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Everything posted by mxbepis

  1. Hey guys, didn't amp used to have java 18 for MC: Java editions? I am trying to run a 1.19.2 pack and its not there? Lol Is there a way to add java verisons to AMP?
  2. Why do I always try the hardiest solutions first ffs. I spent hours playing with firewall rules, switching ports, and switching between VLANS. Thank you so much. Adding the second network to LAN_NETWORK did work.
  3. Hi guys, I am looking for a bit of information about this container & could not find anything super relevant to my case. Is there something in this container blocking other subnets from accessing the webui? My desktop is on another subnet and cannot access the webui unless I am on the same subnet. My other containers webui's are all accessible. Is there a way to allow other subnets to access it? Thanks.
  4. Alright, I will try that. Thank you for trying to help. EDIT: running the server from the cache drive worked.
  5. I do, but I couldn't figure out how to access it from my pc, so I just opted into running it on my drive.
  6. When I point it towards the standard server jar that comes with the container it works fine, but when I point it to the spigot-1.15.1 jar in the exact same folder it does that.
  7. ---Something went wrong, please install Minecraft Server manually. Putting server into sleep mode--- Yes, minecraft in appdata is deleted.
  8. Nope all from WindowsPC over ethernet, I even loaded them up on the PC to make sure the jars actually work.
  9. Woops, did that after I reinstalled the docker. It still doesn't load the spigot-1.15.1 or the paper-32 jars. Log also looks the same when loading them.
  10. It wont launch vanilla there either. I reinstalled the docker image and rebooted the server. I got it to launch vanilla in '/mnt/disk1/ect' but not any of the other jar files.
  11. Hello, I am trying to use the MinecraftBasicServer, but I can't get it to execute any other jars than vanilla. I've tried paper and spigot. I changed the serverfile name in the config, but it doesn't even seem to load it. It will sit at 2-3mb ram with 0% cpu usage. I also tried just changing the spigot jar file to server.jar and try to load it that way, but that didn't even work.
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