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Everything posted by Adznon

  1. Great news, I was able to use this application a long time ago but it has never worked since. It always stops at a certain point and never finished going through the film library. Got very excited when i saw a new version Let me know if you need someone to test Thanks for continuing to support this.
  2. hey @jkirkcaldy Just seen you have pushed a new dev version. I'm getting this is the logs Also still getting the flowing in plex Is there anything that i have done incorrectly ?
  3. Worked for me as well. Many thanks has been bugging me for a while now
  4. @Aerodb I'm having the same problem, did you ever get this solved ?
  5. Hello Guys, Thanks for all the time and effort that you put into these to make our lifes easier Is there any change the PHP version could be upgraded in the Apache Docker. Am using it to host multiple wordpress sites and workpress now requires php 5.6 or higher. Apt-get only upgraded it to php 5.5 Thanks
  6. Plus one for GPU support, I have a p2000 as well and would love to see this.
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