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Report Comments posted by Elvin

  1. OK after trying everything, I refromatted the USB drive and used Unraid USB Creator to create a brand new RC4, then copied files under config to the newly created drive, excpet these two files:





    Now docker container updates actually pulled down new versions, after updating all containers and check for new version doesn't report false updates any more.


    If anyone is interested, here are the content of my 'old' docker.cfg



    For reference, the newly created docker.cfg has only one line:



    What might be interesting is this line: DOCKER_CUSTOM_NETWORKS="eth1 "

    I do have two nics but eth1 is disabled, only running eth0 now. Not sure if that's related.

  2. 1 hour ago, Squid said:

    Best I can offer up is what is on the network (your DNS server)  I'm assuming it's one of your VMs and possibly not communicating correctly with dockerHub (Possibly due to the challenges involved with your geographic location)  Nothing else stands out to me.


    That's a legitimate guess and those challenges are the PITA.


    And yes is a VM running OpnSense on another Proxmox box.


    We have some weird setup to deal with those challenges and I just double checked they are working correctly. With the same setup I can access docker hub just fine. I also tried removing a container (also remove image), and I could install it again just fine, which is safe to assume I have proper access to docker hub? Yet the newly installed container reports update available right after.


    How does Unraid know if a container has update? What happens when Check For Updates is triggered? Does it go through all containers and check with docker hub one by one? Could there be any kind of cache involved in this process?

  3. 4 minutes ago, Squid said:

    For everyone experiencing this issue, what Language is your browser in?  My testing with @Elvin showed that CA is fine with the Chrome etc in English, but when it was set to Chinese (not even automatically translating) CA would crash


    I know where its failing when in Chinese, but not quite sure why, but this issue is now at the top of my pile


    Thanks @Squid


    Yes this finding is inline with my tests, all tested Windows 11 instances happen to run browsers all in Chinese, and Windows 10 and other linux distros are in English.


    I also want to add that I just checked again with my friend, he's running in Chinese with CA 2022 03 17a but not experiencing this issue. 

  4. 9 minutes ago, Elvin said:

    Firstly appreciate for the suggestions.


    Below are the feed backs:

    #1. Tried, didn't work. I even tried a fresh install Windows 11, goes directly to the page without touching anything, and got stuck.

    #2. Just tried. Still no luck. I noticed the community.applications.cfg file didn't regenerate itself, is that normal?

    #3. That's not possible, as the browser enters a completely no response state. No response to any mouse clicks at all. Sometimes it gives a prompt "This page is not responding". 

    #4. I'm fine to setup a team viewer for you in the fresh installed VM, if that works for you?


    I know not all windows 11 has this issue, one of my friend has a nearly identical setup as mine, same Windows 11 desktop / Unraid server, same software and hardware, and he has no issue at all.


    But for me, for my particular Unraid box, it seems doesn't like to be viewed from Windows 11, at least that's my testings shows so far.

    regarding the #3 console output, below is what I got from doing this:

    Open unraid dashboard, wait for it finish loading, right click - inspect - console, then navigate to App page, wait for it, then got this screenshot.

    btw CA versions is: 2022.03.17a 


    Result checkPlugin community.applications.plg.txt

  5. 1 hour ago, Squid said:

    All of my systems are Windows 11, and zero issues with all browsers


    1st suggestion - Try with all extensions disabled in the browser

    2nd suggestion - delete /config/plugins/community.applications/coomunity.applications.cfg on the flash drive

    3rd suggestion - after its stuck right click on the window, select "Inspect"  In the panel that opens select console, and let me know what (if any) errors appear (expand sections as necessary)

    4th suggestion - I need to team viewer in to someone's system that has this issue



    Firstly appreciate for the suggestions.


    Below are the feed backs:

    #1. Tried, didn't work. I even tried a fresh install Windows 11, goes directly to the page without touching anything, and got stuck.

    #2. Just tried. Still no luck. I noticed the community.applications.cfg file didn't regenerate itself, is that normal?

