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Report Comments posted by SLNetworks

  1. I tried installing 6.12.0-rc2, and I get the following..

    plugin: installing: unRAIDServer.plg
    plugin: downloading: unRAIDServer-6.12.0-rc2-x86_64.zip ... done
    plugin: downloading: unRAIDServer-6.12.0-rc2-x86_64.md5 ... done
    writing flash device - please wait...
    Archive: /tmp/unRAIDServer.zip
    plugin: run failed: /bin/bash
    Executing hook script: post_plugin_checks
  2. The loaded question: How does one by-pass this "My Servers" plug-in? For those of us that don't want our data on someone else's property. Are you gonna abandon us on 6.9.*?


    Anyone is welcome to inbox me if they don't wanna discuss this publicly. We don't need another mothership for our hardware to call home to in order to make sure ET is still alive.



    So far it looks like either adding " myunraid.net" to a hosts file or blocking it at my local DNS server (with no upstream DNS), are my best solutions.

  3. On 2/3/2021 at 8:59 PM, Squid said:

    The webUI link is always going to use port 8443 because you're running it as host, that's what's defined in the template entry, and any and all port mappings are by definition ignored in host mode


    The template is designed for bridge mode.   If you've adjusted the port within the app, then you need to adjust the WEBUI link within unraid by editing the app in advanced view

    Ok, that honestly sounds like a flaw in the general assembly of a docker app. What's the point in allowing users to specify ports in host mode if the joke is on the user?


    Bridging I don't think is ideal as it seems to route straight to my gateway (wISP IP), as opposed to dead ending at my firewall. Why? Maybe I'm looking at this the wrong way.


    That said, I changed it to bridge mode, set the port in the both the basic and advanced template locations, and now I'm greeted with a simple 404. There is no place to change it in the app, Code Server,  from what I can tell so far.


    EDIT: Uninstalled, reinstalled fresh. Set to bridge mode, specified port. It stuck. *facepalm* I still think we should be able to change the default port in host mode though. *shrugs*


    Case closed?

  4. 6 hours ago, John_M said:


    From the Unraid terminal it's at /boot/config/plugins/dockerMan/templates-user


    sudo nano works too. lol .. Here's an example. The change is acknowledged in the .xml, but not in the interface of Unraid v6.9-rc2

    Screen Shot 2021-01-31 at 12.12.05 AM.png

    Screen Shot 2021-01-31 at 12.12.31 AM.png

  5. 1 hour ago, Squid said:

    Based upon your response, (and especially once you started talking about changing a port within code server, you're attempting to do it wrong.


    With port mapping (bridge networking mode), it's completely irrelevant if multiple containers all use the same internal ports (in your case 8443) or not.  All you have to do is change the host port referenced in the template.  Everything else webUI etc will follow the applicable changes...  


    You pretty much never need to change the internal container port.

    Are you saying that setting up the containers as "hosts" is the wrong way to do things? If I use "bridge" mode, my ISP's gateway IP address shows up as the pass-through IP.


    I've never yet seen a video about the differences, so my natural instinct is to set an app serve data as a host.

  6. On 12/29/2020 at 3:33 PM, Squid said:

    And specifically also include the applicable xml file from within /config/plugins/dockerMan/templates-user on the flash drive along with what you did.

    What are you using as a root starting point? Can I find this with BinHex, or is it on my thumb drive?

  7. Today I installed VS Code server. Its default port is 8443, I told Unraid to use port 1111. 8443 conflicts with Unifi management, so I stopped Unifi to launch see if there was an internal setting within VS Code server - there isn't.


    When "changing" ports, it goes through the "reinstall" process, shows the port change, but doesn't actually change the port. I'll see if I can find said file you speak of, Squid.


    I'm currently running Unraid v6.9-rc2

  8. On 12/29/2020 at 5:52 AM, itimpi said:

    I must admit I cannot work out from your description what the problem you are trying to report actually is?  I think you need to provide a series of steps that would allow other users to try and replicate you problem (and to confirm it is a genuine bug).

    I simply installed apps from CA and specified which ports at installation I wanted it to use. It didn't apply the settings to the app at that stage or afterwards when going into the app settings.

  9. I think my biggest frustration with 6.9-rc* is that Unraid still fails to recognize when I have changed ports for containers away from their defaults. Maybe this is the container devoloper's problem, but I had this issue on 6.8.3 as well. I have on both releases, removed (including removing the archived image file the container saves locally) various containers to see if that would solve my issue. It didn't. This part makes me think it's Unraid's issue.


    Is there a script I can run, followed by a reboot if necessary?


    EDIT: Yes, I have filed a bug report.

  10. 1) Is there a key one can use for running beta trials so there's no 30 day limit?

    2) How in the world do you delete network routes when the interface refuses to let you delete them?


    I set a static IP address for my test box. Is this where my issue lays? It seems to be unable to connect to the internet to check for updates, and add the CA plugin.

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