timestamp in log files is the same timezone as the Splunk instance. I believe this is making all of my logs appear in GMT, even when I change my user account to my actual time zone. While we're talking about user account settings... my timezone is not persistent after a container restart. Any ideas about that? Thanks for your help!
  22. Absolutely. Do you mind letting me know what you'll modify? Just curious in case I end up making more of these... I'd love to be able to help fill out the official case icon repository! And yes, I did add it as a custom image on my server... I just thought others might be interested, especially since JDM_WAAAT recommended the N400 for a lot of his builds over at serverbuilds.net.
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