    #3. That's not possible, as the browser enters a completely no response state. No response to any mouse clicks at all. Sometimes it gives a prompt "This page is not responding". 

    #4. I'm fine to setup a team viewer for you in the fresh installed VM, if that works for you?


    I know not all windows 11 has this issue, one of my friend has a nearly identical setup as mine, same Windows 11 desktop / Unraid server, same software and hardware, and he has no issue at all.


    But for me, for my particular Unraid box, it seems doesn't like to be viewed from Windows 11, at least that's my testings shows so far.

  6. OK I think I'm getting somewhere, one common thing across all the devices that I have issue with is they are all running Windows 11.


    To verify this, I installed a Win 10 VM and a Win 11 VM both on the very unraid box itself. Win 10 opens the page easliy, but the fresh installed Win 11 still got stuck.


    I also tried 3 different linux distro on my desktop(which is having issue with Win 11), all worked fine. 


    Can anyone who has the same issue help to verify this? Were it on Windows 11 too?

  7. Now this is getting interesting, I just happened to find out that it works fine on my laptop even my phone. It just freezes on my desktop! No matter what browser I'm using.


    I don't see much differences between my desktop and other devices despite those are on wifi, so I tried disable all wired nic on my desktop and switched on wifi, still wouldn't work.


    All DNS & Gateway settings are all the same.



    Tried with another laptop, which has never accessed the GUI before, and it freeze too!

  8. 16 hours ago, Ver7o said:

    Can confirm this. The page does not load on my desktop using FF. After a couple of seconds FF throws "This page is slowing down FIrefox. To speed up your browser, stop this page" and if I click stop, the apps drop in but obviously I can't interact with the tab anymore. Running FF 98.0.1..570150754_2022-03-2110_26_20-Tower_AppsMozillaFirefox.thumb.jpg.caa76a6ef75609b21abc1d8128e2cdb2.jpg


    It does however work with brave desktop and with FF mobile.


    I went from RC2 to RC4. No issues before.


    OK after removing IPMI plugin the App page works.


    Do you mind giving it a try?

  9. 58 minutes ago, bonienl said:

    RC4 was tested against latest versions of Chrome, Firefox, Edge, Safari and Brave.

    All these browsers work fine as tested. Please make sure you do not have any add-ons or other utilities installed which may interfere with the browser.


    You should also test in safe mode to exclude any plugins interfering.



    Yeah I was meant to say this is certainly not a browser compatibility issue, otherwise it wouldn't have worked with array stopped.


    Just tried setting safemode to default in Syslinux config and reboot, it caused both of my onboard i211 and pcie RTL8125 not connecting, not sure what happened. Need to try with a kb and monitor tomorrow when I can have physical access to the box.


    Meanwhile tried to remove some random plugins, no luck so far.

  10. 3 hours ago, Ver7o said:

    Can confirm this. The page does not load on my desktop using FF. After a couple of seconds FF throws "This page is slowing down FIrefox. To speed up your browser, stop this page" and if I click stop, the apps drop in but obviously I can't interact with the tab anymore. Running FF 98.0.1..570150754_2022-03-2110_26_20-Tower_AppsMozillaFirefox.thumb.jpg.caa76a6ef75609b21abc1d8128e2cdb2.jpg


    It does however work with brave desktop and with FF mobile.


    I went from RC2 to RC4. No issues before.

    Same here. RC2 was fine, this issue starts with RC3

  11. This is sad, very sad only.


    unRAID is a unique product, but it's the community what really makes it shines. As a ordinary user, what really makes me feel safe is not that i'm running a perfect piece of software(it's not, no software will ever be), but having a reliable community always have my back when I'm in trouble, and constantly making things better.


    I'm not in a place to judge, but I do see some utterly poor communications. This could have been a happy day yet we are seeing the beginning of a crack.


    Guess who gets hurt? LOYAL USERS!


    Guess who gets hurt after users are hurt?


    Please, look at the bigger picture, fix it when it's not too late. Don't bury what together you have archived just for miscommunication.


    It's not worthy.

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