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Everything posted by CorserMoon

  1. I keep having an issue where the USB path changes. I'm using a zstick plugged into one of the USB ports on my supermicro motherboard. I run this to see where the USB is mapped to: for sysdevpath in $(find /sys/bus/usb/devices/usb*/ -name dev); do ( syspath="${sysdevpath%/dev}" devname="$(udevadm info -q name -p $syspath)" [[ "$devname" == "bus/"* ]] && continue [[ "$devname" == "input/"* ]] && continue [[ "$devname" == "video0"* ]] && continue eval "$(udevadm info -q property --export -p $syspath)" [[ -z "$ID_SERIAL" ]] && continue busnum="$(udevadm info -a -p $(udevadm info -q path -n /dev/$devname) | awk -F "==" '/busnum/ {gsub("\"","");print $2}' | head -1)" devnum="$(udevadm info -a -p $(udevadm info -q path -n /dev/$devname) | awk -F "==" '/devnum/ {gsub("\"","");print $2}' | head -1)" bus_dev=${busnum}:${devnum} lsusb="$(lsusb -s $bus_dev)" echo "$lsusb - /dev/$devname" ) done This will show something like this: So I'll enter that in the container, discover all my zwave devices, set everything up fine. And maybe several days later, maybe after a reboot, maybe after removing the zstick to go include some devices and reinserting (into the same USB slot) the path has changed. I know this becuase all of a sudden openHAB isn't seeing any of my devices or the zstick. So I run that same command above, and all of a sudden the zstick usb location is /dev/ttyACM1 instead of /dev/ttyACM0. Why is this happening? Is there a better, permanent path that I am not seeing? This is driving me nuts. EDIT: OK, just happened again. I unplugged it, included a new zwave switch, plugged back into the same USB port, and now its showing the location as /dev/ttyACM1 What is going on??
  2. Alright, given that the SMART data seems ok and I pre-cleared the device when I added it, and the drive is not that old, I am going to re-add it to the array using this method outlined in the unraid wiki article @itimpi linked to: Presumably this will take a long time since it is rebuilding the disk from parity?
  3. Thanks @itimpi. I was also reading THIS about shrinking the array (removing a disk) and maintaining data on the removed disk (via the "Remove Drives Then Rebuild Parity" method). I don't have a spare disk on hand but I do have space on the array to remove that disk. I am wondering if I should do this method, rebuild the array, then if there are problems I still have the original data disk. If everything rebuilds fine, then I can re-insert that disk, pre-clear it, and add back into the array fresh. Thoughts on the best method?
  4. Thanks @itimpi. It seems that I am able to browse the data via the web gui without issues: Regarding SATA cables, I'm running unraid on a supermicro 846 chassis with SAS backplane. I can try replacing the Mini-SAS cables if this issue persists.
  5. Thanks for helping diagnose. I only said READ because of what I saw in the notifications: I only have one unassigned device (aside from this 10TB drive that is disabled and now showing in Unassigned devices). The unassigned device is a 4TB WD Purple drive that I use only for surveillance camera footage. It's attached only to a Windows 10 VM that is running Blue Iris. Blue Iris writes to that drive. So now I have 2 questions: 1. What is the proper procedure for dealing with the 10TB with read errors? 2. How should I deal with/repair the Unassigned device with corrupt file system?
  6. Hi all. I've read several threads here on this subject but the general consensus seems to be make a thread and post diagnostics so the experts can take a look. Thanks in advance. I have a 10TB drive that is now disabled due to read errors. What exactly does "Device is disabled. Contents Emulated" mean? Am I still able to access the data that is/was on the disk? Regardless, I am assuming I will have to RMA that disk, but being relatively new to unraid, I want to make sure I do everything properly to prevent dataloss, corruption of the parity, etc. I don't know the proper procedure to go from here. I have plenty of extra space on the array so I can pull this disk and shrink the array if need be. Attached are the syslogs. executor-diagnostics-20200520-1427.zip
  7. Is there a way to get openvn working in this container or should I just use the binhex container that already has it? My experience with linuxserver containers has been much better over all...
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