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Posts posted by iamgadgetman

  1. 13 hours ago, JorgeB said:

    I never enabled the "Enable Network Connection" option, not exactly sure what's for, but everything works for me with that option disable.

    I wish I could change it but everything in the settings tab is unclickable.  The only thing that works is the done button.  When I try reset BMC it seems to just reset all the network connections but doesn't change this screen.  It's like I'm stuck with this config.  I even tried ipmitool but I'm either too naive to use it or there are issues there too, because it kept failing to send commands.

  2. I'm having problems resetting the authentication type to none because I don't think there's a username and password option in my BIOS settings, unless I'm missing something. The username and password fields on the unRAID page aren't configurable anymore.  Removing and reinstalling just brings back the old config.  I have a SuperMicro X9DRi-LN4F+ and it says that the connection worked but I still get this notification: "Nov 13 14:02:57 unRAID ipmiseld[29964]: IPMI Event: localhost *Warning* Session Audit - Invalid Username or Password." Is it because I had localhost and the LAN IP?  I can't reset anything.


  3. On 4/7/2021 at 7:58 PM, jmztaylor said:


    I am currently working on that.  I haven't tried but for right now possibly mounting /var/www/html/img to a share and upload them there.  They aren't hard coded in there so anything in that directory should be found in there

    It seems to break when I specify that path in the Docker settings, so that I can access it on the appdata share.  When I go to the share folder, it's empty, although there's files on the server.  Is that not the right way to gain access to that folder?  Sorry, I just really want to use this because it's so simple, yet awesome!

  4. I was working on containers today when I noticed one that I didn't recognize.   A little digging revealed that someone recently created a container on my server without my knowledge and it was mining bitcoin and sending the data back to the hacker.  I have cut off the traffic on my firewall, but I'm really curious to know as to how the heck they got in.  Any ideas?  To be fair, I did have a non-standard port opened on the firewall for access to the admin page.


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