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Everything posted by CorserMoon

  1. Thanks for the help. All disks green and parity check started. I think I may be ok.
  2. So I was driving home and started getting error emails that disks were disappearing. To my horror, my wife informed me that our toddler got into my office and disconnected 6 of the harddrives from my rackmount server. My wife caught him in the act and replugged them (they were not totally pulled from the enclosure so they are all in the original bays). All bays are hotswap and the drives are showing up in GUI as Unassigned Devices. 3 of the disks are part of the single parity protected array. One of these 3 is the parity disk itself. The other 3 are part of a separate cache pool of disks that is not parity protected. I'm still getting tons of continuous error emails as well. Am I totally f'ed? I can't even rebuild from parity because one of the disks is a parity disk and regardless, there are 2 other disks in the array that got pulled. Is there a way to just say "hey unraid, my bad, disks are here, they are fine, sorry"? Help
  3. I'm in a similar boat. Wireguard seems to be plug and play for some and broken for others like us.
  4. hm. I don't know what is going on the. I've tried different vpn subnets, trashing everything and restarting from scratch, and still same behavior. Anyone else here running an ATT residential fiber gateway that has wireguard working? I'm wondering if some baked in firewall rules on the router is the issue.
  5. I ran the 'wg' command in unraid to ensure i was connected and I noticed that the peer endpoint (my phone connecting from 5G using duckdns) has a random port on the end of the ip. Is this expected? The server endpoint I set up is [mydomain].duckdns.org:51820.
  6. Not sure if this is normal or not, but when looking at the Unraid network settings Routing Table, the 2 VPN IPs ( & hace "wg0" as the gateway. Is that expected?
  7. Any idea if you can set up a static route on an ATT Arris BGW210?
  8. No worries! Glad it was an easy fix!
  9. No, I mean are the windows machines that you are using wireguard on signed on to a different Wi-Fi network than where the unraid server is? You can't sign into a VPN while still on the same LAN.
  10. Are your other windows machines connecting from a different network/subnet?
  11. I've gone through the set-up and troubleshooting several times and still having issues with getting Remote Tunneled Access working correctly. Help, I'm stuck. Symptoms: Can connect to VPN but only able to access unraid ( No access to other LAN IPs. I know dockers with custom IPs wont work, but I can't even access IP cameras, other devices, router, etc. No Access to Router ( No internet when using router ip as DNS. When adding a public dns like, I can access internet, but still no access to other LAN devices. Troubleshooting Tried connecting from different wifi network that is on different subnet (192.168.68.x) Tried connecting from 5G cell network Tried on both cell phone (wifi and 5g) and laptop (wifi) Updated apps, updated vpn files/config UDP port forwarded Settings>Network Settings>Enable Bridging = Yes Settings>Docker>Host Access to Custom Networks = Yes I used to use OpenVPN and didnt have issues so I'm pretty sure my network setup isn't overly complicated. Attached images of VPN and Network settings for reference.
  12. I wish you could install from the results page like before instead of having to click on the app first and then click install.
  13. Thanks for the tip. I'll try that after memtest finishes a pass. 45% and no errors so far. Aside from the obvious, whats the difference between having docker as a folder vs img?
  14. I'm trying to get better at investigating so forgive my questions. But how do you know that the log errors like: Oct 30 00:03:11 Executor kernel: verify_parent_transid: 7967 callbacks suppressed Oct 30 00:03:11 Executor kernel: BTRFS error (device loop2): parent transid verify failed on 17584734208 wanted 1640023 found 1639989 are from docker.img? I also see that those errors started after the log space errors, so maybe the docker.log is filling first and then throwing those errors that look like docker.img corruption? In the meantime, I'll run a memtest and see if that's ok.
  15. OK, log file filled back up again over night, docker.img still at only 57% utilization. The docker.log.1 file is filled with this: Attached latest diagnostic file. I deleted and rebuilt the docker.img so that shouldn't be the issue. executor-diagnostics-20211031-1258.zip
  16. Thanks for the help. I followed the guide to delete and reinstall the containers and everything worked like a charm except for swag and a couple other containers that were using a custom docker network that wasn't preserved. I created the customer network via the terminal command docker network create swagnet Is there a better way to create a custom docker network that will remain if docker.img is deleted?
  17. How do you know the img is corrupt? I've checked the paths and they are working correctly. I increased to 50gb because I was about 80% full when using the default size. I run a lot of containers and several are ~3gb each freshly installed. I think I figured out the culprit though. I translated the container IDs in the log output to the container name. It turns out that the container(s) in question were trying to write to a secondary cache pool I created which was full. This also explains the space unavailable errors I was seeing in the syslog. I cleared some space in this cache pool and will see if that does the trick.
  18. I actually checked the docker img, it's sitting at 50% and was when the log filled. Here is a screenshot I grabbed: And in the screenshot in the previous post, you can see that docker.log.1 is 127mb. I grabbed it off the server to check and it is in fact 127mb and full almost entirely of those "...read only file system" errors .
  19. A few days ago I woke up to Plex not working and the container refusing to start. Quickly learned that the docker log was full. I rebooted the system and all was fine. I monitored the log size for the next couple days and it stayed at 1%. This morning however, back to 100%. I need help trying to figure out what is causing this issue. The docker.log is full of the errors that you see in the below screenshot. I've also attached my diagnostic zip. I've since rebooted the server to get everything working again. executor-diagnostics-20211030-0853.zip
  20. Running 6.9.1. I'm trying to create a pool of multiple drives (without parity, separate from the main parity protected array) to hold non-critical data. Here is what I've done: Stop array, create 'New Pool', set size to 3 drives. Assign the 3 drives. Start array and notice that Im only seeing partial capacity (raid 1 behavior?). Click on pool name to enter settings. Under 'Balance Status'. select 'Convert to single mode'. Now see full capacity of all 3 drives. Is this the correct method? Will I be able to add additional drives of varying sizes to this pool in the future without data loss?
  21. So this is a strange one. I upgraded my server from 6.8.3 to 6.9.1 yesterday without issue. Except since them, my NVME cache drive have been running significantly hotter than usual. I had the warning set at 45C (which is fairly low for a samsung 970) but essentially never got any temp warnings regardless. After the upgrade though, I've been getting a lot of warnings and its frequently sitting above 50C for extended periods. While this is still well within safe operating temps, I'm curious if others have seen this with 6.9.1? I even upped my fan speeds from 30% to 50% and still staying hot. Utilization is at 25%. Thoughts?
  22. I am all of a sudden having wifi issues and after checking just about everything else, I am wondering if it isn't the latest Unifi controller version. I can't seem to figure out how to find when that docker last updated. Is there an easy way to see the docker container activity?
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